Fallon Taylor Tree


Gives tour of their Brand-new diesel-operated Brandwagon
It's fabulous! ❤️🌹

Part 2 of The #Brandwagon
The horses' trailer shack 🐎
Platinum trailer is for sale, folks!

This blogpost is new.... I'll fix it up later ... I added a picture anyway...I wonder if Ranch Dressing has Fall Colors, leaf patterns on some of their stuff....

My flashdrive case came up missing and I'm frantic! Meantime I have to be modest with my file-saving due to not being able to save my data on my 1Terra flashdrive. I sure hope it turns up! Several places were notified. 

Compilation of favorite videos

      Matt Mills bought a new horse in this video. My Tweet was off-center. LOL 😁

     Note, I unfollowed Diamond 4 or 5 months ago, maybe longer. He's a secret Society member and seems to be doing some shady things. I backed off. I can't afford to support shady activity. 

     So what's this about? Not me. Obviously CIA. The dentist who said his name was Dr. Barker and purposefully damaged my tooth  had stolen my tablet - Ingot it back but apparently CIA left their scent - and access it. This blogpost was created AFTER that event in February 2022. (See my blogpost, To Tell The Tooth, if you want) 5/9/2022 

@Diamondthedave lives that way - he should follow you. Congrats on the competition. 🐎 #MattMillsReining

#MattMills is all moved in, in Texas - just look at his property, so cool😁

     PS - I stopped following Ryan Hall because he's obviously son of Rand Paul and dodges answering that question once I realized he was spitting image of William Paul. Rand Paul is a CIA man.      "Ryan Hall" is obviously his CIA name.                                             CIA are TERRORISTS. #DecideForYourself #MyOpinionsAreMyOwn 

PS - Ryan Hall Y'all is a great weather channel - there's an ice storm coming. He reviews models constantly because the data is crazy anymore. My conclusion: First problem:  Our weather is being tampered with. Next problem is the Earth is making a 2° change of rotating on its axis, causing a magnetic field change. Ryan Hall is staying on top of these models.

Quick hello by #MattMillsReining from the new ranch.

Enjoy watching! Fallon just gave birth to her son πŸ€—πŸ’›  #WarmFuzzies sure beat War fuzzies #WarIsHell USA backed terrorists in Ukraine, taking billions of πŸ’° from @Iran #IranDeal to incite war, feed #WallStreet

MADE IN STUTGUARD, GERMANY - a guarantee you have a great car!
@FallonTaylor3  Hey, #FallonTaylor! This car may be just the ticket for you! @ScottyMechsnic says if you go low mileage, buy from first owner, this #Mercedes #Lotus is a blast for long trips! #SafeAndSecure #SLK300

Don't get all-wheel drive. Front-wheel drive will do the job and good on gas.  This video by Scotty Mechanic is everything from nuts to bolts, 1hr 38min - The best and worst SUV's


Wuauquikuna Brothers πŸ™πŸ’™πŸŽΆ

Horse Medicine For People - LOL
#Buckeyes are more than candy πŸ€ͺ
Thanks to Congresswoman Green!
Reporting @jimmykimmel
Shared by a #FallonAngel #WeWantYou @FallonTonight

Takes us to her Comeback Journey as a new mom and barrel racerπŸ’― 🧑♥️πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ€—

Posted 4/30/2022

His wife Karen rides beautifully in the competition!

Eight Runs at #RubyBuckle
Fallon and Codey! ❤️πŸ’™πŸ€—πŸ’›

     Run Number 7 - sure looked to me that Flobot was having some sympathy pain going on.  Fallon said she had some pain, still not in full gear since she had her baby - a short time ago (And she got back on her horses just a couple weeks after birth!) ...so I think Flobit's butt raised up when she sensed Fallon was hurting. Just saying. Her horses run on love. πŸ€—πŸ’›

Posted 5/9/2022 

Hey, @FallonTaylor and Codey♥️ - Supermodel 🎸🎡🎢🎼 Go on, git it! Great Barrel racing music 🎡🎢 @FallonTonight

Hey @FallonTaylor3
Jimmy's got Junk in his drunk @FallonTonight

       "drunk" sb "frunk"  - I didn't realize my word was changed..

     Fixed it:
Jimmy's got Junk in his Frunk

#MattMillsReining is rubbing off on @FallonTaylor3 in a creative way #ReiningInTheRain

I don't know what #MattMillsReining placed but he and his horse were superb.

Cody - 2d; Fallon - 1st πŸ₯°πŸ™†

Posted 7/22/2022

Shares story about her 33 yr old horse

       SMILE Hard Rock 🎡🎢🎻🎼🎸

https://youtu.be/C06Rr2nFXk0 on Fallon Tonight 

@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat!
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt  &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours! 

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner  @TDBank_US @StateFarm

Shares story about her 33 yr old horse

Rmping up for the 2023 season - so excited 😊

#SmokeShow just earned a pow wow to celebrate! πŸ”₯πŸ’ƒ

@FallonTaylor retires her bff Horse #BabyFlo champion forever December 2022

@SNL #PeteDavidson congratulates Colin for the sexiest joke writer; as popular as the world's smartest horse - I bet @FallonTaylor3
And @MattMillsReining would say that's a really big deal then🐎 @FallonTonight

Posted 12/7/2022 

Their New Ranch 

4 months ago 


Fallon Taylor - in prepping for the upcoming year....some thoughts...https://youtu.be/TocJJOd3osA

My comment: What is left out is OPPORTUNITY. Some have opportunity, others do not. And also the goals people have have to allign with opportunity. The Superimperialism that has ravaged this country is coming to a "fruition" and money values will drop dramatically because USA has been using fiat money for a long time! I think it was President Nixon who cleaned out Ft Knox, for instance. He gave that gold to countries USA was indebted to, which "allowed" him to create money based on oil instead of gold. 

To say USA is in deep shit would be an understatement. 

THAT is our reality. Be prepared for SHTF situations and you have to stay home. If you have a job, keep it. Do whatever you can to make the world a better place. This is no time to talk regular business. Internet is run by organized crime. They help the courts entrap targeted people who politicians finger. They FRAUD records. They do not abide by laws or rules. The US Constitution has little value even with the US Supreme Court. Anyone who doesn't realize that, needs to get out of their shell.  

Posted 12/17/2022

LOL πŸ˜†

Ever see this when you go to desert? 🏜️ #GardinerBrothers

Just remember, your biggest "accomplishment" is having a supportive family

#Fallontaylor 's little man will be doing this soon! πŸ’šπŸŒ³πŸ˜†

Studcation for 6 months @Fallontaylor__
Preps him with a cardio workout 🐎

This is a sweet, loving movie with enough action to keep a family's interest. Even if you had no interest in country living or horses, kick back and relax. Watch this 90minute movie for warm fuzziest πŸ€—πŸ’›

Posted 1/16/2023 

Here's some warm fuzzies. This is the Queen Fresian horse - all the others follow her in the corral. Her foal was stillbirth and she was so sad. Just a day or two later, a foal that lost its mother was paired with her. See how she reacts. https://youtu.be/ktIYrZn7Y9k 

 Posted 1/29/2023 

Posted 31Mat2024 


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