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     I created another GPOVANMAN blog post on my Fallontalon blog post - I need to update my Table Of Contents....3/20/2022 

Article by @gpovanman 

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Source: WTF, it's not on here anymore.... His articles are shared on his Twitter account...I will try to find it. I posted a tweet with the link to his article. Now it's gone! 

Respect his writing, please. 

He should get awards for his articles! 


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Posted on January 25, 2022 by gpovanman

Uncomfortable Possibilities.


There are a large number of rumors flying regarding the situation in Eastern Europe at the moment, with a number of western nations pledging all kinds of aid to the government in Kiev whilst Moscow waits for Washington to answer its security demands. This article will not be looking at the details, but take an overview of certain situations that could happen if things do turn nasty in Europe.

Someone Else’s Backyard.

The first thing we have to look at is how this problem originated. The fact is that it was the US and US alone that was instrumental in the toppling of Yanukovych in 2014. The Ukraine had been suffering the ills of its political classes for decades prior to his ascent to power, yet was in no worse (or better) situation than it had been under prior administrations. The leaked phone call between Nuland and Pyatt made it quite clear that not only was Washington the only nation in charge of the matter, but by saying ‘Fuck the EU,’ it was going to ensure that things would stay that way. Eight years of detente later and again the US is leading, yet this time from behind.

Fuck the EU.

In spite of knowing exactly what the score was in Kiev, Brussels supported the White House every step of the way. Nearly a decade of threats, sanctions, military exercises and narrative have passed, yet in the full knowledge of its subordinacy, the European Union has helped DC at every opportunity to promote unrest on its own continent. And the passing years most certainly did ‘Fuck the EU’, numerous very lucrative contracts between Western European companies and Russia being lost, be it for turbines or turnips. European traders have really felt the punch, yet the very actions that have caused this have been endorsed by their overlords in Brussels.

The Cold War.

One very interesting matter is that of Nord Stream 2. Whilst the US has passed the PEESA act in the US to meddle in Europe’s energy affairs, in national politics, even the most determined of atlanticists realize that without Russian gas, the old continent will wage a Cold War upon itself. Notwithstanding, Brussels is still stalling with the approvals for the project at the same time as gas reserves are at critically low levels. Washington would love to sell to Europe, yet its shale and gas projects can barely keep the US going at current prices. Even bearing this in mind, with countries actually ordering less gas in the face of alarmingly low levels, either energy suppliers think that they’re in for a heatwave or there are other factors in play that are not yet public.

The Nuclear Option.

This has nothing to do with the atom, yet anyone with an atom between their ears knows that should Russia turn off the gas, Uncle Sam’s hostile acts will be met with an even more hostile response from the European public than from its politicians. This would cause more than raised eyebrows if energy companies were forced to impose rolling blackouts on apparently first-world countries. Western nations and especially Germany have leapt on the climate bandwagon, yet until renewable energy sources are viable, Russian gas is the only way to keep the lights on. Should those lights go out, the losses previously suffered through the implementation of sanctions will be pocket change in comparison to those felt by industry. This will lead to some very searching questions being asked, yet no answers could be offered that would prevent multiple governments from leaving office.

It’s a Dog’s Life.

The western world has had it pretty good over the last fifty years. Until very recently, everyone could have a car, house, smartphone and foreign holidays. The last decade has seen the most unfortunate starting to suffer, yet should nations in Europe continue to endorse transatlantic conflicts, a lot of that may change. The last two years have seen draconian restrictions imposed on everyone, yet in case of a conflict, the privations are likely to get a whole lot worse. We all know that we only get half a story from the media, yet if the electricity, internet services, fuel and travel are suddenly disrupted, it will cause far more social unrest than seen during the pandemic. Governments will doubtlessly use hostilities as an excuse to exercise even more control than they already do, but the backlash from the average voter will be immense. With there being no real political opposition in the West today, the collusion between the existing parties will cause the rise of new ones, these not being bound by either the establishment nor existing political protocols. People are now used to the easy life, yet should hardship come, they’ll make life even harder for the politicians that have got their countries involved in someone else’s strife.



Standing Straight.

This situation could potentially get much worse. For all the might that Washington wishes to project into Europe, it does have a reputation for turning tail if its chosen enemy digs in. There is no chance of Russia backing down if things do go hot, meaning that conscription of the masses could ensue. This would further add to the woes that European administrations were facing, yet the situation would have to be bad if measures such as these were to be implemented. Modern societies have grown used to waging their wars overseas, yet should their latest conflict impact them directly, there would be far more people protesting on the streets than queuing up to fight the Russian Bear.

Marshall Plan 2.0.

It was America pulling money out of thin air that rebuilt Europe after 1945, yet should it again suffer the ravages of conflict, there will be no multi trillion dollar payments to put everything right. If Washington did turn tail and run from the war it had caused, there may not even be a dollar. Moreover, whilst certain areas of Europe did suffer devastating damage eighty years ago, this would pale in comparison to the havoc that nuclear weapons could wreak should they be used. As things stand in a post-Covid world, many of the governments that want to fight Washington’s war have never been worse placed to do so.


We are on the brink of the greatest crisis to face Europe since 1945, yet it is to a very great degree the complicity of its governments and their subservience to Washington that has allowed America’s issues to dictate affairs far from its own shores. The consequences for both the immediate future and for Europe can today only be guessed at, yet whilst the governments of NATO states obey Washington rather than their own wellbeing, the clouds of uncertainty will remain as a threat. Eight decades of global conflict have shown NATO to be a mere instrument of American foreign policy; a war would cause unthinkable problems for domestic policies in Europe.






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A Donbass Holiday.


Terra Cotta says:

January 25, 2022 at 6:03 pm

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Excellent article! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

I hope many read it!

Thank you very much!

        Get on WordPress and Share your opinion! Read more of his articles! I am sharing what I can here. But I'm just one person....



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4/14/2022: Sorry I haven't added more yet. Make sure you subscribe to his account! 

I'll be back soon. 

To hell with Z-Zelensky, who the Elites put in place to MOCK RUSSIA! This is a great article!

   My comment:
The evil underworld in USA create false flags to STEAL MONEY they use to push their agenda. FAKE Sandy Hook Shooting, Dec 2012 - and they plot and plan civil war in Ukraine! Most likely they MURDERED beloved  Actor Robin Williams in 2014 - to obscund funds when his estate is settled! His life insurance money was probably back-doored to the criminal underworld! It's not even logical that he would hang himself when taking pills would be easier and more successful! I don't believe he was suicidal. His wife has been brainwashed. Who else died near that time? The actor known for being SUPERMAN, Christopher Reeves. .. I'm sure there's more, and what they do is "harvest money" for the criminal underworld! CIA! 

Tweet response: There have been many financially crooked things which Obama did to scoop money for the underworld, the CIA. That includes the FAKE Sandy Hook Shooting in Connecticut, And untimely deaths of celebrities. This underworld has been inciting war as much as possible! 

The Ukrainians might want the credit, yet there could be hidden depths to the fate of the Moskva.
    Two excerpts
      With its logistical importance now being appreciated by Moscow, coming days are going to see an uptick in the precision attacks that have come to typify Russia’s new shock and awe warfare. Moscow initially hoped that its aims vould be met without the destruction of critical infrastructure, but faced by Zelenskiy who wants to fight and a West which wants to fight to the last Ukrainian, Russia’s plans are now being adapted to match the circumstances. Railheads, roads, power and communications are all going to be visited in some form or another, the gradual destruction of infrastructure now becoming critically important......
          UNITED STATES are lying - surprised? #ForeignPolicySucks

Staying in the west of the country, it is no secret that there are foreign troops on the ground carrying out a range of tasks. Numbering in the hundreds, many are involved in the training of Ukrainian troops, yet others are providing communications expertise, military planning whilst others may actually be involved in combat operations. The West has at every juncture denied that any of its human assets are taking part in hostilities, but looking at both the current situation as well as history, it is blatantly obvious that at least the US, UK and possibly France as well as Germany are being hosted by Kiev. Quite what would happen if and when any of these personnel are killed or fall into Russian hands is still unknown, yet looking at events over the last week, it may already be that the West has struck the first blow....

    Destruction of MOSKOVA

(In my opinion, an International Crime caused by CIA by sleezing their way right on board through bribes, or NATO - in both circumstances, BOTH INTERNATIONAL CRIME!)

Quote from article:    Some claim an explosion in the magazine, others claim it hit one of the very many rogue mines that the Ukrainians have used in the Black Sea whilst there is also speculation regarding either a torpedo or underwater drone from a NATO base in Romania. What is certain is that this vessel was guarding the airspace from Romania to the Ukraine, its sinking making both flights and the passage of vessels between the two nations a good deal easier. Kiev of course vaunted this as its greatest military success to date, yet should it be otherwise, this scarcely-known event may trigger far more serious happenings once the Russian authorities have got to the bottom of the matter.

(We need to cut the SNAKE at the head! Intelligence can only determine this! Pray for them all!)

Posted 4/26/2022

@sundarpichai I live in New Haven AND I don't have an Android 11 - I'm all for the good operations working to #FixThisNation but I don't know what this is  #WhatsWrongWithInternet @TMobile 


Segment from article:
Now that we’ve seen how it came into being, let’s have look at what it is. With its capital Tiraspol, the country today has just over half a million people living in a long thin strip of land lying on the east bank of the Dniestr river. In total, the republic is a mere 1,600 square miles in area, yet is fiercely independent from its much larger neighbors, Moldova and the Ukraine. Not only that, but it remains the only de facto country in Europe to still live with a very Russian-Soviet mentality in its day-to-day affairs. Everything from street names to architecture, politics to the armed forces is still very similar if not identical to how it was fifty years ago. With it now being its own ruler, it has autonomy over all its domestic affairs, its own legislative apparatus, army as well as issuing its own passports and currency. It still has a large (for the size of the country) industrial sector, the steel and electricity industries being of great importance. Recognition is however a rather more difficult matter. Only South Ossetia, Artsakh and Abkhazia recognize it as a sovereign state, the UN considering it part of Moldova.

Excellent article, much information! 

Posted 4/26/2022 

Liquid Energy? Or FRAUD? 

They claim Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and all the other Technocrats are investing in this break-through technology ... AGAINST their Technocrat-brother Elon Musk.... WTF...they play roles. This must be a hoax. If it is real, Musk has invested too. Why do they need our $4 each? We could buy back Twitter -screw this. It's probably as fraudulent as COVID. 


BE PREPARED - copy, share! 



@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF 
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat! 
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours! 

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner @TDBank_US @StateFarm


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