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Twitter's name should have changed to Treeter if they wanted something different....

@Scottymechanic @GeologyNick - you don't settle any dust w more misinformation! There's no freaking way that oceans have that many tires & even if they did, the tires wouldn't break down to microscopic pieces for thousands of years - which is SAND because it's the ocean, not air

Wouldn't it be nice if there was no Cyber Crime? These invasive Gotit's are ALL MALWARE!!!

The tweet I responded to claimed the majority of the ocean's dust was auto tires! WTF 

WTF is this yellow message? More Cyber Crime? 

@sundarpichai Over the night I restored my Android tablet because it was vandalized. I am grateful that I did not lose data. Very grateful! πŸ™πŸ’™ @Scottymechanic  

For those who don't know, he does free lawn care for those who have been unable to do it for one reason or another....

The mafia murder their own people and go to the funerals and cry! 
So I don't give this much weight! 

Gotit is bull$hit! 

@sundarpichai Please, can you get Google to get this Gotit malware off?  I'm not stupid enough to tap on it and have to turn my tablet another direction since there's no option to close the damn thing!

Update: I meant to emphasize also that swiping down did nothing. Nevertheless, that pop-up crap is gone in this case only so far. I hope all Gotit crap is removed. It is MALWARE! 

 Posted 5/21/2024 

#MotivationalDoc says
Rub under knee; helps digestion, metabolism! @FallonTonight @MayaRudolph

PIT MANUEVER vs STUNT ? You decide 

Considering the fact the officer was at risk for his life, not knowing if he had a passenger or was armed, this was either fake or VERY HEROIC. YT blocks me from comments now. #CyberCrimeRules

My plastic containers melted partially when I washed them in the dishwasher. Most of the time they don't. So this time I thought making these evil apple tree containers would be fun....I will post finish projects here. 

Room for Finished Projects: 


This HAS to be a scam!

Costs of new cars are immensely high! 

The USA has had criminal Presidents - which fortunately were suppressed so things could have been worse. 

Yet Trump has spent a lifetime being a liar, cheat, and has no regard for humanity. 

Posted 5/26/2024 


It is now 2:23 am and my tablet has same charge! 

2 1/2 hrs later - they are making it DISCHARGE Even though it is plugged in charging! It has been plugged in all this time! 5:02am 

The motive to harm me is because I don't like Cyber Crime. People are often enslaving themselves and think if they're just good little boys and girls that they won't be bothered by BIG BROTHER Cyber Criminals πŸ₯΄ WTF 

    Here is an example/explanation of abuse of power. (Scotty Kilmer mentions this problem on a regular basis because autos are easier to timely break down since so much technology is integrated!)

I don't think a lot of the people answering this understand what PLANNED obsolescence is, there is nothing wrong with a company making a better device than the old one, or a product that simply dies of old age, but that's not planned, that's normal and its fine, the problem is when a company deliberately designs a product to work either less well or not at all over a certain period of time, and quite frankly its despicable, and encourages a company not to innovate, or design products that have a robust life cycle, because they can just kill it off and force you to buy a new one.

Imagine if you bought a flower pot that intentionally shattered after 2 years, you would lose your mind, and never use that company again, but that's exactly the kind of thing apple has been doing, with I devices, releasing updates onto them that make them much slower and provide no benefit or features to the end user, a lot of non tech savvy people simply think the device is getting slow in its old age and upgrade, when they didn't need any of the new features, as the old one did everything they wanted.

No one is saying that companies should make things that last forever or keep them up to date for decades, but going out of your way to make something non functional when it would have been fine, is pretty much vandalism, and no, Eula's don't make it ok, it should stop.

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    So now I am ranting about the abuse Colin Powell took, and they obviously medically murdered him! My heart goes out to his family and it is a reminder of what my father went through, only in my case my brother CONSPIRED with the paedophile priest David Bentley from Albany, NY  (Transferred to Deming, NM because the victims got together to sue the Catholic Church) who obviously poisoned my father causing him to bleed out and the priest kept him from going to the hospital! My brother and other siblings, as usual, only took the side of this evil priest, literally sabatoging me to help the damn priest! I called police and said he seemed to trying to kill him and at least the police got an ambulance for my father but they did nothing about suspecting that depraved scumbag of poisoning my father! I cried at work the next day!) 

They have criminal intent and still get off because of corrupted courts! 

These global Elites have made their CIA #OrganizedCrime minions like GERALD CELENTE and so many other scumbags rolling out plans, and expecting some to stick! September 11 is an example! On September 11, 2001, They wanted a world war to kill people off and create their NWO! Colin Powell was Secretary of State and did not go along with it EVER. So Bush slandered him, claiming lies like these:
Colin Powell pushed for Kuwait War as NSA 
     No he did not! 
     Why would Bush ask Colin Powell to be his Secretary of State if he considered Colin Powell to use "failed intelligence"? Costing extreme money and loss of lives! Bushes were always all about themselves! 

     In his book, he said Reagan pulled him out of East Germany command, and ordered him to take the civilian office of NSA! He was still a general! HE FOLLOWED ORDERS. YET HE MADE IT PUBLIC WHAT HAPPENED. His whole career, he just wanted to be part of the solutions in this country! 

    Colin Powell approached Congress about the WOMD that Saddam Hussein made (the dirty little secret was he was making them for CIA, yet that was not discussed in his argument because VP GHW Bush was CIA! Once CIA, always CIA - unless you're like Robert Snogres who refused to bomb Oklahoma City Bldg in the morning, and they specified to kill as many women and children as possible as a distraction - because they wanted to destroy all the criminal investigation records that Bill Clinton had Janet Reno transfer there, due to arrive by Currier that morning and would be in the lobby! Three of those boxes weren't destroyed - the bombing failed - and an executive took them, made copies for two other executives and took a plane to possibly Jackson Hole, WY or elsewhere to secretly discuss them. THE PLANE WAS CRASHED! Most likely by Mike Pompeo, who bought Thayer Aerospace from Jack B Thayer IV. Jack B Thayer III and III were on the Titanic and obviously helped Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan hijack the economy, mass murder many people - especially the richest in the world - and steal all financials and jewelry in safes and rooms. Back then the wealthy had one accountant. Target those accountants - and there is another syphoning of money - I searched as best as I could and realized some of their accountants were murdered or had other suspicious deaths! ....This indeed is a tangled web! They have been practicing to deceive since Day One of the derelicts settling in this country, destroying The Natives who were here, including the 10 Tribes of Israel. Which seemed to give them power to steal their thunder...this practice has been a virus which broke up many families because siblings had the propensity to go where the wealth was, rather than seeking first a righteous and rewarding lifestyle....
    Also, Colin Powell's son Michael almost died in a jeep "accident" as an army captain in East Germany. His driver lost control of the jeep as they were traveling on a MOUNTAIN. I told Colin Powell they were probably trying to murder him, as I spoke to him at the 10th MOUNTAIN Division Artillery HQ as Secretary of the Command Staff getting paid shit and no benefits because the CIA gripped them and by then I realized my uncle was a CIA operative....he stole my SSN to use for a purchase of a Mercedes Benz even though he had a new Rolls Royce! I stayed there to get employment and live in that area - due to the corruption where I lived with siblings that catered to it! My uncle had no intention of even allowing me to get a job there! I was really stuck! Overwhelmed and wondering why he told me not to get a job anywhere, that my application was in Washington DC and good enough. His NIECE (I was his brother's daughter) Cindy was part of their criminal operations! I shared more in my blog posts. My millionaire uncle used my SSN to evade paying taxes and tariffs for the Germany -made luxury vehicle! Maybe also to allude a better deal should be made because I was listed as owner! I applied for a furniture loan, with excellent credit and was turned down because they said I owed a Mercedes Benz! I began working for the Div Artillery then. A run-down building, no lunchroom, only 1/2 hr to eat at my desk and be interrupted often - I never complained because I wanted to have good standing and get advancement or get transferred.  Neither happened despite my many accomplishments. 
  Colin Powell wanted to talk to me further after talking to the Colonel. Either the major, obviously tied to CIA, or the Colonel, who may have not wanted me to mingle with hotshots that influence his career - called the White House to order Colin Powell not to talk to me) He walked out with an obvious disappointment. I smiled and stood attention and saluted. 
   And yes, I had a breaking point after two years and said I was tired of being taken advantage of, bursting out crying, and to them, I was making a scene and they considered on firing me. In a society where I was sabotaged by relatives who only fed the corruption, I was up against a wall. Nevertheless I submitted my resignation the next year, still working in a dilapidated building, and they were probably glad I left because BUSH then got them a new building! The highest casualty rate from one incident during the KUWAIT WAR (which both General Powell and General Schwarzkopf were against) was FRIENDLY FIRE ilon the barracks of soldiers who were diligently following orders but against invasion of Kuwait, aka Persian Gulf! A bomb was "accidentally" dropped in them, rigged by the TECH who programmed the computer in his plane! 
    Media lied about Colin Powell pushing for war! That was when GW Bush was President and as an underhanded 'revenge' since Colin Powell discovered that the attack Bush made while he was in Peru was NOT the Middle East, and the walls were closing in since he served the President. He submitted his resignation and Bush asked him to stay past the election so he could get a second term! Bush was well-known for murdering people at the drop of a hat, using CIA. So Colin Powell stayed yet reported why he stayed, that Bush requested him to. 
   He is not a GW Bush because Bill Clinton was his first son, born a month before Bush, by a different mother. 
  The depravity in this country runs deep! 

Though I stopped working at that office before the Kuwait INVASION - I was greatly upset when my friend Lori called me just sobbing - possibly I stopped at their home. She told me what happened. 

I was working for a US Customs Broker. I suppose my CIA-uncle Figured I would then keep my mouth shut about his fraud, since he probably evaded paying tariffs for the Germany car. I was extremely fast and accurate putting in the data, told I was doing an excellent job, yet the rug was pulled out shortly after my telling the former Vietnam Vets in the warehouse next door that our office just lost its largest customer, GM, because they were not declaring country of origin info on their parts honestly, and about the KUWAIT friendly fire incident. I was a "leak" apparently! I was then told my data, which was altered by the main office near Ogdensburg, NY - was reflecting poor performance. I was fired and told to leave immediately. The manager then reported I quit my Job. Stupid me asked my sister if she could vouch my credibility at a Dept of Labor Hearing and she refused, saying, "I wasn't there" I felt like saying, "You weren't there when Christ was crucified either but you believe that more than me!" She criticized me for both doing the godly thing and forgive the sander truck/plough driver who tried to murder me, putting me in a coma 2 1/2 weeks, causing me numerous injuries - after I told a sex trafficker in that town to leave me alone, he was a pig! My father stuck up for me yet didn't put two and two together about that circumstance and crooked attorney got my mother to file a lawsuit when my father wasn't around, expecting me to die and voila, jackpot πŸ’΅πŸ’²πŸ’Έ My father said it was not a good thing, the attorney was crooked, tied to organized crime. 

I better stop now. It is 3:37am. I hope you realize just how deep the corruption is in this country, which is not free. It is NAZI socialism that runs it. 

To Dear Hon. Khomeini - supreme leader of IranπŸ’šπŸ™πŸ’š, may justice prevail against those who CRIMINALLY INTENDED to murder Ebrahim Raisi and his 7 administrators! Most likely including Blinken, who used his guitar playing as a distraction for visiting Zelenski ON GOVERNMENT TIME AND MONEY! 
Three reasons why the NAZI organized crime murder: 1. Someone is no longer useful to them, 2 They know more than they should, and 3. They want to incite war! 

They must be caught and taken down! "Cut the snake at the head"! 

COVID-19, which was Wuhan Virus, which was Corona virus.

Was fraud! Intelligence intercepted Bill Gates' boughtt and paid for mass murder bioweapon, that was secretly transported to China and placed in the lab in Wuhan! 
As a peaceful means to diffuse the situation, they replaced it with the common flu, like taking the bullet out of a gun and putting in a blank. 

FRAUD and orders to medically kill patients was pursued thereafter. Trump was all part of it and he wanted Dr Faucci to lead his COVID task force to keep up the lies - here Trump had mass murdered at Paradise, CA  - purchasing tons of laser weapons without James Mattis' approval 5 months before that! Jake Morphonios of Blackstone Intelligence had one show about it because a paying subscriber gave him purchasing and receiving documents....yet 5 months later he claimed up and just said like an idiot that Paradise had a campfire! He refused to acknowledge my question about the laser weapons Trump got 5 months before that, so I stopped  following him! He is a Mormon and Mitt Romney as well as their Mormon President told him to keep quiet.A slave to liars who support polygamy and child trafficking because it's big money! Those kids they claim were murdered in Israel are either fake or #MadeByUSA  #CIA 


macrotrends.net  - proved the death rates were always lower than birth rates and there wasn't even a crisis, let alone pandemic! @samvaknin pointed that out early on after they claimed there was a pandemic.  I printed that info several times, shared it with people. AND my Dell computer was destroyed by Cyber crime and after that The laptop I got 6 months later was and is constantly compromised by MICROSOFT Cyber crime! Including deleting my files! I use WPS now so they did updates targeting me only, to make all my saved files still have Microsoft extensions! 

Good night. It is 4am. 

@mercoglianos - considering the fact that I can't even comment on this video short, I doubt this is what is really going on. The only thing we can be sure of with Washington DC is wasting money. @KremlinRussia_E @khamenei_ir @XiJimping @PMOIndia @JPN_PMO @kingcharlesiiib 
The link is missing - thanks, Cyber Criminals 😞 

I don't have time to access share/link - they are blocking me...

STAYIN ALIVE 😎 with @Gardiner_Bros

#LostInCA 🀣

@theroots This is no conn; it's the Khans - their roots are the 10 Tribes Of Israel says @Kurimeo_Ahau

Posted 5/29/2024 

In case anyone wants to catch latest updates on the πŸŒ‹ volcano eruption in Iceland, Dutchsinse wil be livestreaming shortly. https://www.youtube.com/live/nSHv5DVUhrA?si=mVHuuqE1qTy9vL-G 

      Yet I do not agree with the promotion of selling marijuana - he has done it and Kurimeo has done it. Marijuana is a psychotrope that gets you high, then changes your moods, creates bipolarism, etc. Decide for yourself. I have witnessed both of them at times have fits on their videos, fully knowing that was out of character and hoping they stop using pot. Opnheimer Ranch Project is so bad, so convoluted, I do not watch it at all. He's been in prison for a crime he admitted, yet apparently teaches paleontology - and if you know anything about the culture of paleontologists - many are satanists. Those bones take on a much deeper aura for them and frankly I lose interest. A paleontologist used to go to the Congo every summer when school was out. He advocated sexual evidence to the extreme and use of psychotropes and more. I can't think of his name...may be Sugrin...but that may be the scientist who made the date-rape drug and more for CIA ...so many criminal insiders, so little time! 

Geologist Shawn Willsey who teaches in Idaho went there in person with his wife. If you don't mind being constricted to comment, see his informative videos. I resent the Gotit crap he has on his channel, especially when I have emphasized it's nothing but MALWARE COMPROMISING OUR SAFETY AND SECURITY AND NOBODY SHOULD EVER TAP ON UT, CLISE OUT AND CLEAR THEIR BROWSER, EVEN IF IT'S A FEW TIMES - BETTER THAN COMPROMISING YOURSELVES. 



Posted 5/30/2024



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