Link of this blogpost: 

Logan Smith 
Charlottesville, NC 

                        O R E GON! 

I think these are police and the man on the right is 
His argument is #FreedomOfSpeech
Yet #WhatsWrongWithInternet? 
They are all SOCIALISTS feeding their own pockets! 

CRIME SCENE: Do Not Cross 
They are Domestic AND Foreign TERRORISTS
Funded, trained by CIA 
ie, #OperationGladio 


Search: Google Images NAZIS USA 

      There are MANY! 

      George Soros is a NAZI! He got rich by telling Hitler where the Jews and their wealth were in HUNGARY, 

Getting 10% of what was STOLEN! 



@pepeescobar @truthstreamnews
@BovierDon @JoeImbriano777 New Blogpost: NAZIS in USA on
Obviously organized & funded by CIA which checks in on them to see how much money they made, I bet! #Superimperialism #CriminalUnderground 

  FYI - Elon Musk vs Trump? My opinion, no. 
JusticeDemWatch tweeted $44billiin seems like a lot to spend to let Trump have his Twitter Account back...

                 Elon Musk just bought Twitter! 
Is this a money laundering deal? This is why:

My response: 
Clintons recycled #laundered their #ClintonCrimeSyndicate money all the time! Trump is, and poses as a Republican! @bobforgovernor @truthstreamnews @mfa_russia @ElizabethUKRPG Americans murdered Americans on #September11!

@mfa_russia @ElizabethUKRPG
@FallonTaylor3 @truthstreamnews
Search: #SEIGE #CommonSaw & more!
Quote, Well Said! : We live in wild times & with wily idiots fighting a war on behalf of the wild West, the western part of Eastern Europe might just get a whole lot wilder real soon…

#ResetTheGrid is okay with me! And the fact we need to #CutTheSnakeAtTheHead is another! #WhatsWrongWithInternet - let me just share what my THOUSAND DOLLAR PHONE DOES! This is just a tip of the iceberg! @TruthStream @reallygraceful @XiJimping @ElizabethUKRPG @EbrahimRaisi2  

Posted 4/26/2022

Quote Tweet of @steven_taylor
(He wanted to know if ppl think it was bad for Trudeau to take the prepaid vacation)
@ElizabethUKRPG @mfa_russia @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimping @realPresPutin @realpepeescobar
1. Elon Musk is known in circles to be a NAZI. 2. He tweeted that Trudeau was a NAZI to change algorithms,then removed it at some point 3. Who really pd for that island vacation Trudeau's took?

Trump video: X22 WTF

     Find the tweet ...

Folks, this need for preparedness still holds so understand that. WE SHALL OVERCOME 🤗💛♥️ Video message by @joeimbriano777  made some months ago , still makes sense!  4/29/2022

Posted 4/29/2022 

@gpovanman @ElizabethUKRPG
Today is brought to you by EMP weapons,which USA makes but use fear porn blaming @mfa_russia, obviously to justify CIA attack on Chernobyl #Chertoff #Cher #Transgendering #Depravity - more WORDPLAY, I'm sure! 

     Comic: "The Flash" - he mentions a flash was experienced in their test labs. They HUMOR THEMSELVES! 

Posted 4/30/2022 

    Just as I tried to tweet this, 
Twitter ADDED excessive characters, 
so couldn't tweet it! 

There is much supporting information that Hitler didn't commit suicide due to humiliation of losing #BattleOfBerlin. Think about it! Russia greatly defeated NAZIS, driving them out, including Ukraine. Did Hitler try to commit suicide? Yet NAZIS have continued to attack Russia 🇷🇺 

Pictures from the video: 

The Satanist Plan 
Memorialize the ones who almost succeed in killing you! 

Another Documentary/Movie:  1hr, 37mi -

2004 Movie
2015 Movie
Tom Cruise starred in this movie
What was the intent of Hollywood? 
This is a clip; he doesn't even try to sound German 
The movie costs money 💰


I'm sure this book is useful to understand and identity what's
 Going On Today




A German aristocrat - high ranking officer - devoted to retain his homeland! 

Claus Van Stouffenberg  - and he had a TWIN BROTHER....

    (Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11, especially at the TWIN TOWERS) 

His sweet mother's name was Caroline 
His sweet mother's name was Caroline 

Claus's twin brother Conrad died shortly after birth. Three children after that. 

Kaiser Vilhelm II was leader of Germany

Germany declared War

Claus enjoyed playing music with his two siblings 

Claus joined the military - 7th cavalry was tradition in his family

(My stinking tablet would jump these on the screen and leave them there for probably 10 seconds or more 😐 I didn't notice this one was still on the screen. AI was probably holding it there to keep me from sharing pictures because these pictures were not easy to post) 

This is the cover for this documentary

My comment: All veterans- most serve their country with honorable intentions yet the fact is WAR IS CRIME - wars are invited by CIA who are terrorists. AMERICANS Murdered AMERICANS on Sep11! CIA detonated the Twin Towers - why did they name them twins? Was it a Satanic mockery of Von Stauffenberg? The Psychopaths who made global alliances must be taken down! They keep trying to get history to repeat itself! Bushes were from Germany, obviously on the Satanic NAZI/Illuminati side. The medical society make tons of money on war and soldiers have been used as Guinea pigs in WW1 especially. They began transgendering people thanks to the depravity of NAZI scientists and doctors - the medical underground in UK worked on this also, and in 1951 actually publicised it. Jackie Kennedy was a transgender from FRANCE. Leaders of countries will agree to go to war with each other to enrich themselves!  



Stopped the captioning...
I struggle to resume it...
They altered the captioning to make it more difficult to take screenshots.

They froze my screen but once I took this screenshot, they stopped! 

Captions were removed by CYBER CRIMINAL

Stauffenberg was promoted ...

NAZIS began to lose; USA troops joined Africa....

USA bombers cited commanders' vehicles and dropped bombs ...

Stauffenberg survived, but severely injured. He lost a hand and eye...

Hitler gave him a month to recover at home.

New assignment: Stauffenberg was now part of inner circle...

Captioning recovered but was ALTERED in format to make it more difficult to take screenshots...

Halfway through the video...

I don't believe Hitler committed suicide due to humiliation of losing #BattleOfBerlin. Think about it! Russia greatly defeated NAZIS, driving them out, including Ukraine. Did Hitler try to commit suicide? Yet NAZIS continued to attack @Russia 🇷🇺 

Additionally, other sources claimed Stauffenberg left Germany and went into hiding. But at some point was apprehended and met the same fate, just before the war ended. It may be some facts were altered. 

Many pictures - to cover rest of video
 I'll be back to enlarge them. 

Winston churchill and others did same thing - to incite WW2 - for decades 

this criminal underworld tried to take down @RoyalFamily 

to steal their wealth, steal their thunder. 

Ask them, "How's feeding the bad wolf working out for ya?" 


Anyone who doesn't recognize the fact that Russians outsmarted the NAZIS during WW2 has STUPID in their future!

Posted 31May2024 

Lyme Disease was created by NAZI scientist-murderers that were granted amnesty in USA! 
They use you and throw you away! It's no surprise they spread it in Poland! 

True AI? Wtf - he's a chiropractor!

Posted 6/12/2024
11:50 am 
    Now watch, Google will do what Microsoft does, updates so I can't view texted audio....


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