Fallon Tonight Binge


Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want. 

I'll be back ....#UnderConstruction 

How can 4min and 30 secs be so packed full of jolly good jokes? My favorite was "My Last Name" - seems like that's why they got elected, to finish each other's sentences! @FallonTonight

#HenryLundquist is retiring from Football
Discusses his experience as
I want to be able to find an activity that gives me that same joy. 

#WhatsGoingOnWithShipping. Update, 2/26/2022: 

I blocked him because he's inciting war - obviously to feed Wall Street! CIA trained many Ukrainians as terrorists and they joined NAZIS. The NAZIS are very active in USA and Ukraine - Germany probably still has their share of problems with them - yet its Chancellor is anti-NAZI. 

What is a huge excess of containers being manufactured for,when shipping is so down that many ships have empty containers? Sal Mercogliano is switching up his story - now alluding that shipping has gone up because ports are backed up. Ports are NOT unloading, that's why! Shipping is down! 

     Note, this was altered. Trump called the Spy Chain as The Supply Change. Many claim he is a clone, a transhuman. He is obviously short circuiting. And so is Joe Biden. Both took the party pill, aka microchip, and have been "On Micron" ever since! 

Trump never heard of the supply change
Reminds @FallonTonight
22 min video πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜

Sir Jimmy moderates the "who knew music Q" game with his air guitar πŸ’₯

This Grandma set aside playing patty cake for "The Twerk"! On @FallonTonight #EverybodysBeautiful


Nails it on
That's My Jam but watch the other three😍
On @FallonTonight

There may be repeats ...

How can 4min and 30 secs be so packed full of jolly good jokes? My favorite was "My Last Name" - seems like that's why they got elected, to finish each other's sentences! @FallonTonight

#HenryLundquist is retiring from Football
Discusses his experience as
I want to be able to find an activity that gives me that same joy. 

Trump never heard of the supply change it
Reminds @FallonTonight
22 min video πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜

#ChildrensBook on #NYTimes #BestSellerList

#Pictionary with Eugene, Catherine, Nick, and Kevin on @FallonTonight #TryItYoullLikeIt

@JessicaWilliams talks about her upcoming movie with #HarrisonFord and @JasonSeagull #soexcited πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ€— on @FallonTonight

Hint: Timber! 🌳 Take the dive! 🚣
#SNL #CampW

The star has the name CODY - no wonder a winner!
Great performance 1,000 times over! Thank you, @codyjohnson! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘✋πŸ‘‹πŸ‘✋πŸ‘‹πŸ‘πŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ€—

Wheel Of Opinion
With @StephanASmith πŸ˜†
On @FallonTonight

#HeresAToast 🍸🍸
Camilla πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™
On @FallonTonight
Check out her current Diamond album!

     She performs on SNL  https://youtu.be/i7Vn78Fwrv4
     She raised money for Ukraine but not RUSSIA

    Reward USA for giving Ukraine NAZIS billions of dollars, Sabatoging Iran in the #IranDeal, all to invite war, killing people, destroying homes, then the same ones pay for the damage they caused - just like #September11 and other #FalseFlagEvents
    Pathetic! This is the blogger's opinion #DecideForYourself
       Speaking of Surprises, let's raise money for Ukraine since USGov only funds terrorist NAZIs in Ukraine &kill their own people to blame @mfa_russia @GovernmentRF
like USA did, blaming Middle East for #September11 #StopTheTerrorism #DontFeedTheBadWolf

Air guitar Game
On @FallonTonight
#GetRocked #RockOn πŸ˜†

Disco Charades
Household chores #MovinAndGoovin

@blakeshelton πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™ multiple visits on
@FallonTonight πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ€£



Great performance on @FallonTonight
Sunshine On me ⛅πŸŒžπŸŒ»πŸŒ…

Posted 14April2022

These #Hashtags are so funny! I can never think of good ones for @FallonTonight

Today is brought to by #HeavyMetal 🎡🎢🎻🎼🎸 and cheese πŸ§€ 😁 @FallonTonight

Hey, @FallonTaylor and Codey♥️ - Supermodel 🎸🎡🎢🎼 Go on, git it! Great Barrel racing music 🎡🎢 @FallonTonight

Hey @FallonTaylor3
Jimmy's got Junk in his drunk @FallonTonight

    Not done yet - just warming up! 

Any zoo can be a petting zoo if you have bad breath....@FallonTonight

Sadie Sink is in her elemento! MUCHAS GRACIAS ❤️ πŸ’―πŸŒΉ♥️πŸ’šπŸ’™ #SlamDunk @wuauquikunaoff1

One more squeeze.  

This is so corny 🌽 I deserve a Foody award
Becomes transformed to his character 17 years ago, ObiOneKanobi - and slowly but surely he blooms where he's planted. 🌺 🌹 🌺

So much for Warming up... I'm tired 😴 ....But I'll eat my Wheaties and binge like crazy next time. 😁 

These #Hashtags are so funny! I can never think of good ones for @FallonTonight

Today is brought to by #HeavyMetal 🎡🎢🎻🎼🎸 and cheese πŸ§€ 😁 @FallonTonight

Hey, @FallonTaylor and Codey♥️ - Supermodel 🎸🎡🎢🎼 Go on, git it! Great Barrel racing music 🎡🎢 @FallonTonight

Hey @FallonTaylor3
Jimmy's got Junk in his drunk @FallonTonight

Check out Rachel Dratch playing in the Schubert Theater - She's nominated for a TONY! @FallonTonight

Any zoo can be a petting zoo if you have bad breath....@FallonTonight

Sadie Sink is in her elemento! MUCHAS GRACIAS ❤️ πŸ’―πŸŒΉ♥️πŸ’šπŸ’™ #SlamDunk @wuauquikunaoff1

This is so corny 🌽 I deserve a Foody award
Becomes transformed to his character 17 years ago, ObiOneKanobi - and slowly but surely he blooms where he's planted. 🌺 🌹 🌺

I binged more than this, honest. But I'm crocheting a heart pillow that may need life support before I'm done. ❤️😳

Guess Who's Hustling For Dinner? @AdamSandler
Adam Sandler and Andy Sandler are so funny and Clever!

Jimmy and @JeffGoldblumbot
Jam a little on the piano 🎡🎢🎡🎢 and talk about episodes on @FallonTonight - everyone got free tickets to see special filming from #JurasicPark

Tonight is brought to you by some companies that have unique talents that STARTS NOW on @FallonTonight

Shhhh! 🀫
@Tina Heather Cantrell
And the US Gov is promoting senior citizens to work! Someone blow a megahorn on that line!  888-570-5970 - and Social Security is sponsoring it! BTW, the CEO of CIGNA, who makes $19M a year and is worth $133 million - WTF - is probably The former mayor of Waterbury Connecticut - paedophile who was sentenced to life in prison. Judge from Bridgeport did roleplay to fool the public - which happens all the time! To fool the public he said he thought  the court shouldn't have reduced his sentence from life imprisonment to 37 years on Giordano. Right after that Giordano gets his eyes fixed, and a little chin and nose tuck - SAME EARS - and that alone can identify him ...Let's hope they all get taken down! These law enforcement are not law enforcement, though a few good men exist, especially FBI. Homeland Security was created to make a police state! Bush was directly involved with mass murdering thousands of Americans, destroying billions - probably trillions in property - ALL OF THE BUSH DYNASTY WEALTH SHOULD BE SEIZED. 125 conspirators directly planned September 11! Yet the co-conspirators number in the thousands!

That's why our economy is so $hitty: #Superimperialism - look up Pepe Escobar and Michael Hudson - both global economists with phD's.

And Chris Pratt, From Jurassic Park - visits Jimmy Kimmel
https://youtu.be/msnM7YyzyW8 .


Pulled a Spit-split on Jimmy
On @FallonTonight
S uper
P eeking
I n
T weeking

Does over 200 impressions! I wonder if he or Jimmy could do Scotty Kilmer @Scottymechanic or Nick Zetner @GeologyNick

Posted 6/9/2022

@FallonTonight guests are @coldplay
And the loveley @weirdos
Where's Steve Higgins? He missed his opportunity to do his thing! πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

Thank you notes πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™ with Steve Higgins as peanut galleryπŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜„πŸ˜❤️πŸ§‘πŸ€£πŸ’―

12min musical collection of The Best Impressions

Magician #DanWhite on @FallonTonight
Jimmy doesn't put up a fight πŸ˜†

My favorite: I went on a diet for a month and lost 30 days πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£

3min video by @classics_cinema
Does anyone else buy #Robinhood flour? 😲
Notice how FAKE wood is more popular than Sure wood? 🧐 #ThinkingTree by @jimmyfallon

No. Ten πŸ˜‚Funny meter ....
#TrueConfessions on @FallonTonight

       Gobstomping Dance - meetRiverDance!
Who didn't love #MichaelFlatley #RiverDance #EwsNotFlatEwsIsFluffy @jimmyfallon

Recipe To win Password:
Have @MarthaStewart on your team 😁
#EatMyWords 😘

Dog Hero says "The cougar did it" 
He ate the sheep! 
His name is Herbert! 
The Pet Mountain Lion! 

Abandoned cougars and now loves bangled tigers πŸ… on @FallonTonight

She #TriedButCouldntDoIt bc #MarthasInTheHouse #PasswordGuru #EatMyWords πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‹ @FallonTonight

Air Guitar/That's My Jam on @FallonTonight

Posted 11/18/2022 

                        A L E R T  - please, if you can give this attention...

11/27/2022. Please, if you can, share my following blogpost with those who are talented and wise with aeronautical circumstances. One thing lead to another, and I kept watching videos. These are serious issues I'm sharing. I hope Juan Browne and his affiliates may take them into consideration, and not show any "I can't blame that crook" approach - which destroys the whole point. 

"I see dead people" - and I really do in my head. First because 9/11 was a rigged mass murder by Washington DC scumbag politicians - and they've been doing it on smaller scales for years! Especially using Thayer Aerospace as a CIA operative! I mentioned Thayer Aerospace in my notes on the blogpost titled BLANCOLIRIO Report. I created two or three more blogposts with BLANCOLIRIO, too. I need to get the cross-referencing up to speed on those. 


Talks about his Federation Team on The Madden Game 😁


Best Friends challenge starting with Justin Timberlake!πŸŒ³πŸ’šπŸŒ³πŸ’š ❤️πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… On @FallonTonight
22min video 
  The British Monarchy owns McDonald's Restaurants..but didn't back then. This story is quite fishy; McDonald's would not get away with hiring minors.

The big reveal...

Happy Thanksgiving and tips from @FallonTonight πŸ¦ƒ "I feel pretty, oh so pretty" 🎡🎢🎼

     I'm sure T A Y L O R Swift does too! I don't catch all the spelling changes. Darnit.

@TalorSwift loves to make things with her friends πŸ’›πŸ’™❤️♥️ on @FallonTonight

TWEETED πŸ˜πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸŒ³
The US Debt just officially poked the ceiling / more stand-up

That's My Jam; unless it doesn't thicken and in that case it's blueberry syrup. Featuring 3min with @AnaGasteyer πŸ€—πŸ’› on @FallonTonight

Posted 1/19/2023 

How can 4min and 30 secs be so packed full of jolly good jokes? My favorite was "My Last Name" - seems like that's why they got elected, to finish each other's sentences! @FallonTonight

#HenryLundquist is retiring from Football
Discusses his experience as
I want to be able to find an activity that gives me that same joy. 

Trump never heard of the supply change
Reminds @FallonTonight
22 min video πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜

#ChildrensBook on #NYTimes #BestSellerList

#Pictionary with Eugene, Catherine, Nick, and Kevin on @FallonTonight #TryItYoullLikeIt

@JessicaWilliams talks about her upcoming movie with #HarrisonFord and @JasonSeagull #soexcited πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ€— on @FallonTonight

Hint: Timber! 🌳 Take the dive! 🚣
#SNL #CampW

The star has the name CODY - no wonder a winner!
Great performance 1,000 times over! Thank you, @codyjohnson! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘✋πŸ‘‹πŸ‘✋πŸ‘‹πŸ‘πŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ€—

Wheel Of Opinion
With @StephanASmith πŸ˜†
On @FallonTonight

#HeresAToast 🍸🍸
Camilla πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™
On @FallonTonight
Check out her current Diamond album!

     She performs on SNL  https://youtu.be/i7Vn78Fwrv4
     She raised money for Ukraine but not RUSSIA

    Reward USA for giving Ukraine NAZIS billions of dollars, Sabatoging Iran in the #IranDeal, all to you invite war, killing people, destroying homes, then the same ones pay for the damage they caused - just like #September11 and other #FalseFlagEvents
    Pathetic! This is the blogger's opinion #DecideForYourself
       Speaking of Surprises, let's raise money for Ukraine since USGov only funds terrorist NAZIs in Ukraine &kill their own people to blame @mfa_russia @GovernmentRF
like USA did, blaming Middle East for #September11 #StopTheTerrorism #DontFeedTheBadWolf

Air guitar Game
On @FallonTonight
#GetRocked #RockOn πŸ˜†

Disco Charades
Household chores #MovinAndGoovin

@blakeshelton πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™ multiple visits on
@FallonTonight πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ€£


Great performance on @FallonTonight
Sunshine On me ⛅πŸŒžπŸŒ»πŸŒ…
Posted 14April2022

These #Hashtags are so funny! I can never think of good ones for @FallonTonight

Today is brought to by #HeavyMetal 🎡🎢🎻🎼🎸 and cheese πŸ§€ 😁 @FallonTonight

Hey, @FallonTaylor and Codey♥️ - Supermodel 🎸🎡🎢🎼 Go on, git it! Great Barrel racing music 🎡🎢 @FallonTonight

Hey @FallonTaylor3
Jimmy's got Junk in his drunk @FallonTonight

Check out Rachel Dratch playing in the Schubert Theater - She's nominated for a TONY! @FallonTonight

Any zoo can be a petting zoo if you have bad breath....@FallonTonight

Sadie Sink is in her elemento! MUCHAS GRACIAS ❤️ πŸ’―πŸŒΉ♥️πŸ’šπŸ’™ #SlamDunk @wuauquikunaoff1

This is so corny 🌽 I deserve a Foody award
Becomes transformed to his character 17 years ago, ObiOneKanobi - and slowly but surely he blooms where he's planted. 🌺 🌹 🌺

I binged more than this, honest. But I'm crocheting a heart pillow that may need life support before I'm done. ❤️😳

Guess Who's Hustling For Dinner? @AdamSandler
Adam Sandler and Andy Sandler are so funny and Clever!

Jimmy and @JeffGoldblumbot
Jam a little on the piano 🎡🎢🎡🎢 and talk about episodes on @FallonTonight - everyone got free tickets to see special filming from #JurasicPark

Tonight is brought to you by some companies that have unique talents that STARTS NOW on @FallonTonight

Shhhh! 🀫
@Tina Heather Cantrell
And the US Gov is promoting senior citizens to work! Someone blow a megahorn on that line!  888-570-5970 - and Social Security is sponsoring it! BTW, the CEO of CIGNA, who makes $19M a year and is worth $133 million - WTF - is probably The former mayor of Waterbury Connecticut - paedophile who was sentenced to life in prison. Judge from Bridgeport did roleplay to fool the public - which happens all the time! To fool the public he said he thought  the court shouldn't have reduced his sentence from life imprisonment to 37 years on Giordano. Right after that Giordano gets his eyes fixed, and a little chin and nose tuck - SAME EARS - and that alone can identify him ...Let's hope they all get taken down! These law enforcement are not law enforcement, though a few good men exist, especially FBI. Homeland Security was created to make a police state! Bush was directly involved with mass murdering thousands of Americans, destroying billions - probably trillions in property - ALL OF THE BUSH DYNASTY WEALTH SHOULD BE SEIZED. 125 conspirators directly planned September 11! Yet the co-conspirators number in the thousands!

That's why our economy is so $hitty: #Superimperialism - look up Pepe Escobar and Michael Hudson - both global economists with phD's.

And Chris Pratt, From Jurassic Park - visits Jimmy Kimmel
https://youtu.be/msnM7YyzyW8 .

Pulled a Spit-split on Jimmy
On @FallonTonight
S uper
P eeking
I n
T weeking

Does over 200 impressions! I wonder if he or Jimmy could do Scotty Kilmer @Scottymechanic or Nick Zetner @GeologyNick

Posted 6/9/2022

@FallonTonight guests are @coldplay
And the loveley @weirdos
Where's Steve Higgins? He missed his opportunity to do his thing! πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

Thank you notes πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™ with Steve Higgins as peanut galleryπŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜„πŸ˜❤️πŸ§‘πŸ€£πŸ’―

12min musical collection of The Best Impressions

Magician #DanWhite on @FallonTonight
Jimmy doesn't put up a fight πŸ˜†

My favorite: I went on a diet for a month and lost 30 days πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£

3min video by @classics_cinema
Does anyone else buy #Robinhood flour? 😲
Notice how FAKE wood is more popular than Sure wood? 🧐 #ThinkingTree by @jimmyfallon

No. Ten πŸ˜‚Funny meter ....
#TrueConfessions on @FallonTonight

       Gobstomping Dance - meetRiverDance!
Who didn't love #MichaelFlatley #RiverDance #EwsNotFlatEwsIsFluffy @jimmyfallon

Recipe To win Password:
Have @MarthaStewart on your team 😁
#EatMyWords 😘

Abandoned cougars and now loves bangled tigers πŸ… on @FallonTonight

She #TriedButCouldntDoIt bc #MarthasInTheHouse #PasswordGuru #EatMyWords πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‹ @FallonTonight

Air Guitar/That's My Jam on @FallonTonight

Posted 11/18/2022

Happy Thanksgiving and tips from @FallonTonight πŸ¦ƒ "I feel pretty, oh so pretty" 🎡🎢🎼

@TalorSwift loves to make things with her friends πŸ’›πŸ’™❤️♥️ on @FallonTonight

TWEETED πŸ˜πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸŒ³
The US Debt just officially poked the ceiling / more stand-up

That's My Jam; unless it doesn't thicken and in that case it's blueberry syrup. Featuring 3min with @AnaGasteyer πŸ€—πŸ’› on @FallonTonight

Posted 1/19/2023

Random Object Challenge was the Frank

What happens when you get
by an #EggSniper
On @FallonTonight

Talks to @jimmyfallon
About being @ElvisPresley
On @FallonTonight

Tells @jimmyfallon
Leaving @BuffaloBills
Was a bitter-sweet retirement
Rob was sweet; @TomBrady
Was bitter #IWantMyBabyBackRibs

January 2023 Rap by @jimmyfallon
is pretty catchy 😈 #TheDevilMadeMeDoIt
On @FallonTonight

Eagles and Chiefs offered Waterboy position to Trumpty Dumpty, to help pay legal bills. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜… @FallonTonight

Enjoys 5min stand-up by #KathyLadman

One more W belt, @RomanReingsSP
Can be #WorldWideWeb

Just baited the sleezetalkers πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

The Way We Words 🎡🎢
On @FallonTonight

How Dry I Am πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ’™
Thank you notes on @FallonTonight

Tweet 2
Love Is A Many Splintered Thing πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸ’™
Thank you notes on @FallonTonight

Posted 1/30/2023

I'd walk a miler for a Tyler! #TylerJames

Jimmy Fallon says Thank you's
Friday 2/3/2023 @FallonTonight

And @jimmyfallon
Go after 100% "That Beotch"
With @Scottymechanic
Telling them to #RevYourEngines

Sounds fabulous on @FallonTonight

I love Rosemary-infused Oliver! πŸ˜πŸ’šπŸŒ³

2-seconds to name a Valentine's Day gift πŸ’šπŸŒ³πŸ₯° #Shorts

Thank you notes 🎡🎢🎡🎢🎹
President's Day and more

Posted 2/17/2023

Twitter keeps blocking my DM's lately !

There was a message on this too. 
Layer was changed to LATER 

We're not going nuts, people.
The TECHNOCRATS do this bullshit. 

@FallonTonight Not to freaking self: The bread wouldn't have gone limpy if you used the rolling pin and rolled the dough up nice. All you had to do was roll in dough. 

Great potential πŸ€”

Youtube censored their faces! 

Wants your vote bc he's running to be jet ✈️
Seems to me that's a tall order; even a high order πŸ¦πŸ£πŸ¦… @SWFgowildlife

Don't worry, #AaronRogers - if your tryout to be a jet doesn't pan out, lower the bar and dance to be a helicopter.


Posted 3/15/2023 

I can't come to the DM's right Now, but if you leave your name and number and tell Twitter to stop bullying me, I'd be able to.

I don't have to have a freaking number, so screw them. 

Day FIVE of Perm Week

MOCKING BY SATANISTS - I hope they don't!

We Tweet - with @FallonTonight
Video:.  https://youtu.be/VbcJNYO404I
Hopefully your wetweet won't be distorted/mocked to wet weet...
What is a meaning of Weet?
awareness, knowledge knowledge;
Noun. weet f (plural weten, diminutive weetje n ) awareness, knowledge. knowledge; science. (archaic) notice; advertisement
Because the PAEDOPHILES in CT have an "educational" "Wet" program...and there are counselors who tell victims their experience matured them, like they are more mature than an older sibling..

Twitter blocked me from sending this to Jimmy Fallon, et al...
@FallonTonight Twitface doesn't like me sending you #HolySmokes Jokes that you can polish and use. This lady is teaching horse how to RiverDance https://youtube.com/shorts/6iaKPqF0Xxw?feature=share  

@FallonTonight It's a beautiful day in the Bread Neighborhood 🎡🎢🎡🎢while I take notes on the #MurdaughMurderTrial and conclude it's #OrganizedCrime - Would you be my neighbor? 🎡🎢🎡🎢


This month is brought to you by #YoureBusted
Whichever yer - your preference...but if you have a bust, you can cry discrimination... Especially if your Ze-bra is too tight, and your husband is part of the #ClintonCrimeSyndicate πŸ¦“ 
     Happy birthday to all the March Madness busted busters born in this busted month. #ImBusted 

    The DCF Director got busted several times around 2010.  She had an excuse. She was thirsty and I was illicitly evicted from my apartment because I asked police why her a$$ wasn't busted. And they had a whole lot more on me, like interfering with illegal drug operations and using a rake and 16 industrial size garbage bags, cleaning up the neighborhood all day long - I was thirsty, too. And I stayed thirsty. And jealous Fuzzy wuzzy never got busted. Must have been because he had no hair. 


                        QUAVO πŸ”₯πŸ§‘πŸ€—

Cuz jelly shakes and wiggles like jello
When you sing Hello like a mellow fellow🎡🎢 @FallonTonight

Posted 3/21/2023 

🚽🚻 Someone's in here! πŸ—£️

Posted 3/22/2023

I got kicked off because I tried to comment ON MY DEVICE 

On @FallonTonight

WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF train......πŸ˜•

The #GardinerBrothers
Made a #short
Dreams about their shorts
Played the boom 🎸
Dreaming about brooms

@MarysPlace channel suggested these.. she's right here ↪️ https://youtu.be/jd-3rjoOtmk

I want to find out how to make Love Potion No. 9 - to give me a boost in that department..btw, YT & Twit$hit is still 😀 with me. I can't comment, can't DM. #FallonTonightBinge

Chris quit! He's going into Law Enforcement. OMG, what'll I do? They still haven't turned my washing machine back on since these sociopaths remotely turned it off in January... He will make an excellent officer! 

Posted 3/27/2023

Gimme, gimme, Jimmy Jimmy! πŸ˜‹


How do you make a shore moan? Don't pier! 

Chocolate Man In A Van 

#LostInCA 🀣

Posted 5/29/2024 

"I gotta get my choppers - the dentist office is up there where the women are strong and the men are above average" 

That pole popped my teeth out! 

I think someone took a picture of the fire between their legs. 🀣

Don't tell @blancolirioYT I said that! 

Posted 5/29/2024 

This movie about Mr. Clark is a tear-jerker! For good reasons πŸ₯° The actor looks similar to @GeologyNick
in his younger days but lacks the curly hair 🌞
A movie on Nick Zentner wb really cool too!
Now, Tsssidauhn! ❤️πŸ€—πŸ’›

Posted 6/3/2024 

2:07 pm 

This is my breast reduction bread. πŸ˜›πŸ˜†πŸ˜›πŸ˜†πŸ˜›πŸ˜†πŸ₯΄

For those I don't want to invite over....🀣

Help me, I'm drowning, Martha Stewart bread ...

Posted 6/3/2024 4:14pm so much for it being forgiving.....😀


I know exactly how Shakira feels. #ComfortZone 

Posted 6/3/2024 


6/12/2024 - Fallonaste Namaste Rootsaste Higginsaste 

Gary Bromley and I had a thing goin' on 🀫

@Scottymechanic - I see your #DoNot and raise you a #Donut -

Beanie there, Trump that...OMG, what's next, Scotty? @FallonTonight

..... Today's project: I crimpt the edges and as I was painting πŸ–Œ️ it, I wondered what the heck I was thinking...looks like teeth...so I painted some leaving the teeth white...🎢🎡Every tooth is beautiful, in its own way...🎢🎡🎢🎡 But I am going to paint it all green. I used needle nose pliers to crimp the sides. That was playdough stuff...I don't have a packet handy and I need to go pull my dough, aka stretch and bend...Dough yoga....

What did one volcano πŸŒ‹ say to the other volcano πŸŒ‹?
I lava you.

Posted 6/16/2024 
I forgot to get back here and save this. . till now 6:18pm 

He forgot to put his teeth in again....

Now I hope people understand That I share this next story because it ain't right! I think he was murdered by an insider😀

They tried to murder Colin Powell 's son Michael when he was a Capt in Germany - my opinion! There's a whole lot of this going on and I'm sick of it! Officer Compare from Milford - and when I sent letters to Richard "the dick" Blumenthal and the Milford Chief of police - they sent police to try to arrest me. At that time I didn't know I didn't have to let them in my apartment. Thereafter, and there were probably 4 times, I didn't let the coppers in. I called the FBI agent I kept in touch with, leaving him a voicemail. And he obviously called to tell them they had no legal right. I can't call him anymore. They took his phone down when I told him politicians are obscunding funds by giving stares federal money to do what - they have no right to Medicare yet they are accessing records anyway and more ... I refer to the QMB program, for those who have federal poverty level income and qualify for it. It is not f*king medicaid! They have no f*king right to my medical records 😀


aka: If you don't do what they want you to do, they will extort you, threatening is a crime! This case, it is abuse of our devices through CYBER CRIMES! 

Posted 6/14/2024

19 is a common favorite number by Satanists....Also

consider Pontius Pilot from the Bible - they use wordplay to frankly sooth their conciences! Satanism is a type of psychopath! We need answers!

@mercoglianos - is an expert merchant Marine firefighter. My recent concern is he pushes mainstream media narrative, yet I plead w him to consider this, since the driver probably caused explosion.

Posted 6/26/2026

10:54pm - now it is11:19pm - now that is weird! 11 - 19?



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