
 I need to get a picture of Mary's Nest ... here's my Cult Cinema Classics chat friend, SKOGGIT 🤗... I'll get Mary on the flip side 💛🤫🤗

His videos don't do him justice...needs more lighting 💛🤗

Share this blogpost. 

                          I'll add MARY'S NEST HERE 🙏💙

Red cabbage, fermented for gut health - stomach Flora

BTW, if you want a real master of fermentation, search Sander Katz! He has a phD from Cornell University. Living Web Farms praises his expertise and relay his processes on their channel. 

     More recipes can be found in this Table of Contents
     Copy what you want. This is a hobby. 

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.  Some recent blogposts are missing. You can back-arrow on the blogposts to see what they are.

#GlenAndFriends #PieCrust mixed and pressed all in the pie plate! #recipes

Book: Dessert Can Save The World
On @FallonTonight

Three Day Pickles
   From Lenoxville, PA
   12, 4-inch pickling cucumbers
   1 1/2 c vinegar
   1 c water
   2 springs of dill
   2 cloves of garlic, minced (get the pre-minced in a jar - secret 🤫)
   1/2 doz peppercorns
   2 bay leaves
   2 whole cloves
Place cucumbers in large bowl or crockpot (I peel and cut the monster cucumbers 🥒)
Mix ingredients in order given and pour over cucumbers.
Let set for three days
Put in jars, store in refrigerator 🤗💛



Enchilada casserole 

     This is the recipe I tried and it's whoopy! 

Posted 8/19/2022 


       Recipe for Rock! Hey, I didn't say you could eat them all.....

I'll be back...

@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF 
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat! 
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt  &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours! 

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner @TDBank_US @StateFarm

Pork chop Heaven! Hickory-smoked
With Skoggit 🥳🎉😋❤️🎄

Coffee Creamer to party with! @4PatriotsLLC
If you're prepared for #SHTF
You'll be making the most of it! #HaveABlast

   Copycat hamburger helper recipe by @GlenandFriends
Great to prepare ahead, freeze. Use your hamburger that's preserved in jars for this! #BePrepared 

Sandwich 🥪 Bread #recipe
No kneading 😁

Here in CT the bread machine yeast will only rise once. I'm through with trying to figure out how much things are rigged here, but I let it rise 2d time over an hour. Maybe adding more flour would have helped. 

Oatmeal Pantry Bread #recipe
By @MarysNest

Bread without yeast

Explains Successful Dehydrating, if you don't have a freeze-dryer -- which is best, See @LTHomestead

Posted 1/23/2023



Be Prepared - Recipes 

Electrolyte powder mix 

Mary's Nest channel

Add the 1/2 tsp to smoothie recipes! 😋  


How to stock your healing pantry and create herbal cabinet 💚🌳💚🌳💚🌳

To make this falafel recipe 😋, you need a food processor:

Rosemary and olive oil crackers

Posted 2/14/2023 

Fabulous! How to cure meat.
I've received so many old time recipes from @GlenandFriends
And now this low-cost way to preserve meat for storage!  Feel free to copy, share: my ad-free unmonitored, unmonitized blogposts,

Posted 3/3/2023 

#BackyardChef is making #Scottish #Recipe

Rumbletdethumps - cabbage, onions, mashed potatoes and more



Late Night Date Cake! @FallonTonight

Milk, dates, whole wheat flour, oil (I suggest butter because it's better for you) baking powder, baking soda, nuts 😋


My sour dough bread is ready to split for 2 loaves, one more rise...

(One loaf; double if you want to make 2 loaves) 

You don't need to have discard when making sourdough starter...

And this one gives her one-min take on the sourdough/discard method

1 c filtered warm water 
1/2 c fed sourdough starter

1/4c oil (olive, vegetable, whatever you like) 
1 T Honey 
3 - 3 1/2 c flour, sifted 
   Amount varies so go with the feel...
Add 1 to 1 1/2 t salt towards end of adding flour, so it will spread evenly and be less interference with the dough rising. 

You can switch out water for milk, whey, buttermilk, left over yogurt...mix one half with hot water to make warm water...I have done it several ways. 

When you have a good firm dough ball, place it in an oiled bowl.

I use shower caps on the bread may want to spray the inside with some oil to prevent sticking ...I do sometimes. 

The dough can be flattened in an informal rectangle, then roll it and place in the pan. As you can see, my rectangle is sloppy and I really didn't worry about it... I find this method pretty forgiving. 

About flour: I use at least one c of whole wheat, and when I make the sourdough starter, or feed the starter, I only use whole wheat. 

For white flour, I use all-purpose. Get the more expensive kind of you can afford it. I was getting King Arthur flour at the local store

in this apartment bldg. Yet for the third time, my wallet was stolen! Frankly, it was rigged, so the upper management obviously did it. They removed all flour except for two loaves, placing them on the bottom shelf in the back, to get me to reach for it so I wouldn't have my eye on my purse, then stole my wallet! They illegally enter my apartment all the time when I am gone, vandalizing and stealing. So this baking helps keep me calm, since they refuse to do anything about it, even though they wouldn't even change my door lock before I moved in, using the excuse, "You can trust us" in court! My response was, "You're

trying to illegally evict me and you say I can trust you?" The judge immediately defended them, saying "I'm striking that statement!" I said, "Oh great, and you illegally defend the landlord!" .....I only won the case because a hotshot called the crooked judge. He had to call a recess. That hotshot may have been Hon. Colin Powell! I met him after calling the building to attention since the soldier who was supposed to missed his arrival. I was Secretary to the Command Staff. 

For every half hour for 2 hrs, pull/fold the dough. There are other

terms this is referred to. It's a similar concept as pulling taffy. This achieves a good shape of bread by incorporating the yeast. Each time, you pull from the sides, all around, to firm up the dough. There are short TikTok and possibly YouTube videos about this. 

Stay tuned for Finished rise, then after it is baked 30min at 375° 

Dr Mandell of Motivational Doc mentioned it's healthier to freeze your bread after it's made, then eat it. He provided the scientific information to support his statement. 
Check this 1min video out: 

But note, I make sandwich bread and do the folding every half hour the first 2 hrs. 

This is another variation and he doesn't fold and claims the fermentation does the work. He also uses dairy and eggs...

I will show you how mine looks...time to split my dough and get it in pans.... Posted 6/2/2024 at 8:26am 

Not much progress now and 2 more hrs passed! This may be the best it can rise. I will give it a half hour...time now 1:19pm 


Kablammo...this is my Kablammo bread...I should have used more dough or smaller bread pans. Will make nice French toast....I hope.... @BlancolirioYT 😛😆😛😆😛😆


Next to #SunriseCT - these doughnuts by @AmericasTestKitchen are heaven! #DoNot eat too many, though. #AmericasTestKitchen


Posted 6/13/2024



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