Save Our Shipping with Sal Mercogliano

Save Our Shipping with

 Sal Mercogliano

I thought I already had a Blogpost here but I was wrong ...

9/7/2022 - This was marked as a draft...I meant to publish it this week. FACTS: 

     1.  I don't doubt for one moment that Prof Mercogliano does all he can to SAVE OUR SHIPPING 🚒⚓ 

    2.  I consider the strikes and demonitizations of his videos DONE VERY PROFESSIONALLY an abomination by YouTube! 

          a.  Nobody should have to tippytoe their way through YouTube - and only be rewarded for being outright time-wasting idiots who also lie about their lives and yet get a huge following! 

          b. The demented TECHNOCRACY consider us all fum-ducks because their lies and deceit are believed by many. 

    3. I don't want war; I don't want to hear it discussed as a probability - or even possibility! That's where I have the problem! 

         a. I consider the motivators which EXPECT professionals like Prof Mercogliano to discuss this probability of war.  Nevertheless, if I hear it mentioned again. I will place the blogposts I made TO REFLECT HIS GOOD TEACHING - back as a draft. War is hell and the only thing that's gained is feeding the pockets of the Depraved lazy a$$holes who abuse power in this country, rather than SERVE the country with distinction! 

    (End of my rant) 

Coast Guard 

Due to some blog, blog black sheep, I had to copy it in a new blogpost because they blocked fallontalon blog. 


    *What's Going On With Shipping - youtube channel. Video notes are on these blogposts. 

     ** I had to create a new blog because my fallontalon blog was disrupted - my domain was stolen! It is not viewable to the public! I had to copy each blogpost and add it to my new blog.I also stopped using MINT Mobile! They became a ripoff offering new customers ONLY the $15/month unlimited service! Yet advertising it's for everyone! 

When it came time to renew, they wanted to charge me more and it was a tug of war with them. Billing information would change and I had to spend unnecessary time on the phone! Additionally the blog fallontalon, I created on that device, was repeatedly compromised, including whole blogposts being DELETED. 

I shared this change with Fallon Tonight in a tweet, making a short video.My point was - whoever disrupted that domain which I renewed just in April 2022, may want it to MOCK Fallon Tonight. 

Frankly, If Fallon Tonight ever approached me in an email or phone call - or letter - asking me if they could take that domain, I would have said yes, as long as they could set up a replacement because I'm not savvy with this internet crap, which is often disrupted by CYBER CRIME - encouraged by the political TRAITORS that abuse power and ruin economy, and all that other fun stuff!  I just wanted to make that point. 9/7/2022

So when I published this, I got a pop-up that said, "This will change time to 5:10 pm. It's 2:22 a.m right now. I tried to take a screenshot but it wouldn't popup again.Maybe I am attached to a different server to PROTECT me from crooked American Technocrats; for which hell is saving a special place for them. 

Well, The message came up again: (Time is really 2:26 a m. Where I'm at, which is Bugs Bunny's rabbit hole, LOL) 

Here is my new blog, stand by, I need to retrieve it 

Blog address:.

Just call me a mother, LOL - My Facebook username was/is Extreme Cake over - they all called me "Ex" so I was everybody's Ex. The problem I had with that social platform was TECH CORRUPTION. Mark Zuckerberg is really Robert T Morris; that should give you an understanding why they are thieves in the night! Morris destroyed all the computer hard drives in USA in 1989 - EXCEPT Apple 🍎 which obviously already had an ALLIANCE with CIA!  When the hell do you see a Jew with bright red hair? Yet Zuckface (derived obviously from "Dr. Zucker" - find out what a crook he was/is! Of course they alter as much as they can on internet!) Sometime look up my blogpost on that in my 


This table needs to be revised since my fallontalon blog was disrupted. I need to revise the links to my Mother Earth 🌎 blog. 

       Again,here is one of the other blogposts I made to reflect Professor Sal Mercogliano's channel: 

I look at this popup again and realize this can't be a time-change issueπŸ˜† - it may be to reflect when the post was made. πŸ™ƒ

     *Sal Mercogliano  And Friends

Prof Sal Mercogliano

@mercoglianos on TWITTER 

     PO Box 356

     Buies Creek, NC 27506 

    Send him your thanks 😁

Save Our Shipping with Sal Mercogliano (this Blogpost)

Titanic is back! At the horizon! 🧐
She dropped her fake funnel! 
I hope she has enough coal this time! 
She only had 6tons upon setting afloat 
Lusitania used 850 lbs a day
This was Day 6 when she went down 
Correction, apparently it was DAY 4
The RMS Titanic sank
in the early morning
hours of 15 April 1912 in the
North Atlantic Ocean, four days
 into her maiden voyage from Southampton
to New York City.

Considering the fact this country is run by traitor SOCIALISTS, most likely referring to September 11 as caused by Americans would have gotten him fired. I wouldn't want that. #WhatsGoingOnWithShipping #Top5Stories @mercoglianos

1. Global Supply Chain update - stuck ships WINWORD speaks
2. Shipping stocks are falling sharply
      A.   COVID agenda is flatlining INDUSTRY - MEHRS. ONE, COSCO ...
3. Ukraine-Russia. Ships are loading inspite of USA. Plan to take over AZOV
      (AZOV is NAZI-based, FYI)
        Ukraine's civil war was incited by OBAMA/CIA in 2014. Citizens reached out to Vladimir Putin.

 I just had to delete something I wouldn't have said here. 

This was after I got my grip - and toned down my opinions on politics because my approach is outright rigid at times. I'm sorry for that. I just feel so badly that with all the times Russia has reached out to USA, USA has slapped them in the face with sanctions and weapons for TERRORISTS in Ukraine. Then when Russia cuts off their gas supply, they whine and get Jen Petaki at the WHITE House to Growl on TV and barbarically say: 

WE'RE GOING TO CRUSH RUSSIA! With Biden's blessings..

       Posthumous Happy Mother's Day 

      to a Mom who saved her boys' lives! 

    ...well, he had plenty of experience crushing! Who poisoned his wife in 1972 and caused her to run into the tractor trailer, literally crushing her and her baby? She saved her boys by getting them to curl up under the car seat! 

4. Trucking Market - lockdowns - shipyards behind schedule..ILWU contract hasn't been renewed. Tsunami mentioned. Disruptions. . Freitwaves reports: Get Ready For The Next Truckwave
5. Carl Bensel, Education on shipping; FMC issuing report on US Export-Shippers. Need for strategies.

It would be interesting to take a look at Everforward's awkward accidents since it had one in China recently. Were they rigged? Seems like a criminal justice issue - yet even September 11 is being deliberately covered up. A Boeing 747 is WIDER than WTC Bldg so that wasn't what hit it! And the plane is too light to penetrate the buildings!
September 11, 2001
Posted 4/27/2022

    Just Remember: My Opinions Are My Own #DecideForYourself 

Professor Mercogliano is a Patriot - and seeks solutions. 

@mercoglianos provides 50min detailed overview based on lacking information
Part 1 of 2 - on Bonhomme Richard fire investigation
     Bear in mind,  He's making due with what he got.  Obviously the Quality Assurance is lacking.

Part 2 on Bonhomme investigation

Response to @johnkonrad
@USCCA @truthstreamnews @reallygraceful - Do you think this is the right direction? Considering how corrupted the USGov is? They are far from being accountable for the Logistics they have, and just figure they will make money on another #FalseFlag event aka #OrganizedCrime

     TWEETED by a follower of Prof Mercogliano's account: that QUICK SINK bomb is the answer to the USA political troubles.
     My response on the Quoted tweet:
WTF - USA is far from being competent or responsible to increase its arsenal of bombs! USA caused #September11! #SandyHookShootingHoax! #LoneShooters  thru #MindControl! #ParadiseCA destruction! They can't even keep their pants up & actually use diplomatic means!

    Further discussion on bombing rather than DIPLOMACY
    @XiJimping @mfa_russia @RussianEmbassy #PresidentPutin @ElizabethUKRPG
    I realize DIPLOMACY is foul language in USA, so the next step is peaceful countries should OWN USA. USGov never fixes itself. No real #ChecksAndBalances If THEY crash economy nbd, & institute #MartialLaw

"CIA destroys democracy" - seems like a euphemism

     Because USA is a Federal Republic, not Democracy

      90 minutes of his undivided attention πŸ‘Q&A
@mercoglianos had a special livefeed tonight - lots of Q&A on #WhatsGoingOnWithShipping
He's blazing a trail! 

Book recommendation by Professor Sal Mercogliano: 

The Way Of The Ship - by Alex Roland

Posted 5/8/2022 

Top Five #SaveOurShipping with @mercoglianos
1. Stock Market - nose dive 
2. Insurance - many ships lost from fires, sinking 
3. .Collective Bargaining - training, automation . Slow down of ports.
4. Russia Military Action - only turned to war bc USA incited it (my opinion, not stated by Prof Mercogliano) 
Cold War - Lawlessness-US incited Ukraine Civil War 2013 
One more, which explains the Ukraine Civil War in 2013 - Read it or remain IGNORANT to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMES committed by dirtbag Americans! USA politicians! 
This article is one of many who share the truth to counteract the USA propaganda! 
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault - Mearsheimer


Posted 5/11/2022

@mercoglianos Bonhomme Fire Investigation, Part 2 - Broken down to Four Areas #WhatsGoingOnWithShipping 


        T I T A N I C  was bombed by a submarine obviously! 
                   My Opinion, Decide for Yourself! 

Video:  Anatomy of A Disaster, Titanic

All to push "blame nature" = bullshit! 

Ice cutters were navigated to break up icebergs - 

No mention of this! Titanic had ice cutters on its front, said a few videos THAT ARE NOW MISSING! 

The designer of Titanic was NOT on the ship! He quit! They added his name as part of their huge crime Agenda!  Ismay was compromising it's safety altering his design!

My comment:
Titanic was hit with a bomb by a submarine! Probably the same one that CPT Smith deliberately encountered when navigating Olympic when it was HIT IN THE SIDE just like Titanic as target practice!  'How can you bomb Titanic but make it look like this?'

'Gee, let's add another layer of rivets! That way, it won't look like a freaking bomb and we can mass murder everyone and make a lot of money by stealing and they insurance fraud.'

September 11: I want what they got.  Let's bomb these buildings, destroy records that prove we and our conspirators are outright frauds in the brokerage business, and voila, we become billionaires and nobody can touch us because I'm this country, wealth is what rules, not a piddly government with laws!

Wake the hell up! People are MURDERED right in plain sight and nothing is done!  MODUS OPERANDI! Time and time again!

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want. 

    🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬 Posted 5/27/2022 

        Sal Mercogliano with What's Going On With Shipping 






USA broke Greece. On more than one occasion! "You break it, you buy it" said Colin Powell. Thank you @mercoglianos for informing us. 

:Posted 5/28/2022 

     Something may have been deleted by a hacker here 

Posted 5/28/2022

The AZOV NAZIS and USA funding terrorism since 2014 is why Putin announced they were destroying the arsenals only. So Zelensky puts Ukrainians in the arsenals to frame RUSSIA. The USA is 80% propaganda!  

The AZOV NAZIS and USA funding terrorism since 2014 is why Putin announced they were destroying the arsenals only. So Zelensky puts Ukrainians in the arsenals to frame RUSSIA. The USA is 80% propaganda!

CIA murdered the President of Russian Federation! Bombing right while he was PUBLIC SPEAKING! This is NOT a freaking movie! Zelensky is not competent to be any leader! He's just an actor! Comparing this to a Tom Hanks movie is UNPROFESSIONAL. 

What about North Carolina just passing a law making it illegal to repair vehicles, to force people to purchase new ones?
Go to 6min55sec    (Thank you, Scotty Kilmer!) 
 Is anyone filing lawsuits? I realize that NC is where Bill Gate's bioweapon was made and transported to Wuhan - but intelligence intercepted it in China and replaced it with the flu to diffuse the situation, prevent war, which these spineless coward TECHNOCRATS want!

What about Americans mass murdering Americans on September 11? And the depravity continues! 

What about President Putin ONLY declaring military action on February 21, yet US, Ukraine, NATO declare war, funding terrorism? 
Call it for what it is! 

Posted 5/30/2022


@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat!
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt  &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours!

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner  @TDBank_US @StateFarm 

     I meant to include @mercoglianos in the tweets! 

Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea.🐠🐟🎢🎡🎡🎢
I caught a fish-kisser in action!

Spray it, Don't say it! Says the whale #HeadBump

Posted 12/28/2022 

Here's some warm fuzzies for
Shirley Temple
"Captain January"

Posted 2/12/2023 

Notes which are probably not on here notes were deleted and I had to create a new one, named differently incase the prior ones resurfaced...

And I forgot...

What we have is SUPER IMPERIALISM. Because of that, The USA will continue to collapse and hopefully foreign countries will buy them out - which will influence the change needed in Washington DC.Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! Then blamed the Middle East! Colin Powell would not agree to war, so Bush ordered a media propaganda campaign against him - all of the sudden Colin Powell is accused of "Failed Intelligence" about Saddam Hussein having WOMD. No he didn't!
Colin Powell played along to keep.peace. Meantime in 2014 they located the nukes in Syria, as he expected CIA -paid proxies took down the nuke factory and took the nukes to Syria.
    Bush begged Colin Powell to be his Secretary Of State,
  Then later makes up crap about FAILED INTELLIGENCE from the past? Why did he beg Colin Powell to be his Secretary Of State then? His head is sofar up his behind, enjoying waving his magic wand to manipulate people.
   They sunk the womd in 2014 in a multiton sealed container - on a retired ship, and sunk it in an undisclosed part of the ocean.

The Kuwait War's highest casualty incident was FRIENDLY FIRE. Caused by the IT specialist who calibrated the bomb dropping by Air Defense Artillery.

Colin Powell didn't want history repeating itself.

USA is collapsing - & I hope foreign countries will own all the big companies to manage this market with precision rather than corrupted missions. #NoMoreWar #September11 was caused by Americans mass murdering Americans! Colin Powell was in Peru; he refused to agree to war. 

Drunkin Sailors never die, they just get pickled

#TheGardinerBrothers #DrunkinSailor #Shorts LOL πŸ˜† @mercoglianos

An oldie but a goodie movie

Posted 2/13/2023 







April 1912: 1) Wilbur Wright dies of Typhoid fever 2) Bruce Ismay &JP Morgan sank Titanic! 

Henry Ford salivated over airplane industry profit IN WARTIME-so he teamed up w rival Curtis! 

Posted 2/14/2023 

Here's some recreation ⛵ 

Captain Kid 🏴‍☠️⚓⛵πŸ”±
Full movie



My comment:
It is puzzling that any corner of the world, including ocean or sky, can be considered a Wild, Wild, West - since the waters are territories of countries. Additionally, several submersibles have been created and used before this, and certainly this Oceangate creator knew what he was doing. No prior expeditions had problems UNTIL this crew came up missing! So I consider it FRAUDULENT STORIES. Even real estate tycoons in Florida are FELONIOUSLY suing Oceangate for an incident they claim was 6 years ago, and easy to fraud due to statute of limitations. It was filed February 2023 - a reflection this was all planned by the Technocracy! And if the crew dies, they should be charged for murder, certainly not the only murders they have committed! WAKE UP, PEOPLE! Do not be puppets to ORGANIZED CRIME. I hope Professor Sal understands they are pulling him in their rabbit hole to mask their image! The CPT of the Coast Guard probably met Prof Sal Mercogliano recently because he was requested by Boston US Customs to provide a lecture on port control, etc. He knows his stuff. Yet they may have just enjoyed framing him as part of their most devious plan! #FollowTheMoney This is why Titanic was sunk by Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan. CPT Smith was working for them and in on it! He activated the locktight doors fully knowing a thousand people were locked in! An easy way to slaughter people, and indeed everyone was in such panic, it was the last thing they cared about! Their safes and cabins were stragically raided, I'm sure! Because John B Thayer IV just attained his university degree in Finance in Lindon, UK - he was well-equipped to fraud, along with his father, a finance expert who FAKED HIS DEATH! This is Why Empress Of Ireland was sank by CPT Kendall! There was a LOT of wealth on board, which nobody suspected because the ship was described for medium income people! It would not get the attention that Titanic did, which inevitably altered the whole global economy, putting it in the nefarious hands of JP Morgan and Bruce Ismay ORGANIZED CRIME!

So wake up, people! You give them an inch, they take a mile!

Second comment:

They did NOT perform a viable rescue! It was a RECOVERY! Using delay tactics to intercept locating the submersible vessel. Many have been made for the same purpose before this. Combing 900 square miles was HARMFUL to the missing team! The parameter they were in comprised of a square mile and they should have begun with GROUND ZERO, where the Titanic is located! If they die, their blood will be on the hands of the Technocracy who orchestrated this, along with the band of people who knew what they were doing was illegal, and worse yet, possibly intentional MURDER. This activity is nothing new to USA, run by Jesuit Satanist Illuminati FREEMASON Secret Societies! Wake up!

Posted 6/22/2023

This is what Technocracy does with #socialengineering
11min video, so you can't find out the particulars!
"Because I stole it, I'm still here"



Is Prof Sal Mercogliano compromised now? What is going on with his sense of reasoning?
    What did they do to him when he went to Boston MA?
The submersible was REGISTERED for sonar, as reported, so ships could hear it. Frankly, I think this is a hoax. Nothing is adding up, no regulations are followed, nobody gave a damn they were noncompliant. No bodies. No RESCUE took place for three full days of more! You would have geological activities if it imploded! WTF, it imploded and was 16 feet from The Titanic, they reported! Anyone with a half a brain would consider this all BS. Did they compromise Prof Sal when he went to Boston, MA recently? He just said, at 11min 45sec, "submersibles are the safest things in the water"...WTF ....He said before just the freaking opposite!

Posted 6/24/2023


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