Table of Contents for all blogposts - I try to keep this current, but miss a few: 

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
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They are like political Playdough...I figure I should create this blog post because I have a United Nations blog post - both are political weapons of USA to keep power they are far from deserving to have! How can this even be? NATO obviously blew up the Russian ship MOSKOV. Are there any laws to even hold them accountable?

Both NATO and UN should've dismantled. 

The league Of Nations was a much more fair organization - and yet the evil ones gained more power to destroy them. 

I'll be back sometime... don't know when...

A few notes maybe researchers can bite on: .... I'll be back. It's 4:30 am and I haven't slept. Time flies when you're having fun. 😒


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