Scotty Mechanic 2


               #savagescotty #scotty #shorts #scottymechanic 

Google: Ask SCOTTY 😎


This blogpost link is:

"Tis what I love that determines how I love" - lol, I made him a pillow and am putting this emoji on one side and 😎 on the other! #LifeIsFun 

Other blogposts for your taking😁

They should be here: ..... 


Follow-up: The pillow didn't look like that. I made afghan to match their door and made a yellow pillow. No lah-dee-dah sayings ....

   Picture is missing now...

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.  Some recent blogposts are missing. You can back-arrow on the blogposts, go into the blogs,  to see what they are.


Famous billionaire Carlos Scozie #MrFixit from Lebanon  #NissanScandal - Scotty tells you #WhatHappened @Scottymechanic

Last story by @Scottymechanic on this is hilarious! Elon Musk, a cat, a satellite dish, and a  car....😆😅😁

If they wiggle, tighten 'em up, says @Scottymechanic #scottyshorts

This green thing must have come from Mars, says @Scottymechanic #ScottyShorts

What's Next? Second Base? Third Base? LOL 😆
Reports These steering wheels are made to get you to feel them up, like kneading bread dough. #WhatsNext 

YouTube stopped me from watching your livestreaming show again. It's been 2 weeks they've been doing that to me. 

Once upon a time GM made compact prototypes that were more aesthetically pleasing than functional - says @Scottymechanic 

Posted 3/26/2022

@Scottymechanic says Get a #ScanTool and #CheckPrices #StockUp

@Scottymechanicshows How to change a compressor - #StartToFinish #savagescotty 11min video #Toyota #CarRepair

Shares A-B-C's preparing for cross-country road trip 😎🚗

Posted 3/31/2022 

Provides a 35min history of the #FordAuto company and how Henry Ford interacted with other businesses as well as how his son became in charge of his company.

Beauty is only steel deep 🌹😎

Get ready to check this new stone out - @Scottymechanic says gas is going to become a stone and drop 😆 while the US politicians are rocking @mfa_russia #VladimirPutin                                @gpovanman

O-key do-key says @Scottymechanic

The Ultimate Mouse Mobile #MercedesBenz #RecoveredTreasure #Convertible

Posted 4/8/2022

Emphasizes this #Honda #SUV is great "If you take care of a Honda, it will take care of you!"

Q&A by @Scottymechanic
A Good body is important!
The Japanese still going strong in the auto industry
#CouldntResist #ClickBait 😎 😘

Emphasizes this #Honda #SUV is great "If you take care of a Honda, it will take care of you!"

Provides excellent 💯 overview of the auto situation on #GlobalAutoIndustry
My opinion: how USA is screwing themselves by screwing #Russia @mfa_russia #RussiaIsJustified and backing NAZIS in Ukraine!  @RealPepeEscobar

Copy what you want, this is a hobby:
    There should be references to other blogposts, but I'm not quite up to date with that information.
Posted 4/30/2022 

These  truck transmissions are longitudinal nd great V6 engine on this great used truck says @Scottymechanic

Oldies are goodies #MonsterTrucks and more says @Scottymechanic Q&A

#scottyshorts #AutomaticTransmissions
By @Scottymechanic

Car Brands only stupid people buy -
Tesla made it on the list

          Elon Musk has a head of Microchipped Mush! He's obviously part of a beehive-they tell him what to say and that's why he stutters yet say he's autistic. 🤪 No, he's just got a problem with saying what they tell him to say - maybe it's AI telling him.. I'd love to see Scotty have a one on one conversation with him, to prove how mindless he is!  Decide for yourself. 

This desperate measure was a good move! Says @Scottymechanic

Posted 18May2022 

 @AKYukon  How did he even get to your office? Most likely you left out he was a drug user or the story is false and oftentimes doctors like to lie and they consider it ACTING as if to excuse it away. I had a doctor who was an alcoholic. He nearly killed me. A friend had a routine  bunion removed and never made it out alive. Infection developed and obviously went untreated and she was unconscious in ICU. And what about all this COVID BS? It's all fraud, people. Deaths never even dropped below births. Do the math!

These accounts are not necessarily real accounts. That's another thing. The dude who said their grandmother used WD-40 on her skin to work her joints is ALSO probably the dude who says he's a doctor and his patient came to his office on a regular appointment with his FACE-OFF.  Trolls for actors would be my guess. 

It's a funny thing about life, says @Scottymechanic
If you don't stay lubed, you rust. 🚗

@Scottymechanic - this car commercial is one that only Scotty Mechanic  😎 could love ♥️🚗 lolol 😂

Posted 5/24/2022 

Tweeted 😅🙃
The stocks are stewed
The gas station screwed
Many are chosen
But few are pewed 🦨

Another mechanic bites the dust
"I didn't see ennathing" #ToyotaSienna .

Exploding cars mean
Exploding pockets 💰For

Posted: May 30, 2022 

@TDBank_US began funding the Keystone Pipeline. Look what the USA did with that! Just like the Iran Deal! TD Bank lost a lot of money from that - and the pipeline would have been perfect for today.
Video by @Scottymechanic

The polluted #ForeignPolicy = #NoMansLand - they don't care about making money! They figure war will take care of the economy! Esp if they can kill a lot of ppl! Americans mass murdered on #September11-not Middle East! #DecideForYourself @Scottymechanic 

What's in your warrantee? Says @Scottymechanic 

Posted 6/4/2022


Says he's never been pregnant

#Ford #Suburban #BlastFromThePast 





Electric Pick-up trucks trucks 🚚 


At 9min:  @ScottyMechanic reminds viewers "buy from Amazon. You'll get your money back if you buy from them"
Just don't get a Synchrony Bank/Amazon card - GE dropped them like a hot potato-sold all 80% of their stocks on Wall Street. Ate losses!

Posted 6/9/2022

Chris Darnell, 40, died while driving a race truck dubbed the Shockwave Jet Truck during the air show, police said in an update Saturday evening. The accident is under investigation.

Dramatic video by attendees of the air show captured the truck racing two aircraft on the runway before the accident occurred. A small fire behind the truck can be seen as the vehicle slides past a large fireball and crashes.

"Oh boy, we've got an incident here with our Shockwave out here at Air Show Center," the announcer can be heard saying following the accident.

     Source: Armstrong And Getty On Demand podcast 

The victim's father, Neal Darnell, cited "a mechanical failure on the Jet Truck" as the cause of the accident leading to his son's death in a post shared on the Shockwave Jet Truck & Flash Fire Jet Trucks Facebook account.

"Regretfully Chris Darnell the driver and my youngest son passed away from his injuries at approximately 1:01 pm," Neal Darnell wrote. "No one else was involved. I will post more information as we get it. We will provide Funeral Arrangements sometime this week.

   It is a very sad time for this family 


       😒 Inside the airshow/Darnell's Chevy S-10 souped up 


       😒 11 yrs ago, 4min Andrews AFB Show  


        😒 3min 25 sec - Chris Darnell explained why he liked doing


        😒 Engine blew, rear tires defective? 4min replay and


         😒 1min 44 sec video: 

         😒 RIP Chris Darnell 4min

                   Father, husband 

         😒 4min 19 sec - was this a laser weapon attack? That's  

                   what Trump used on Paradise CA! He bought tons of

                    laser weapons through Pentagon five months before   


                    Paradise. An insider gave Jake Morphonios the actual

                     purchasing and shipping records and he reported it on

                      Blackstone Intelligence. That video was taken down

                       AFTER I asked him why nobody was trying that to this

                        mass murder/attack - like #September11! 

                        They cover it up! 


            😒 One amazing ride "Live Airshow TV" riding with Chris

                          Darnell 8 yrs ago          


            😒 5min tribute to Chris Darnell / Clear Sky Productions 



Is back in Tennessee

He talks about #NewSystems and more 

Posted 7/9/2022 

ABC's of tires
Rubber Duster, you're so fine 🎶🎵
And you're lucky that you're mine🎶🎵
Rubber Duster I'm awfully fond of you🎶🎵

Explains we're looking at $9/gallon for gas - caused by Jo-Bama to FORCE you to go electric (and then they can push buttons and kill people remotely!)

Change all four 🐕 when they go bad. From one barker to another. @Scottymechanic

Posted 7/14/2022 

Explains your air sb fresh for long drives bc recycling air makes you sleepy from carbon dioxide buildup #scottyshorts

They're having marriage counseling with @GeologyNick 😂😅🤣

One Toyota,
Two Toyota,
Tree Toyota ...

The courts are weaponized. Justice is harder to get than putting Kamala Harris through an eye of the needle 🙏 - decide for yourself.... 

5 products that make traveling easier says @Scottymechanic 

Okay, this tweet is radical
    Because they hate greenhouse gas
Then love greenhouse gas 🥴
😁 And I don't regret it
The case of
Hydrogen Fool cells  vs Methane 💩
@Scottymechanic explains #Hydroplants #CowPoop 

Posted 7/20/2022  

Biden was cheating on his wife; Jill was cheating on her husband! #MatchMadeInHell 🔥
Does Jo-Blob really care whether you live or die--he obviously murdered his wife & obviously wishes they were in an electric auto bc BOTH sons wb out of the way too #LifeInsurance #RiggedElection #Mafia #1972 @Scottymechanic

Arrest him back! An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth! 😁 @Scottymechanic

Posted 7/29/2022

Hut one, hut two, hut three! 
After that, it's all fumble. 🏈 Says @Scottymechanic

30-min class on Three ways to help your vehicle last longer😎 #AskScotty 

 @Scottymechanic says Easy as one-two-three!
 1. Nissan, has nice toes. 4x4 offload 
 2. Ford F-250 is a monster in a beauty design 😃 excellent truck! 
 3. Toyota Tundra 😄

Posted 8/8/2022

The problem is he hardly drinks! 🤣😂😅@Scottymechanic

These three additives improve the performance of your vehicle 🚑 and @Scottymechanic
Explains why 😎

For the average person, this $80 meter is #allyouneedtogetby 🎶🎵🎶🎵 Sings @Scottymechanic

Says Say "I Love You" with these three things
1. Spark plugs
2. Air paper filters and
3.Coolant 😎

Posted 8/10/2022

Reports GM is now giving out warranties with their fingers crossed behind their backs #CatchMeIfYouCan

10 min Q&A by @Scottymechanic 😎
Alive And Kickin'

Here ye, Here ye! 📰
Prices will drop like a stone
Says @Scottymechanic

Posted 12Aug2022

Smile! 😅 You're on Candid Camera!
Three tricks caught on camera says @Scottymechanic

I hope @Scottymechanic
Reports on this #AnneHeche #PlaneCrash
Another #SanticSacrifice for #Hollywood? #ElectricCar #RemoteControlled? #WeaponizedVehicles

Oh no! US @Toyota responded too little, too late; says @Scottymechanic
#DontReact - act! I love @japan RIP #ShinzoAbe #WeNeedJustice #TakeDownCIA

Posted 16Aug2022

Introducing the #Lightyear solar-powered vehicle - costs a quarter million smackers 😘😘😘😘

You can depend on @Scottymechanic to keep us up to date on #AutoIndustry #FixItYourself #YourCarMatters  #TwoTwoBillionGoodbye 🎶🎵🎶🎵  

Says Toyota's Tacomas are having Quality Control problems. All moved to Mexico. Employees are under-trained.

Posted 31 August 2022

Here's something different: 

Hey @Scottymechanic
Mummies in Tennessee? 
Freemasonry BEGAN in America? 
Please check out this film #WeNeedAnswers 

@ElizabethUKRPG 🤗💛🤗💛🧡🔥🙏💙
Jay Leno transformed a pumpkin carriage
#SaveGas #LiveLoveLaugh @Scottymechanic

How to make it 🚗🏎️last longer. 

#HandsHigh 👐 High Five ✋
Five cars you should buy 🏎️🚗

Your big investment will be like pee in the toilet, says @Scottymechanic #ElectricCars #DeadBattery #YoureToast

#TerribleNews says @ScottyMechanic
GMO, Natural Food -like they said on Carol Burnett Show, They got splinters on the windmills of their minds😆
Car Curse: Fun, Fu, Fiat #LikeAToy - NOT #Toyota

3 car brands #ForMasochysts
Says @Scottymechanic

Posted 9/7/2022

Is Ford imploding as a company? See what @Scottymechanic Says #DecideForYourself

Explains the Cyote 5-liter V8 engine beats other roadrunners by a longshot 🚗⛽🚚

Dodge's #LastOfTheMuscleCars is now in progress! Says @Scottymechanic

Has a much cuter "Brand" 🍼👶than these four that @ScottyMechanic suggests 🚗🚘🚔🚠

Posted 2Oct2022 

Is Ford imploding as a company? See what @Scottymechanic Says #DecideForYourself 

@Scottymechanic says Tesla spelled backwards is Ex-Lax 😂😆🤣 

The Tonight Show @Scottymechanic is a poet and he don't know it. John Cena flipped a truck for a quick buck. It's after the midway of tge video, I think.  


Rants about #GovernmentWaste 

Preach it, Scotty! 

#PayToPlay and has some Q&A - hey Don, Your account doesn't come up with your channel name this time; I had to key it in.  

    My comment: 

These ALLIANCES are hiding profits and keeing the tax money for themselves! What's up with that? oo, weee 🤣😂😅😆

Posted 10/17/2022 


Explains #ElectricCars were created 2 centuries ago - understand No System is perfect and here's some real problems with electric cars.

    My comment: 

These ALLIANCES are hiding profits and keeping the tax money for themselves! What's up with that? oo weee 😆😅😂🤣

    Leave it to Mr. Inconvenient Truth to think it's funny to scam the economy for billions - because Obama topped him with the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Hoax alone! Over one trillion 💰💲! #OurChoice #Superimperialism #PepeEscobar #MichaelHudson

Posted 10/20/2022 

This two year old is River Dancing!
Posted 10/26/2022 

He got a Nissan for $1! @Scottymechanic

      I'd Move To Russia If I could! I have a bone to pick with Scotty about Foreign Relations - remember USA/OCraphead  deliberately sabatoged Iran! He had no intention of following through with the Iran Deal! He wanted to INCITE WAR!
      These depraved bastards are murdering great people! Colin Powell, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, many, many officers who are respectful, honorable! The want the perverts running military! In fact, they are obviously helping the perverts get changed identities and be Fugitives From Justice! ie, Warren Jeff's of William Warren Group and Phil Giordano, Former mayor of Waterbury - obviously CEO of CIGNA!
THE USA HAS BEEN TRYING TO INCITE WAR FOR YEARS! Obama wasn't successful inciting a world war despite bombing Afghanistan so much the whole military ran out of bombs, which also fed the Military Industrial Complex! These f*kheads in government want to DECREASE POPULATION! There's no way in hell Russia will declare war. They ARE DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM THE PSYCHOPATHIC ORGANIZED CRIME THAT RUNS US GOVERNMENT!

Get Ready For The Mother Of All Recessions!

My tweet : @Scottymechanic
Says this recession will hit hard, so #BePrepared - I say it's better than war and the USA is #FacingTheirMusic of decades of corruption in Washington DC, caused by #September11 yet blaming #MiddleEast - many left USA bc of this!

Is shooting hoops 🏀 now ⛹️‍♂️

Warns about the converter burglar 👮‍♂️

Posted 11/5/2022

           Japan Cultural Expo - I wonder if Scotty and family are going...they should! 🤗💛💚🌳


Posted 11/6/2022 

Tweeted 😁
This Tesla Technology produced new axial flux cars - built first at Oxford University @KingCharlesIII_
 Explains @Scottymechanic

      Living Traditions
Speaking of killer autos, #Wranglerstar built his own logging auto🌳💚😁

Today is brought to you by 
Money-grubbing hands 
Says @Scottymechanic

Posted 11/12/2022

Three vehicles that just keep running!
Says @Scottymechanic #Nissan had some good vehicles back then! All parts #MadeInJapan

This Nissan is a good find. Here's why. BTW if you need a cleaner to get rid of a nasty smell, get Ozone, says @Scottymechanic 

"Now you know a little more about the Volkwagon with turbo engine...still goes like stink 🦨" says @Scottymechanic

16Nov2022 posted  

Floats like a butterfly 🦋 and stings like a mosquito...@Scottymechanic
Explains the electric car industry is going to pop. @ViviBubbleTeaNY @jimmyfallon

Posted 11/17/2022 

"Carvana karma - I hope it goes to zero" LOL 😆 says @Scottymechanic

President Putin said USA will implode on its own. He could give a crap about warring with USA....I was trying to copy notes incase anyone may want to get the newsletters mailed from the Russian Christian Church...And voila,I got thrown into a different freaking video 🤪
I think this is correct:

Just do if the above doesn't work.  

Speaking of #Fire #Explosions - your #ElectricCar is a #TickingTimebomb says @Scottymechanic

Posted 11/18/2022 


CIA Psyop to test who believes it? 

How the masses react? 

Waltham, MA has a lot of CIA psyops!

Test run for what?

Just saying...

Liquid Energy? 

I removed the pictures...if it holds any weight,it would be talking the town...I don't hear any talk...just sayin'....

Ad on this film: Liquid Energy ...
WTF - says Bezos, Gates, &bla bla other black sheep are competing w the Muskman.  to put Tesla out of business; just invest in their business.


Phase One of #ProjectHamilton was probably COVID!
WATCH/subscribe to Itchy Boots channel. She just went to Alaska on her bike, named Alaska. ❤️ Noraly is a Geologist.

Just after the rollout of #ProjectHamilton - Obama rolled out #SandyHookShootingHoax, taking over one trillion dollars from the #USEconomy! #NobodyDied! This USGov is run by hard core criminals! Transgendering CHILDREN to use as slaves to their wealth! 

     And Don't forget

 WEAPONIZED WEATHER Hurricane Sandy? #YouDecide  

Obama also sabatoged Iran with the Iran Deal!

Obama gave $400million in CASH to unk contact the same time a crook in Iran that crooked  American politicians groomed - was arrested and faced the death penalty! Babak Zanjani! James Kerry used his daughter as a living bio weapon by getting her daughter to marry the man's son - who they made the Iran Deal with.
    That son thereafter was further mind controlled and graduated from Harvard University, specializing in brain cancer! And what did Biden get his son (who was supposed to have died in 1972 when his wife was poisoned yet she saved her boys by getting them to curl up under the seats!) Joe Biden III (who they changed his public name to Beau since Obama was rigging so many criminal operations using the words sounding like Bowe, like Bowe Burgdahl, BOEing, and more!!! #Bowtie #BowAndArrow #BO ....

Posted 11/20/2022 

BE PREPARED - copy, share! 

@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF 
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat! 
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt  &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours!

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner  @TDBank_US @StateFarm


Watch out for used car scams - cars may have been flooded! Says @Scottymechanic 


11/27/2022. Please, if you can, share my following blogpost with those who are talented and wise with aeronautical circumstances. One thing lead to another, and I kept watching videos. These are serious issues I'm sharing. I hope Juan Browne and his affiliates may take them into consideration, and not show any "I can't blame that crook" approach - which destroys the whole point. 

"I see dead people" - and I really do in my head. First because 9/11 was a rigged mass murder by Washington DC scumbag politicians - and they've been doing it on smaller scales for years! Especially using Thayer Aerospace as a CIA operative! I mentioned Thayers in my notes on the blogpost titled BLANCOLIRIO Report. I created two or three more blogposts with BLANCOLIRIO, too. I need to get the cross-referencing up to speed on those. 

Most urgent: FBI Agent Aldenburg is FRAUDED, impersonated, and the court is rittled with corruption! I greatly worry for his safety! He saved my life in 2010! He has saved the lives of many! He's my hero! Such a good man, forthright and dedicated!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

      The best defense is a good offense 😎

Says contact the #Toyota
Dalers in @japansociety - they won't take advantage like they do in USA @JPN_PMO

EV doesn't love Mother Earth, says @Scottymechanic #Expensive #DangervToTheGrid #TooHeavy #AffectsLithiumBatteries #NotEnoughLithiumToHarvest
#CostCostCost says @Scottymechanic 

Look for these three used vehicles while the market is crashing, says @Scottymechanic

Posted 4Dec2022 

Time to have a pow-wow! 💚🌳🎄 #SmokeSignals @WuauquikunaOff1
#CristoferCordova @Kurimeo_Ahau
or smoke some roast beef! Yum😋 
I'm daydreaming about @ScottyMechanic videos ... LOL 😆 #ClassClown

Posted 12/8/2022


#HandsHigh #HighFive - @Scottymechanic

's wife's hand is caught on camera 😄 

Toyota's sleeves are being rolled up and @Scottymechanic 😎 is explaining some things kept under them to keep them at the top of the car industry business.  


An extraordinary mechanic in this #youtubeshorts 

The f*king criminal Technocrats are anxious to crash the grid! That's what would happen if gas-operated vehicles are banned! And their cars will catch on fire and/or blow up when they have accidents! 





Have you ever wanted to go #spelunking but needed a cave? Ever wanted to break out of your home-joint? Here's your answer, share with friends. 😆 LOL:

Posted 12/17/2022  

If your tac is running higher, you may need a new clutch
Says @Scottymechanic

Top dogs in the auto industry are jumping off the EV bandwagon for a while, says @Scottymechanic --- 

"We mechanics are bi-directional" says @Scottymechanic
But the door that swings both ways isn't them. #DontGetRippedOff 

Says, If you wanna figure it out yourself, it will cost you thousands in equipment 🐪 Buy a camel or get a mechanic 🏎️🚓🚔 like me. 

🎵🎶🎵People, people who hit people🎶🎵
🎵🎶When I saw your mask, now I'm a Believer 🎵🎶🎵
Sings @Scottymechanic

Posted 1/5/2023

Oooh! Sparkles! Check out this half-hour vehicle engine evaluation by an expert! 

Posted 1/14/2023 

Hear he, hear he: EV's are as dumb as we are in Washington DC 🥴 

Your scan tool will pay for itself and more, says @Scottymechanic

It's hard to see without a flashlight, though, says @Scottymechanic
- who needs a solar powered lght to hang n the hood😁

👎on this video bc:   Elon Musk exploited Tesla to get notoriety, which was obv agreed upon by the beehive Technology he's connected to! He doesn't have Asperger's! He's just listening to what they tell him to say! His nasty behavior is nothing like an Asperger's patient.

Is basically saying @Scottymechanic
Said there'd be days like this #powergrid

There's no infrastructure; the world isn't ready for EV's #ElectricVehicles

Toyota #MADEinUSA
Found one that deserves a 💯!

    SHTF - easy to be prepared for heat!
Fabulous answer to your home emergency ROOM heater off-grid! Costs pennies! 

Posted 1/20/2023 

Your scan tool will pay for itself and more, says @Scottymechanic 


It's hard to see without a flashlight, though, says @Scottymechanic

 - who needs a solar powered lght to hang n the hood😁 

👎on this video bc: Elon Musk exploited Tesla to get notoriety, which was obv agreed upon by the beehive Technology he's connected to! He doesn't have Asperger's! He's just listening to what they tell him to say! His nasty behavior is nothing like an Asperger's patient. 


Is basically saying @Scottymechanic

Said there'd be days like this #powergrid






There's no infrastructure; the world isn't ready for EV's #ElectricVehicles 

Toyota #MADEinUSA


Found one that deserves a 💯!

    SHTF - easy to be prepared for heat! 





Fabulous answer to your home emergency ROOM heater off-grid! Costs pennies! 



Hear he, hear he: EV's are as dumb as we are in Washington DC 🥴

Posted 1/20/2023

Your scan tool will pay for itself and more, says @Scottymechanic

It's hard to see without a flashlight, though, says @Scottymechanic
- who needs a solar powered lght to hang n the hood😁

👎on this video bc:   Elon Musk exploited Tesla to get notoriety, which was obv agreed upon by the beehive Technology he's connected to! He doesn't have Asperger's! He's just listening to what they tell him to say! His nasty behavior is nothing like an Asperger's patient.

Is basically saying @Scottymechanic
Said there'd be days like this #powergrid

There's no infrastructure; the world isn't ready for EV's #ElectricVehicles

Toyota #MADEinUSA
Found one that deserves a 💯!

    SHTF - easy to be prepared for heat!
Fabulous answer to your home emergency ROOM heater off-grid! Costs pennies!

Hear he, hear he: EV's are as dumb as we are in Washington DC 🥴
Posted 1/20/2023

Your scan tool will pay for itself and more, says @Scottymechanic

It's hard to see without a flashlight, though, says @Scottymechanic
- who needs a solar powered lght to hang n the hood😁

👎on this video bc:   Elon Musk exploited Tesla to get notoriety, which was obv agreed upon by the beehive Technology he's connected to! He doesn't have Asperger's! He's just listening to what they tell him to say! His nasty behavior is nothing like an Asperger's patient.

Is basically saying @Scottymechanic
Said there'd be days like this #powergrid

There's no infrastructure; the world isn't ready for EV's #ElectricVehicles

Toyota #MADEinUSA
Found one that deserves a 💯!

    SHTF - easy to be prepared for heat!
Fabulous answer to your home emergency ROOM heater off-grid! Costs pennies!

Hear he, hear he: EV's are as dumb as we are in Washington DC 🥴
Posted 1/20/2023 

10min with @Scottymechanic

Summary: The Technocrats don't know how to make money; they TAKE money. @KingCharlesIII_ 

Posted 26Jan2023 

Said, GM was the first to give a lot of data on engines, but you needed it bc they were breaking all the time 😆

Says If you buy these German made BMW's used, you're playing with dynamite 💥 

Says, sell the thing, and get a Toyota or Honda ...

    Announcement: Tesla Radical Idea: Behold, we make round steering wheels now because we just realized cars need to be able to have 360° turn capability. Wow 😳 says SCOTTY 😎🖤😎😎😎💯❤️ 




Mounds In USA. Are ancient buildings by ancient civilizations, share @Kurimeo_Ahau 

Posted 2/13/2023 


#Superimperialsm Agenda! #filfthyrich 

Are Predators w new identities AFTER sentenced to prison? #FugitivesFromJustice - CEO of CIGNA is obv #PhilGiordano - Waterbury CT mayor raped, molested kids in his office! @Scottymechanic 

Posted 2/17/2023 

Tesla is bound to belly-up unless Biden with Hidin' Obama - funnel money to Musk to waste more!

     LOL, People want to create car pantries to prepare for SHTF 😆😅😂 They won't have gas!

These old-timer Toyotas are far from ready for the junkyard! @Scottymechanic
Explains why😎

     HYBRID HORROR  No Morer if you get a Toyota ❤️
If you want to get a hybrid, get a Toyota
Says @Scottymechanic

Says, We shoulda learned from Britain -
EV's squeeze 💰
While gas is high class ⛽
Do you want a motor that goes
Or do you want a battery
That runs out when it ain't funny? 

Says this #OldieButGoodie
Is all you need 😎

Warranties are FRAUD oftentimes! #ReadBetweenTheLines 

Shame on Mazda! They're facing bankruptcy by making EV's  @JPN_PMO
Listen to @Scottymechanic

Posted 2/24/2023 

Says this is what you gotta do if your American-made car fails

Says Meet the new CEO of @ToyotaMotorCorp
And why he isn't a Toyota 🤔 

Sings 🎵🎶So I'll tell you how to get, how to get to EV Street, once we get to Wall Street🎵🎶🎵🎶

Posted 3/5/2023

No need to Dodge bullets here cuz this Dodge has got what it takes! Says @Scottymechanic  

💚🌳💚 Posted 3/14/2023 

Has a bed shaped like a car 🚗 - He and his wife go parking all night when they're in their home in the Hamptons. 😅😆😄😁 One time he said he got a ticket. 😅 

Posted 3/21/2023


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Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.  Some recent blogposts are missing. You can back-arrow on the blogposts, go into the blogs,  to see what they are.  

Twitter is blocking me from posting comments most of the time now 


Posted 3/23/2023

I bet @Scottymechanic
Has this torque wrench in his Amazon Store...#FlatTire
#ChangeWheel Don't forget: It's time to get the lug nuts! 🍩 Scotty is busy practicing for Tryouts in #BlueManGroup

I tried to add it in comments but YouTube is blocking me with their bull$hit! Boo! 

Posted 3/24/2023

It's time for your bedtime story...Once upon a time Ford's Tundra rocked...and now it rocks and rocks... 

    TOYOTA - Let's Go Places

Sings, 🎶🎵🎶🎵MAZDA, how I love ya, how I love ya, my dear old MAZDA 🎶🎵🎶🎵 @ToyotaMotorCorp
Is going to surprise us with more #MadeInJapan
Features that will produce more kick to the economy. #StayTuned 

♥️♥️♥️♥️ Here's why!

@Scottymechanic will check this out! I'd like to see the Domino effect on all the TECHNOCRATS! Send them to Gitmo! Seize their wealth! #SiliconValley #AnotherOneBitesTheDust
@joeimbriano777 @KingCharlesIII_
Made this 40-min video bc
Then again, here are the sexiest model cars and why - and if you want it all, go with the Rav4

His 10min video explains how #RegenerativeBraking
Helps top up the fuel cell - impressive invention by #Toyota

The whole setup is topsy-turvy, says @Scottymechanic
(so is the case on @JamesCAMobley7) To revoke his probation. I called Ostrowski Law Firm, that did his appeal on original charge. I tweeted, Don't give up. (YT still blocking my  comments-pause=10days!)

Announcement by @Scottymechanic
Electric cars are staying in China.
And more Q&A 🚕🚖🚗🚘🚓🚔

     Scotty update 8/17/2023. Taiwan holds the cards to EV's. USa is on a power war because they want to manipulate The Ev industry and this manipulate Taiwan. 

Great! China will be better stewards of the money - #DonateToChina for #DisasterRelief - Bypass US Nonprofits; send your money directly to the People's Republic. That's what I did. reflects what happened to China

Posted 8/17/2023 

Old McGM had a lawsuit, Elon, Elon-O....🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

     Update: MGM is plastering one of  my accounts with ads... Blah! 

Posted 5/25/2024

@Samlyonsmusic @Amtrak @MetroNorth @BlancolirioYT @mercoglianos @FallonTonight @kingcharlesiiib @PMOIndia @fr_Khamenei @mfa_russia @PMOIndia @china @XiJimping
🎶🎵It's A Beautiful Day🎵🎶🎵
💚🌳 🌳 Twitter is "FORCING me a favor"

I like to watch Itchy Boots but the Gotit crap is MALWARE, in my way, Jose! 

Posted 6/13/2024 

@Scottymechanic - I see your #DoNot and raise you a #Donut -

Beanie there, Trump that...OMG, what's next, Scotty? @FallonTonight #AmericasTestKitchen @BankofAmerica

Posted 6/13/2024

I had troubles from Cyber crime😤
T-Mobile hijacks Chrome
Takes me right out of the tab and believe you-me I say some choice words! I have Mint Mobile. T-Mobile owns it and seems to think they can screw with my account there, too - after Stopping my autopsy, refusing to process it, and then turning off my damn service, jeopardizing my own safety! 
This must humor the psychopathic people who have given me hell my whole life...the ones who are still alive

I had to close the hijacked tab and sign back in and blah blah blah again..... because it wasn't saved yet. 

I was disabling their crap but apparently since they are declared owners of Mint Mobile, they give the Tarzan yell and enjoy the swinging....most likely it's the district manager😤 here for Greater New Haven and more = half of CT ...My Moxee tablet was disrupted twice or three times. Of course, I turn it in, they steal my data yet say, Don't worry, your data is wiped off. They remotely disrupt the pin so I can't access the tablet. And one time they even messed with it because I was stupid enough not to bring it with me and left it in my apartment so they found it when they illegally intruded. They stole my SD card out. I thought, I'm not going through this shit again, so reset it to factory settings and lost some data but most of it came back when I logged in my Google account. This tablet doesn't even have a sim card in it. I took it out a long time before I became a Mint Mobile customer - October 2023 - then they poisoned my water and I got very sick for months with a virus just from sipping it. I saw a jell-like substance in the bottle. I'm sure it would have killed me if I drank more. I just sipped it, thinking, it's probably warm since ai left it out. I threw the bottle out after a few days leaving it on my counter in case good  investigators were around. I don't know anymore since that FBI agent I thought the world of had his phone taken down after I left a message about CT politicians obscunding feederal funds by assuming to be administrators of the QMB Medicare program - so they violate my privacy to medical records and do not pay anything, just take the federal money. My doctor , Dr. Kim was so good - I had to be on Cipro for two food poisoning incidents. She wasn't getting paid and I was paying the difference the The State of Connecticut stole. Now that I have NYU, I hope they sued their asses off for playing their nefarious games. I would leave this place immediately if I could. 


aka: If you don't do what they want you to do, they will extort you, threatening is a crime! This case, it is abuse of our devices through CYBER CRIMES! 

Posted 6/14/2024

19 is a common favorite number by Satanists....Also

consider Pontius Pilot from the Bible - they use wordplay to frankly sooth their conciences! Satanism is a type of psychopath! We need answers!

@mercoglianos - is an expert merchant Marine firefighter. My recent concern is he pushes mainstream media narrative, yet I plead w him to consider this, since the driver probably caused explosion.

Posted 6/26/2026



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