For Cinemaphiles Only


Table of Contents for all blogposts - I try to keep this current, but miss a few: 

Plus it's being revised because Fallontalon blog was corrupted by some pathetic scum, so I created


And need to finish plugging in the replacement links  

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.  

Apparently my Cult Cinema Classics Blogpost here disappeared, so Try try, again:  These are movies, many arise from Cult Cinema Classics - but I add others. The best time to watch Cult Cinema Classics is during Livestream. You'll see why. Our chat nonsense is priceless πŸ˜†

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     Share it, copy it, whatever. This a hobby ...πŸ€—πŸ’›

Homemade Commercial: 

Movie about a real swinger! @GeologyNick 

       NonCult 😁 

@PAllenSmith @FallonTaylor3

 #TrueStory about Brandon on the Arkansas #Razorbacks football team - inspiring, engaging! I had to watch to the end!


@classics_cinema -;BTW, I enjoyed the Red Head movie we just watched but someone hacked my device and said "PS -;You have the right equipment" - hopefully nobody saw that because I was kidding and had said, UNLESS you have the right equipment. FYI 😁

 Film: The Sentinel 

So many twists and turns in this action-packed film. This is what happens when the federal government is overinflated - a domestic TERRORIST cell can easily form! 

Great acting!

Posted 5/3/2022

Film: Southern Comfort

The problem I have with this movie is that the military unit seemed to go rogue, and became guerilla warfare-. There's a process. I viewed description of film because I thought WTF. I felt uncomfortable, so I stopped watching. 

Posted 5/4/2022 

Film starring @DenzelWashington #JonhnQ - reflecting story of #JohnQuincyArchibald who struggled greatly to get the medical care his son needed for his heart condition. Excellent acting, purposeful message! 

The livestreaming was a blast on @CultCinemaClassics while watching Dr. Kildare Movie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† 

@truthstreamnews @mediamonarchy @reallygraceful 

 Presidential candidate for next election hosted by @cultcinemaclass  

Non Cult but was presented to me when a livestreaming was delayed for the Next day.

2 hr movie: Count Of Monte Cristo 

Very telling on human nature vs evil by choice - awareness of betrayal, and the very need to find out the truth rather than make up lies to Sooth one's self esteem synthetically. 

Posted 5/17/2022 

Livestreaming in 30min, 8pm EST in USA 

Tonight's Film is a 1937 musicalπŸ€—πŸ’›

#SetReminder #JoinChat By @cultcinemaclass 

Posted 5/20/2022 

Livestreaming in 30min, 8pm EST in USA 
Tonight's Film is a 1937 musicalπŸ€—πŸ’›
#SetReminder #JoinChat By @cultcinemaclass

Posted 5/20/2022 

Battle against the Sioux? @WuauquikunaOff1 They'll never win if Doll Sue is there! There wouldn't even be a battle! πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ€—πŸ’›

This 1940 Western Film was a blast to be in livestreaming for! It's always a pleasure to be on @cultcinemaclass

Come join us #CultCinemaClass clowns 😜

Men's Quest for #GetRichQuick 
Resulted in ruins. Three Survivors #EvilVsGood 
McKenna's Gold #Fiction 

Politicians don't care-people are expendable! They've proven this depravity for many years! 
#September11 #ParadiseCA #OklahomaCityBombing #Titanic #EmpressIfIreland #SSAtlantic and more-AND FRAUDS like #SandyHookShootingHoax 
Torah, Torah, Torah movie

Posted 6/7/2022 

This film is a 10! 
Overboard with
Approx 2hrs

Posted 6/8/2022 

Movie: The Hero
This movie was artistically designed inside and out; and it makes you think about circumstances. What would I do if ... 
Take charge of your lives; don't let anyone destroy you and hopefully you're not the destructive one.

Movie: Uncommon Grace
A nurse in the military decides not to re-up, because she found she was needed at home
This movie was well-produced, great acting. You'll be surprised.

A grandfather is diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer. He was told he had the body of a 50 yr old just prior to that. I was creeped out about how accepting he was of what the doctor said. He has a brief live affair. His death was modestly shown.

Silent film, 12min
Romance of a Jewess
Something different shared by @classics_cinema @cultcinemaclass 😁

Posted 6/26/2022

This was first time I saw
Die Hard, starring @BruceWillis - Great actors! Great film if you're up for the fight! Best men won!

      Check out David Hoffman!
      He met a real sandman and interviewed him! He lives in California. I wonder if he knows ocean photographer Mike D. Nelson @MikeDNelson on Twitter 


astrophotographer Michael Shainblum @Shainblum on Twitter 

My comment
Any chance you know Christopher Fen onnel? He's a grad in architecture but he uses the most unusual material and makes such cool structures! I think his website is - try or ....

Posted 6/29/2022

posted 6/29/2022 

The Hero 
Great film! Enjoy! 
Movie: The Hero 
This movie was artistically designed inside and out; and it makes you think about circumstances. What would I do if ...  
Take charge of your lives; don't let anyone 
destroy you and hopefully you're not the destructive one. 

This was first time I saw 
Die Hard, starring @BruceWillis - Great actors! Great film if you're up for the fight! Best men won! 

    They had the Georgia Guidestones for lunch today πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Jim Henson's Legend of Turkey Hollow πŸ¦ƒ

Rim Of The Canyon film by CCC 

Posted 7/7/2022 

      My manipulated device won't let me take a picture of my  pillows and blanket with deer 🦌 on them. And I also have a wall hanging with deer. πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜…

I sleep with a buckskin every night.πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜˜
     We count sheepskin πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ€£ 

The Flying Dueces
Warning: Laugh At Your Own Risk

3min clip
The operation was a success but the patient didn't cooperate and died on the table. #ModernMedicine

     Make sure other CCC blogposts are linked here ...

Film: Mystery Plane
Shared by @classics_cinema

Posted 7/19/2022

Introduces #OldTimer 1957 
The Buckskin Lady  7/20/2022 

In The Line Of Fire - a #WhatIf movie

Presents:  Easy Money

Posted 8/6/2022

I've been slacking off....

Enjoy a #RoyRogers 🀠 flick
All dusted off by @classics_cinema

Ain't Misbehavin'
This is a real eye catcher! πŸ• πŸ‘️

These dudes in mini dresses sound like they have a Massachusetts slang....ah-ha! I cracked the case! Robin Hood is from Massachusetts and the flour was made to celebrate rolling in dough!

This @classics_cinema
Film will play September 2 at 8pm EST in USA - I hope it's a good time wherever you are.✈️πŸ›©️πŸ›«πŸ›¬
Flying Blind

If he's Stevie Wonder,  I'd say he would describe the Pilot experience in a song that would rock our socks off πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅

    KURIMEO AHAU  Channel

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Amazing Newspaper reports you may not know of

Part 4
Old Newspaper Reports
With @Kurimeo_Ahau

China (1943)
Good film - just remember,

Night Of The Living Dead (1968)
Join @classics_cinema
Watch out - lots of Tempura Paint used!

Posted 2Oct2022 

🎑 Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Missing something...I just forgot😬

Posted 10/3/2022 

Enjoy a #RoyRogers 🀠 flick 
All dusted off by @classics_cinema

Ain't Misbehavin' 
This is a real eye catcher! πŸ• πŸ‘️

These dudes in mini dresses sound like they have a Massachusetts slang....ah-ha! I cracked the case! Robin Hood is from Massachusetts and the flour was made to celebrate rolling in dough! 

This @classics_cinema
Film will play September 2 at 8pm EST in USA - I hope it's a good time wherever you are.✈️πŸ›©️πŸ›«πŸ›¬
Flying Blind 

If he's Stevie Wonder, I'd say he would describe the Pilot experience in a song that would rock our socks off πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅ 

    KURIMEO AHAU Channel 

Part 1 

Part 2

Part 3
Amazing Newspaper reports you may not know of 

     RETRO TV 
China (1943) 
Good film - just remember,

This Little Shop of Horrors brought on some interesting conversations in chat!LOL @cultcinemaclass

Posted 10/15/2022 

You're all invited! 
Cheer up, Halloween is right around the corner πŸ§™‍♀️🧹 If you don't have a broom, use a plunger! My brother used to dance with it. πŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
He lowered the bar when he got married πŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Posted 10/17/2022 

Looks like great deals, beautiful designs! 
I'm broke, I'm broke, so that's the way it goes....

HAPPY HALLOWEEN - Scarry movie 1960 

Livestreaming NOW
No Time To Kill vs 
Everybody loves "Car Killer" - search #AskScotty 
@Scottymechanic πŸ€—πŸ’š


"If I told you once, I told you twice: Brush your teeth! @classics_cinema

Just uploaded a keeper - #JoinTheChat 
Livestreaming in 7 min
Christmas Tales of Ghostly Trails.

Want to waste a half hour after being goofy interrupted to be on a chat livestreaming...and have to tell them to stop because they are like cancer as they scan your device for data and forget about the free item! WTF


Provides full length, over 2hr NAZI movie, Triple Cross - ultimately reflecting war is hell, there's nothing achieved. 

Posted 11/7/2022

The Isle Of Forgotten Sins (movie) @classics_cinema 

I was booted out of chat and it jumped to this in the lonely theatre ....but I refreshed my phone and got back in chat. 

These are the sinners! 
Their ship sank from bad weather 

Hungfao had a hot date with his wife's maple buns 🀣

Comments in chat can be so funny! 
The phone did an irkle on me when I took this screenshot
Mandaminal was on a roll tonight! πŸ˜†
"Come & get us,Honey! Flip Wilson is the PrimaDonna here!" 
I have a blue light special....
I think we need to get Scotty Kilmer's help to get us in a vehicle before our engines stop revving from being crouched potatoes. 

Posted 11/11/2022 

 PS : Unstoppable, starring Denzel Washington -fabulous! 

Here Ye, Here Ye! 
Is running Western Pacific movie, 1959 - very good year #JoinChat 11/12/2022 
7pm EST in USA 

Dog hero puts the squeeze on the cougar bougar on @classics_cinema

Ad on this film: Liquid Energy ...
WTF - says Bezos, Gates, &bla bla other black sheep are competing w the Muskman. to put Tesla out of business; just invest in their business. 
     Film: Sundown (1941) with Gene Tierney 
     Drama War Movie 

Posted 11/20/2022

@vornado Get Your Vornado ODORLESS heaters & don't worry about a backup plan bc you now have one if #SHTF
A. This project is $20 or less, &involves ODERLESS solution in SHTF situations when you don't have heat!
#HeadThemOffAtThePass by @life_riverside

 B. Need Heat? Use some cans, wire mesh, small sheet of aluminum, cake tins, pan cover - &charcoal felt  &methanol - lasts 4-5 hours!

C. This Irishman probably had ancestors who built #Titanic! #DidYouKnow the designer quit bc Bruce Ismay wanted to cheapen the build, including reducing lifeboats? He got mad and quit! #OffGrid #SHTF #BePrepared #WayStyleBurner  @TDBank_US @StateFarm

Presents "Suddenly" starting Frank Sinatra
Thriller Movie 1954 

Excellent Movie starring Dustin Hoffman! 

The cowboys vs Indians - and the Indians won! 

Starring in
Little Big Man

Posted 6/9/2024. 11:38am 


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