August 2022

 What happened to my other August 2022?


                                         JFK Jr and his wife 

Recent notes 

These are my comments, not Juan Browne 's ...please consider my opinion: 

#PlaneCrash #JFKJr 

Review by professional - my comment: 

Where's the BLACK BOX? 

Frankly, I'm convinced that THAYER AEROSPACE, which Skull & Bonesman Mike Pompeo purchased, caused the crash! Obviously one of CIA bizz fronts! #JackThayer IV founded it.

     I made comments on my informal, ad-free podcast because Jack Thayer II and III obviously helped Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sink the Titanic! Neither died! No way in hell could Jack Thayer III survive jumping 5 floors from the deck, in freezing water - and the idiot's testimony claims he got his sketch pad out and drew the Titanic while on the Carpathia! 😳 (look for JFk Jr plane crash or similar title) 

Some claim Caroline Kennedy was transgendered
when very young - I'm not convinced and it may be told to distract the public from the truth. 

What I am convinced of is that Jackie Kennedy was a MTW transgender. John Kennedy was probably persuaded to marry Jackie to prove loyalty to Mafia; and they rigged elections to help him along. I created a blogpost about it. #DecideForYourself 

    Joe Biden is another example of rigged elections and Mafia involvement. His wife, who he was cheating on (with Jill, who was cheating on her husband)  was poisoned. That's what caused her to crash. She felt it coming on and saved her boys, telling them to unlatch seatbelts and curl up under the seat. 


#PlaneCrash #JFKJr 

Review by professional - my comment: 

Where's the BLACK BOX? 

Frankly, I'm convinced that THAYER AEROSPACE, which Skull & Bonesman Mike Pompeo purchased, caused the crash! Obviously one of CIA bizz fronts! #JackThayer IV founded it.

Posted 8/10/2022 

    These notes were already posted but 

a hacker deleted my blogpost! 

August 2022


     Tweeted that several deaths occurring in Laurel, Nebraska - people advised to stay home. 

More #DomesticTerrorism by Satanists! A laurel wreath is made of branches and leaves of the laurel, a type of evergreen shrub or small tree. In Ancient Rome, it was worn on the head as a symbol of triumph. The symbol of the laurel wreath is from Greek mythology. @ElizabethUKRPG

   Homes unexplained explosions/fires 🔥🚒 - Laurel, Nebraska 

   Can an investigation include consideration of EMP attack and/or laser weapon attack? Both seem to be the #SatanicUnderground popular #WeaponsOfChoice @Scottymechanic @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @gpovanman #DomesticTerrorism  


The answer my friend 

Seems to be in the crosswind 

            Words are altered - Just a reminder of CYBER CRIME

Is this #Geoengineering? They've doney hi it in New Haven, CT - winds have to be manufactured/synthetic #CrimeAgainstHumanity in my opinion! 

#TakeCareOfMotherEarth @PrinceCharles_A 


Sadly reports young man, 23yrs old, fell out of the plane. Nobody wants those things to happen! Apparently he wasn't taking precautions. 


       Saturday and Sunday 🤗👋🤗


Luis Salazar, 10 am EST 

  #LuisSalazar Livestream NOW 8/6/2022 

10am #WatchReplay #JoinChat We don't bite! 😆😁 #NativeMusic @wuauquikunaoff1 

Beautiful celebration of life y RAIMY SALAZAR on HIS Birthday 🎂🎉 - Happy Birthday, Raimy - we are glad YOU are here too 🧡🤗🧡🤗🧡🤗🧡🤗💯❤️ 




#MattMillsReining @Fallontaylor__

Wilson's Flying Diamond Ranch 

A Cowgirl - The Untold Story with Peter SANTENELL 

    She sure looks like Gloria Allred! 

     So many change identities rather than be held accountable! 


Nancy Grace? By any chance aka Gloria Allred, pathological liar? Lied about the judge Roy Moore about signing a highschool yearbook of a student half his age when he was in his 30's - when all along her freaking classmate did - his name was Roy Moore - and Trump instigated this to sabatoge him! WTF 😒

SCOPEx Project at Harvard! NAZI group geoengineering. Article: Petition: Support the indigenous peoples voices call on Harvard to shut down ScopEx project.... 

 @Scottymechanic says Easy as one-two-three!

 1. Nissan, has nice toes. 4x4 offload 

 2. Ford F-250 is a monster in a beauty design 😃 excellent truck! 

 3. Toyota Tundra 😄 

Karamunda by #CristoferCordova 🎵💦💙🎶🎵💦💙🎶 

        I'm Not Into Her And this Is Why 

Aubrey Plaza talks to Jimmy about her jacket on the "g-d floor" ...Man, That "Doing some stuff" would actually make her character more employable In reality!

 Being crooked is what US Companies WANT! That's been going on for decades! #EmilyTheCriminal 


Superimperialism couldn't be more active than it is today - they just have to keep covering up Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11.

Trump is a democrat in Republican clothing. Both Democrats like #AndrewYang, and Republicans are humoring themselves with a script to DECEIVE THE PUBLIC! #DontBeFooled 

Politico is owned by #TrafalgarGroup - Stand up to the DECEPTION! #TheyDontCareAboutUs #FollowTheMoney  

         Dr. John Bergman, Chiropractor 

Women shouldn't get breast implants.
This is why. #DrBergman

Posted 10August2022 

Sorry if there are some repeats....

August 2022

     Tweeted that several deaths occurring in Laurel, Nebraska - people advised to stay home.
More #DomesticTerrorism by Satanists! A laurel wreath is made of branches and leaves of the laurel, a type of evergreen shrub or small tree. In Ancient Rome, it was worn on the head as a symbol of triumph. The symbol of the laurel wreath is from Greek mythology. @ElizabethUKRPG

   Homes unexplained explosions/fires 🔥🚒 - Laurel, Nebraska
   Can an investigation include consideration of EMP attack and/or laser weapon attack? Both seem to be the #SatanicUnderground popular #WeaponsOfChoice @Scottymechanic @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @gpovanman #DomesticTerrorism 

The answer my friend
Seems to be in the crosswind
Is this #Geoengineering? They've doney hi it in New Haven, CT - winds have to be manufactured/synthetic #CrimeAgainstHumanity in my opinion!
#TakeCareOfMotherEarth @PrinceCharles_A

Sadly reports young man, 23yrs old, fell out of the plane. Nobody wants those things to happen! Apparently he wasn't taking precautions.

       Saturday and Sunday 🤗👋🤗
Luis Salazar, 10 am EST
  #LuisSalazar Livestream NOW 8/6/2022
10am #WatchReplay #JoinChat We don't bite! 😆😁 #NativeMusic @wuauquikunaoff1

Beautiful celebration of life y RAIMY SALAZAR on HIS Birthday 🎂🎉 - Happy Birthday, Raimy - we are glad YOU are here too 🧡🤗🧡🤗🧡🤗🧡🤗💯❤️

#MattMillsReining @Fallontaylor__
Wilson's Flying Diamond Ranch
A Cowgirl - The Untold Story with Peter SANTENELL

    She sure looks like Gloria Allred!
     So many change identities rather than be held accountable!
Nancy Grace? By any chance aka Gloria Allred, pathological liar? Lied about the judge Roy Moore about signing a highschool yearbook of a student half his age when he was in his 30's - when all along her freaking classmate did - his name was Roy Moore - and Trump instigated this to sabatoge him! WTF 😒

SCOPEx Project at Harvard! NAZI group geoengineering. Article: Petition: Support the indigenous peoples voices call on Harvard to shut down ScopEx project....

@Scottymechanic says Easy as one-two-three!
1. Nissan, has nice toes. 4x4 offload
2. Ford F-250 is a monster in a beauty design 😃 excellent truck!
3. Toyota Tundra 😄

Karamunda by #CristoferCordova 🎵💦💙🎶🎵💦💙🎶

        I'm Not Into Her And this Is Why
Aubrey Plaza talks to Jimmy about her jacket on the "g-d floor" ...Man, That "Doing some stuff" would actually make her character more employable In reality!

Being crooked is what US Companies WANT! That's been going on for decades!  #EmilyTheCriminal

Superimperialism couldn't be more active than it is today - they just have to keep covering up Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11.

Trump is a democrat in Republican clothing. Both Democrats like #AndrewYang, and Republicans are humoring themselves with a script to DECEIVE THE PUBLIC! #DontBeFooled

Politico is owned by #TrafalgarGroup - Stand up to the DECEPTION! #TheyDontCareAboutUs #FollowTheMoney 

#PlaneCrash #JFKJr
Review by professional - my comment:
Where's the BLACK BOX?
Frankly, I'm convinced that THAYER AEROSPACE, which Skull & Bonesman Mike Pompeo purchased, caused the crash! Obviously one of CIA bizz fronts! #JackThayer IV founded it.
     I made comments on my informal, ad-free podcast because Jack Thayer II and III obviously helped Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sink the Titanic! Neither died! No way in hell could Jack Thayer III survive jumping 5 floors from the deck, in freezing water - and the idiot's testimony claims he got his sketch pad out and drew the Titanic while on the Carpathia! 😳
#PlaneCrash #JFKJr
Review by professional - my comment:
Where's the BLACK BOX?
Frankly, I'm convinced that THAYER AEROSPACE, which Skull & Bonesman Mike Pompeo purchased, caused the crash! Obviously one of CIA bizz fronts! #JackThayer IV founded it.

10 min Q&A by @Scottymechanic 😎
Alive And Kickin'

     Let's Work The Land

#CabinOnTheHill cleans up property
And gives abandoned dogs some love
WTF - Why did they let it go to pot? DELIBERATE dilapidated Properties like that should be issued notices to owner - use it or lose it!

See my tweeted message with pictures
Note, I can't see/verify so I probably added another that is unrelated.
The photo shows my emails to Truthstream get returned by a server. FYI 🧐💛🤗💛🤗💛
@truthstreamnews may have had to move bc the TECHNOCRACY wanted to disrupt their connection with the Thousands and Thousands of us who love them so much! The Technocrats  frame themselves! I never select the Gotit BS either! My opinion, It's a trick!

Impressive ad: Pro Dentim ....this sugarless candy oxygenates your teeth through missing minerals, bacteria, and will improve your overall health.  $49/bottle if you get 6 ....I sure don't have that money to spend. Wish I did, but don't. I guess I'll keep using Oxyclean on my teeth 😁

They found a petrified dragon in late 1800's and call the Smithsonian Institute....😂😆😅🤣 my bad 😈🤡

    James Smithson - founder of Smithsonian Institute in 1846
    Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, married Emma Hale during the winter of 1827 in Afton, N.Y. - "Remember The Rock" - cuz it disappeared after he found it with writing on it and GOD told him what it said 😅😆😂
    CPT Smith - helped Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan sink the TITANIC


Lamont is probably expecting voter kudos because buses are free - they recently extended the free ride deal until DECEMBER. LOL 😆 #DoTheMath 

Posted 26Aug2022

Simply Safe 800-548-9508  - supported by Wrangler Star
    It wouldn't work where I live but consider it for yourselves.

New Workshop project by @Wranglerstar2
Nothing gets wasted!

Also #ObscundingFunds #Embezzlement - and BTW, Looks like Paedophile/rapist/molester #PhilGiordano never went to prison but got new identity with CIA help and bc CEO of CIGNA! I hope this matter is exposed if I'm right. 

#EndodontistAssociates in #MilfordCT @GroupHealthDental @harleyamerica03
This film is very interesting! About crafts that still exist and are appreciated. @wuauquikunaoff1
Has beautiful song, music and sell homemade crafts😍🌳💚🌳💚

    Are they CIA psyops? QAnon? Fumducks? 

Response tweet to @DFWStormChasers
What's so important about pointing fingers at weaponized weather, like the men did when MLK was murdered? How about plasma clouds? I don't want to give evil that attention!
Whose side are you on? Are you a CIA psyop? @truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @joeimbriano777 @gpovanman 


You people are either CIA psyops or #fumducks used by CIA as #predictedprogramming for what's going on w #WeaponizedWeather They used this position when MLK was
murdered & he lie onThe floor dying! #HeilHitler #NAZI #Zelensky #Ukraine @gpovanman @bobforgovernor @truthstreamnews

Those we're #EnemyWithin! Probably a secret code to the NAZIS the murder plan worked! How the hell would they know where the bullet came from? 

    Response to @RyanLawrence_2 

LOL, are you saying you only want to watch poor ppl - not #SmartFarming living #OffTheGrid partially at least? I like @PAllenSmith - His #MossMountainFarm is heavenly& he travels& designs &consults. @LTHomestead has a great channel! @sslfamilyfarm #SSLFamilyDad in Michigan 🙏💙 

Posted 27Aug2022 

Dan Gryder - Probable Cause ....
My comment:. Please don't take this off the table: Dave could have been suicided! They do this all the time! Clinton's Cartel was infamous for that! ie, Death of Vincent Foster. I bet actor - comedian in CA, Robin Williams,  didn't hang himself; he was strangled and set up! Getting them to write notes is a trick! Consider the content of their character. I'm just saying, don't take it off the table, please. I have very personal experiences to strongly believe a suicide is a ploy to evade justice! Criminals get away with murder😥 

        FABIAN SOCIETY - Collectivism - Socialism 
The #FabianWindow is opposite of loving, peaceful #WuaquikunaBrothers #FabianSalazar of @wuauquikunaoff1 #KnowTheEnemy explains @truthstreamnews

Posted 31August2022  

Lucrezia Borgia
        Insest - murder
My comment:
This film says Lucracia was deeply in love with Alfonso
And was deeply grieved by his death
Yet then it says Alfonso was abusive, cold - having many excursions with prostitutes.

   I'm not sharing this. I don't like to watch films that have conflicting information.

Then this film says she died at 39 at Alfonso at her bedside ...
That just makes it weirder.

      "The best liar wins"
      CEO is Derrick Campbell - probably a fake name

They have POOR BBB rating


Spyscope, they call it - supposed to magnify your cell phone lense to take closeups = bullshit, I'm sure

FREE? Costs $22.99 🧐  - ad on YouTube..... because I posted this, it changed to $9.99

Hey,#Wranglerstar - can you make longnose pliers with that? That's what I need now. #AllLongNosesMatter #MyGarbageDisposalIsPluggedAndIMightDrown 🎶🎵🎶🎵💙

@ElizabethUKRPG 🤗💛🤗💛🧡🔥🙏💙
Jay Leno transformed a pumpkin carriage
#SaveGas #LiveLoveLaugh @Scottymechanic

@ItchyBootsTrav is in Ecuador! Homeland of @wuauquikunaoff1 - their bananas are better than #MadeInUSA - I used to get them in a neighborhood I lived in. Can't find them now. They are super-delicious. #EnjoyTheRide with #ItchyBoots who is a Geologist

Posted 1Sep2022


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