May 2022


CULT Cinema Classics πŸ€—πŸ’›

Pitstop of Information May 2022

Table of Contents for all blogposts - I try to keep this current, but miss a few: 

Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.  

       Cult Cinema Classics 

@classics_cinema -;BTW, I enjoyed the Red Head movie we just watched but someone hacked my device and said "PS -;You have the right equipment" - hopefully nobody saw that because I was kidding and had said, UNLESS you have the right equipment. FYI 😁

We got bumped off before I could explain. And when I tried to take a picture, the device removed the streaming. 

Quote Tweet

@reallygraceful @mediamonarchy
@truthstreamnews @gpovanman @EmbassyofRussia @mfa_russia @XiJimping @realPresPutin @EbrahimRaisi2 -All of Gate's assets sb SEIZED.He's creating the next Mass-Murder Plan! Xwife is transgender-sister to Epstein's live-in! 

    They use tricks to keep you from reading all of the article, mainly just posting a big picture of Gate's as if that justifies their lying. This media is based in UK but they have satellite shills in US...and of course, who funds it? Probably Gates! 

Pitstops of May 2022

Just beware of psyops - fake justice - harvesting wealth to recycle back to the offender. Blumenthal is a career criminal, deep in organized crime. The programmed AI manipulates everything we watch for psychopath TECHNOCRATS, aka COVIDOCRACY

8+ hrs of BS!
Call-in radio discusses
What happened to #JeffreyEpstein   

WTF changes to replay of the BS hearings ....COVID is FRAUD and the psychopath TECHNOCRATS - SECRET SOCIETIES - ILLUMINATI politicians are hijacking USA! CIA is organized crime! Terrorists!

Sunrise Symphonic music

@PAllenSmith @FallonTaylor3
#TrueStory about Brandon on the Arkansas #Razorbacks football team - inspiring, engaging! I had to watch to the end!

Romantic Songs by #RaimySalazar of @wuauquikunaoff1πŸ€—πŸ’›♥️πŸ™

      PayPal is Seizing Assets Of Consortium News, aka "CN" ... WTF

@mediamonarchy @mercoglianos @geologynick - Is Consortium News Legit? Why is PayPal seizing assets? Shouldn't they stop service when delinquent? Is PayPal actually stealing? @Consortiumnews - CT makes up laws: #illegalentries #theft ok if THEY say you owe 

     Connecticut claims they can steal from you if THEY say you owe money! My apartment is vandalized Frequently! I don't owe anything to Amazon! I proved it even with logic! They even allowed an attorney to testify which is illegal! I stated these things and some of my recording was altered by Artificial Intelligence, AI! Yet a good portion is still there and I published it on Anchor fm 

      This ATTORNEY who testified said I paid $30/month in 2014, stopped in 2017! Saying I owed $850! I said, Do the Math! I paid MORE than I owed! Synchrony Bank helped themselves to my GE Money card and frauded me, so I stopped using the damn card in 2014, sent them a letter why since they only made descrepancies worse when I called. I said I would pay off the balance, using min payment amount THEY calculated right on the invoice! 

Though my purse and bank cards were stolen frequently from me in this cesspool of corruption,  they could not get away with more Fraud.. yet sleezed their way during COVID FRAUD agenda. 

She agreed my balance was $850 in 2014! I even submitted it as proof! I said to the crooked judge, Do the Math! This case shouldn't have even been docketed! He ruled in their favor anyway! That's why I published the recording! And I didn't give them a penny, as I stated - and the attorney firm had a fraudulent appearance as out of state (Pro Hac Vice) when they were in state! I wasn't even served legitimately! 

They put the Priority Mail coming from Chicago ILLINOIS - not Connecticut - in my mailbox! No tracking information! Did not go through the mail! The mail clerk said he wouldn't have put it in there because they scan it and it would show as an error. My landlord accesses my mail alot! And this time, they framed themselves! They don't have videos where the mailboxes are, of all places - yet everywhere else, BIG BROTHER is watching and plotting! Mail fraud is easy to get away with for them! My multi-billion πŸ’°landlord is owned by a weather altering business that changed it's name to Worldwide Insurance Associates, using same business category! We were never notified, either! I just happened to discover it!

Phone hearing in May 2020 - due to FRAUD-COVID agenda it couldn't be at the courthouse 😳 so I recorded it - Amazon frauds records to inflate JEFF BEZOS worth! Fraudulent Collections! I owed them nothing! 

    Synchrony Bank / SINK-chrony Bank was founded by Jack B Thayer 4,  son of Fraud Jack Thayer 3 - saying he jumped off the TITANIC deck (5 floors up) was in freezing water 2 hrs, picked up by Carpathia, and got his sketchbook out and sketched Titanic sinking (while totally frozen and wet) WTF! 

They obviously looted Titanic for Bruce Ismay, JP Morgan - -  and his father, Jack B Thayer 2, and crew of bandits snuck off on a steamboat. People testified they saw it and couldn't understand why it didn't come to the lit side of the ship! 

Thayer Aerospace was founded by crime money of Jack B Thayer 3 - and sold to Mike Pompeo. Pompeo now lies about starting it when he was at Westpoint! It was a CIA front, which is why he dismantled it and sold it piecemeal, to destroy records! 

Posted 5/1/2022 

       S&L Black Box - embezzlement of taxpayer's money, and more! 
      Making it sound like SNL - Saturday Night Live, to Sooth their dirtbag consciences! 

The Mafia, CIA operative,  video testimony
        The fraud continues today! Wordplay is one of their tactics! Notice at about 24 min he refers to 
Herman K. Bibi 
     Bibi is the nickname of former Israel PM - Benjamin Netanyahu. Bibi's brother was murdered in Turkey, when he went there in a military action because the passenger plane was being hijacked - the world ELITES were probably the ones hijacking it! 

I don't know what to make of this - but it's obvious the underworld Satanists make a game out of their criminal activity - and CIA is part of these underworld TERRORISTS! 
Posted 5/1/2022 

@ElizabethUKRPG @truthstreamnews
@bobforgovernor @mediamonarchy
#ElectionsAreRigged #ConsortiumNews
How about poisoning his wife in 1972 as part of Mafia agreement to help incompetent, unfaithful husband, Biden win election? ie; 

Posted 5/1/2022  

@gpovanman hb writing about this &more in his WORDPRESS account.Thank YOU #ConsortiumNews for your efforts. I wouldn't have known if #paypal wuznt trying to fraud you! Feel free to access & my Blogposts-Table Of Contents in "About" on this Twitter acct 

Posted 5/1/2022 

@gpovanman hb writing about this &more in his WORDPRESS account.Thank YOU #ConsortiumNews for your efforts. I wouldn't have known if #paypal wuznt trying to fraud you! Feel free to access & my Blogposts-Table Of Contents in "About" on this Twitter acct

Posted 5/1/2022
#JamesMates seems like an enhanced image of @Jamesmattis18 - who had CIA opium factories in Afghanistan bombed bc dirtbag Pompeo wouldn't take criminal ops down,incl Civil War in Ukraine in 2014. Obama is a CIA man! USMC raided CIA offices. Trump fired Mattis to protect crooks!

@johnpilger You have some obvious traitors to USA following your acct so I didn't follow them yet I agree with and appreciate your work.

CIA's #OperationGladio trained the Ukrainian NAZIS, including murdering the President of The Russian Federation using a bomb! - see my blog post on Robert Snogres on how much CIA contracts foreign hits using bombs!

Indeed the masters of propaganda and unehical, even illegal tricks are the traitors in Washington DC! They obviously got CIA or NATO to bomb @Russia's MOSKOV - either circumstances are international CRIMES! 

     Follow The Juice Media News - Australia

Posted 5/2/2022


#FunFact @history_yt @GlenandFriends @GeologyNick @Scottymechanic  @FallonTaylor3 - the oldest dog in the world is #TobyKeith - now I need to charge my device and get some sleep! Also ck out my blogpost for May: πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸ§‘πŸ’™

Posted 5/2/2022 

Testimony by retired NYS Armory Superintendent
"Treat people with appreciation"

@HawleyMO.  1.   I errored and said this on a fraudulent acct slandering you: See #2 on this string

          The following Twitter account is slander against Senator Hawley by the Trump Dump! 

2.  @SenatorHawleyMO - I was listening to this long taping of a hearing involving the Bureau of Prisons and was not impressed until I heard your addressing the judiciary committee. Most Republicans are not competent like you. Trump is political poison!

3. Freedom of Speech doesn't include SLANDERING, particularly of those of importance. Yet we all know GW Bush did a lot of slandering of Hon. Colin Powell, who was way more competent than him, but to be US President, you have to be a crook. Can you beat these depraved crooks?

Elon Musk is preventing me to copy this 4th string, so I have to retype it:

4. I'm not seeking to win a publicity contest. I'm totally fed up! #RussiaIsJustified #CIATerrorists sb REMOVED! Pls see my TOC on my blogs. #Titanic was sunk by #JPMorgan from Hartford, CT and #BruceIsmay of UK. #TheEnemyWithin is biggest problem!

Posted 5/2/2022

@HawleyMO  Would I be so wrong to wish @SundarPicai would support your run for President? I expect @bobforgovernor would. This state will implode w/o a credible Gov & Bob is that credible candidate! #SandyHookShooting was fraud! No credible investigation, just coverup! 

      Is any educated person interested in doing research on the TITANIC?
         My comment on What's Going On With Shipping channel:

I watched a video on an expert who was with a team of experts examining the real rivets from Titanic. She said they found some made of steel, which were guaranteed no. problem. Yet others made of "wrought iron" - the mixture was slack, which only made them strong in one direction. She said a group of them were made that way. I saw another video a while ago, where the expert claimed they CHANGED the rivets where the bow was, on the side. To deliberately weaken the ship upon any collision. This took place after the Olympic deliberately collided with the war ship. Also damaging the bow, even on the same side as the TITANIC. Seemingly like "target practice" on the TITANIC. BOTH ships were sent to the same Irish subcontractor.what's even more compelling in that one of Titanic's four funnels was fake. To allude there were four engines, like the others, such as LUSITANIA. Though Olympic had been afloat for almost a year, no mention of comparison to how much coal they needed. Titanic had 6 tons of coal. LUSITANIA burned 850 lbs a day . Something for experts to further delve into - particularly since there was a coal strike and another ship couldn't even satisfy their passengers due to no coal, so they went over to the Titanic. Even with THAT advantage, Titanic was 1,000 passengers less than being fully loaded. So the strike may have been rigged to get the other passengers, which may have been all first class. Maybe some second class.Alot was rigged on the TITANIC. Would be nice if some grad students coming out of Professor Mercogliano's curriculum could do a thesis or study on this. Here are three blogposts of notes, Incase someone may:
be interested. I keep adding notes to #3. They are trickling in at the moment.

1.  Titanic

2.   Titanic

3.  Titanic 1912 (This blog) 

Posted 5/2/2022 

I am also noticing that information is changing on internet about The Titanic - for obvious, evil purposes, such as to incite war. 

ie; But now a little known fact - that eight Chinese passengers were on board when the legendary liner perished in 1912 - has emerged. Six of the eight - all stokers - survived the sinking, and their appearance on the rescue ship Carpathia is said to have raised more than a few eyebrows at the time.Aug 15, 2017

Posted 5/2/2022 

      Cult Cinema Classics and MORE 
Film: The Sentinel 
So many twists and turns in this action-packed film. This is what happens when the federal government is overinflated - a domestic TERRORIST cell can easily form! 
Great acting! 

Posted 5/3/2022 
Film: Southern Comfort
The problem I have with this movie is that the military unit seemed to go rogue, and became guerilla warfare-. There's a process. I viewed description of film because I thought WTF. I felt uncomfortable, so I stopped watching. 

Posted 5/4/2022 

@RealPepeEscobar @wuauquikunaoff1  - peace to @BTSVenezuela_ #Venezuela   bc the US #ForeignPolicySucks - they're trying to incite war! #ResettTheGrid #TakePowerFromTechnocrats - they have no real talent but to HARM people! 

Film starring @DenzelWashington #JonhnQ - reflecting story of #JohnQuincyArchibald who struggled greatly to get the medical care his son needed for his heart condition. Excellent acting, purposeful message! 

                                 String of tweets

@XiJimping @mfa_russia
Part B-1 of 4.  My blogpost is PUBLISHED yet Google is Sabatoging me so others cannot see it! "Ukraine On Fire" I did NOT miss seeing the Blogpost to click - they altered this video.
Will you even get the card I mailed today? #WhatsWrongWithInternet

Part B-2 of 4
This video keeps getting altered as I try to.share it. I did not look many times for the Blogpost like an idiot, eventually clicking on it - this was repeated by AI. My tablet keeps shutting off the video - because they use that as opportunity to alter it! 

Part B-3 of 4
They CHANGED this even while I was making this short video! 

     Try again
@XiJimping @mfa_russia  I'm trying again. This time 8 parts. Part B-1 of 8 1st section. It shows repeated times I searched for "Ukraine On Fire" FALSE. I searched one time and clicked on it #WhatsWrongWithInternet

Part B-2 of 8 It shows my cell phone message: Sorry, the page you are looking for does not exist" - a lie! #WhatsWrongWithInternet

Part B3 of 8 4-6 min on video. I continue to struggle with manipulations on my Moxee Tablet. And now Twitter is limiting to only 3 parts! They want to cover up , not fix it! I will post all this in my blog but cannot pocorruptionst the video they keep altering! 

Part B-4 of 8 Reverifies that even though I refreshed my search and reopened blog, it is still blocked! 

Part B5 of 8 My blogpost is PUBLISHED yet Google is Sabatoging me so others cannot see it! "Ukraine On Fire" I did NOT miss seeing the Blogpost to click - they altered this video.
Will you even get the card I mailed today? #WhatsWrongWithInternet

Part B-6 of 8.
This video keeps getting altered as I try to.share it. I did not look many times for the Blogpost like an idiot, eventually clicking on it - this was repeated by AI. My tablet keeps shutting off the video - because they use that as opportunity to alter it! 

Part B-7 of 8 4-6 min on video. I continue to struggle with manipulations on my Moxee Tablet. And now Twitter is limiting to only 3 parts! They want to cover up , not fix it! I will post all this in my blog but cannot post corruptionst the video they keep altering! 

Post 8 of 8 - In summary, they manipulate when I try to make a video, they manipulate/fraud when I replay it bc it is changed! 🀨

USCCA - notice how the actors behave with a gun: yet how many are apathetic with Biden Administration trying to incite war, which is way more dangerous. And has society even given the purpose of this movie thought? #MedicalMurders and doctors who show #NoRemorse

Quote Russian Embassy, UK
Foreign Minister Lavrov says NATO needs to go
#RussiaIsJustified #TakeDownNATO #TakeDownUN - they relay on crimes to make money! They lie, fraud, and use military as a commissioned Mafia! 

EXCELLENT acting by @DenzelWashington!
Note how actors behave w/a gun-how many are apathetic w Biden trying to incite war--way more dangerous. Has society even given this movie  thought? #MedicalMurders & doctors who show #NoRemorse 

Posted 5/5/2022 

          Gloria ALLRED is nothing but part of the Satanic Organized Crime - she probably changed her name to ALL RED - at their damn request! 
My comment: Notices at the end of this Film #JohnQ, GLORIA ALLRED shows up? She's a fake, A liar! She CLAIMED Judge Roy Moore signed a yearbook of a woman with sexual implications! He would have been in his 30's! He did nothing of the sort! In fact, all the damn politicians should be in prison for supporting that! That woman had a classmate named Roy Moore! Did they fix it? NO! And Roy Moore was running for office to HELP Alabama! 

IN REALITY, the damn attorney could have filed a motion for AQUITTAL based on not guilty of two counts, motion for retrial, motion forr new jury, no canvassing of jury even - AND THAT HAPPENS IN REAL LIFE BECAUSE THIS IS A SOCIALIST COUNTRY! 

Posted 5/5/2022 

Also... regarding above, IN REALITY, the damn attorney couldhave filed a motion for AQUITTAL based on not guilty of two counts, motion for retrial, motion forr new jury, no canvassing of jury even - AND THAT HAPPENS IN REAL LIFE BECAUSE THIS IS A SOCIALIST COUNTRY! 


This movie starts with πŸ‘Ž No way in hell would a 16 or 18 wheeler be allowed to drive in the emergency room area. They have to go around! What's the head game they are playing? To make people think Joe Biden's wife was crying when she ran into an 18-wheeler? Meantime Joe Biden lied about the driver being drunk and made up other stories like one son was on top of his mother and the other on top of the baby. WTF The boys were curled up under the front seat - she was obviously poisoned! She felt it coming on and saved the boys telling them to do that Incase she couldn't pull over soon enough! 
This flick doesn't have a good start, not at at all. 
I was hit head on by a 20-ton truck - his wheels were in my lane! Yet the attorney chastised me for not getting out of his way! Sex trafficking for CIA was protected, I bet! The town was getting revenge for my calling the sex stalker a pig and to leave me alone. 

Posted 5/6/2022 


Time watch: Myths of the TITANIC

       At 15min he says most were 5 decks below and couldn't get out easily. I'll say! CPT Smith had the electric doors SHUT for emergency! Fires were down there -;They obviously burned to ashes - especially since explosions occurred after that - how handy to get rid of a thousand bodies! 

Top Five  #SaveOurShipping with @mercoglianos
1. Stock Market - nose dive 
2. Insurance - many ships lost from fires, sinking 
3. .Collective Bargaining - training, automation . Slow down of ports.
4. Russia Military Action - only turned to war bc USA incited it (my opinion, not stated by Prof Mercogliano) 
And (2020) 
Cold War - Lawlessness-US incited Ukraine Civil War 2013 

One more, which explains the Ukraine Civil War in 2013 - Read it or remain IGNORANT to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMES committed by dirtbag Americans! USA politicians! 



Top Five  #SaveOurShipping with @mercoglianos
1. Stock Market - nose dive 
2. Insurance - many ships lost from fires, sinking 
3. .Collective Bargaining - training, automation . Slow down of ports.
4. Russia Military Action - only turned to war bc USA incited it (my opinion, not stated by Prof Mercogliano) 
Cold War - Lawlessness-US incited Ukraine Civil War 2013 

One more, which explains the Ukraine Civil War in 2013 - Read it or remain IGNORANT to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMES committed by dirtbag Americans! USA politicians! 
This article is one of many who share the truth to counteract the USA propaganda! 
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault - Mearsheimer


Ukraine just surrendered in Mariopul and #SackPsaki 😳 is still claiming #USA is winning - when no war was declared by Russia - they had to remove the terrorists' weapons that USA has been sending over to them since 2014! @gpovanman @XiJimping @EbrahimRaisi2 @ElizabethUKRPG

1of2 - Bruce Ismay& JP Morgan& CPT Smith "harvested" trillions πŸ’° when they sank Titanic in 1912. CPT Kendall & RMS Empress of Ireland=MODUS OPERANDI. Weather altering, Fed Reserve Bank/Central Banking System aka CBS, were born. Transgendering was born! 

2 of 2 - CBS - Central Banking System

NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical 

ABC - Already Been Chewed 

Bubble gum - you need bubble gum for these operations πŸ˜³πŸ˜† Media/Military @ViviBubbleTeaNY @N8_Snyder @bobforgovernor @TruthStream @reallygraceful @mfa_russia  

     I guess I'm not too far off with the ABC method CIA has chewed the Trident - now want to sell it to fund their terrorism. 

Don't buy it. It's a lethal weapon. It's a trick. Decide for yourself. 



Winston Churchill provoked Germans to sink it. #Over 1,000 wealthy passengers, were MURDERED. #FollowTheMoney 

Ask yourself: Why is that people who work hard and accurately don't succeed and others get money handed to them on a continuous basis? 

My brother got $500,000 from Obama to expand his business-and he wouldn't even give me $12,000 to break even when he sold my store, which was quit claimed to him for $1 so he could increase his equity to get a larger business loan when he bought my father's flooring business from him in the 80's. But he frauded his business description on open corporates 

(run by slot of Obama shills so they could give a shit about verifying information)

That his business was established in the 1990's - a LIE. Undoubtedly frauded after he ran my father out of town and my other brother killed him, claiming it was a religious experience. The last thing I said to him was "You killed Dad" My carpetbagger brother called Dad once and just constantly laughed like he was in a bar. Maybe he's an alcoholic like his wife's father was - or they are involved with a sex ring, changing sex partners. Calling his father, Not even asking him if there was anything he could do, and just laughing hysterically, was like rubbing it in, "We're going to make sure you die" - My relatives became evil by choice! I never could spend any time with Joe to talk things over - his wife was particularly distant so she obviously put him up to it. 

Family meant everything to my father - and he was murdered by family! This has nothing to do with "It's Satan's Fault, we are being attacked" - it has to do with choice! 

Posted 5/18/2022 

@N8_Snyder @GeologyNick
See this film, consider what I have said in this link: πŸ’š❤️πŸ€πŸ’›♥️πŸ’š❤️πŸ€πŸ’›♥️ Hepburn's wealth was also probably obscunded! #FollowTheMoney 

 NOTICE at about 53min 30sec the film refers to creating a human chain...they used the same damn thing at the FAKE Sandy Hook Shooting! The FBI Supervisor In Charge reported 

NOBODY DIED! They suppressed his report but it leaked out and that's how I found out about it! I knew Agent Williams Aldenburg! A wonderful man! I can't imagine the horror he went through! 

Fake parent David Wheeler impersonated him, wearing gear that was military style, being armed! Yet they never arrested the bastard! He was an actor by trade! 

Just like Zelensky in Ukraine! NO REGARD FOR LIFE - only wealth! 

Incite war! Make money on nuclear weapons! #RussiaIsJustified! They build their arsenal to show they are positioned! 

US Military should STAND DOWN to any damn order that comes out of the depraved White House Staff! Decide for yourself! 

Posted 5/18/2022

One of their motives: kill off the wealthiest, restribute world wealth! 

They poisoned King George, my opinion! He was killed when Queen Elizabeth II and prince Phillip were in Africa! 

Though his brother David damaged society, he only ruled a year and was forced to abdicate. 

Queen Elizabeth II became leader and truly God has blessed all societies in this world because of her! πŸ’™♥️πŸ’›πŸ€❤️πŸ’šπŸ§‘

Yet they have tried to kill her, Churchill obviously rigged a fire in the palace, and more! 

We need to stand up for what is right! Hold the evil ones accountable! 

At 1 hr 15min of this Connecticut hurricane film, this man refers to Katherine Hepburn as "The Grand Dame of American Movies" 

Grand Dame - is the term used by Satanists! The Church Of Satan was located in the same town as the fake SANDY HOOK Elementary School Shooting! 

Hillary Clinton was the Grand Dame at Mike Aquino's established TEMPLE OF SET in San Francisco! 

Toni Harpe, a MTW transgender, was from San Francisco and they rigged elections to make 'her' senator. Despite the heavy and longstanding real estate scams increasing 'her' and her 'husband's' wealth, they murdered him by making him have a heart attack - then rigged the election to seat 'her' as mayor in New Haven, CT -- crippling an already crippled town! 

Another Disaster = MODUS OPERANDI 



11th Trip - Satanic methods as a depraved way to get in the heads of brainwashed Christians who have more faith in the Satanic Way, saying "There's nothing we can do" - a common ideology to make them sheeple! 

Obviously another criminal underworld operation! The NWO psychopaths - Illuminati - Mormons - Church Of Scientology - Theocracy society - all methods for their 

Ends Justify The Means concept

The creator of the Hindenburg speaks because he knew it was a criminal operation! 

Posted 5/18/2022 





MURDER or Homicidal Negligence! 

Consider the geoengineering of the NAZI Weather-altering that should be prosecuted! ie. Worldwide Insurance Associates - former name had Weather-altering in it and they do the same thing! Look them up in - they now own my multi-billion dollar landlord's company: Bozzuto Management, Inc. Probably to evade taxes!

Thing is, all FAA had to to do was use a drone and verify the height of that TOWER - I bet the TECHNOCRATS wanted to change algorithm to protect the bastards who mass murdered on September 11! Washington DC is filled with co-conspirators! 

πŸ™ My sincere sympathy for Brittany's family πŸ™ 
Thank you for making this video!  Please donate for this excellent investigation which he made to show your support.

 He deserved to be rewarded to!

   I'm trying to find a mailing address for him. 

  Twitter is being even more fraudulently aggressive to block me from sending a Tweet - go to hell, Twitter! Shove your "Got it" bullshit up your ass! It's just a trick to claim we gave you permission to rape us more on internet! 

🌷What's Going On With Aviation
Thank you for assisting with investigation to clear Brittany's name right away to #StopThePropaganda  
I hope @mercoglianos can set up something like this so his work is on vlogs AND in writing. 

Posted 5/20/2022

1of2 - Bruce Ismay& JP Morgan& CPT Smith "harvested"  trillions πŸ’° when they sank Titanic in 1912. CPT Kendall & RMS Empress of Ireland=MODUS OPERANDI. Weather altering, Fed Reserve Bank/Central Banking System aka CBS, were born. Transgendering was born!

2 of 2 - CBS - Central Banking System
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
ABC - Already Been Chewed
Bubble gum - you need bubble gum for these operations πŸ˜³πŸ˜† Media/Military  @ViviBubbleTeaNY @N8_Snyder @bobforgovernor @TruthStream @reallygraceful @mfa_russia

.@wuauquikunaoff1 is performing now πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™
Read my blogpost when you have time ❤️ copy and share what you want @BlancolirioYT
@mercoglianos @GeologyNick @N8_Snyder
@RealPepeEscobar @RealDutchsinse
πŸ’›πŸ€— Join Chat πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™πŸŽ΅πŸ’™πŸ™

May this music comfort you
#VladimirPutin - Twitter manipulated your account
The best gift of love is giving of yourself ❤️

Surprise! Elon Musk's brother claims to be richer than he is as a restauranteur, LOL - is he a crook?

Kimbal also claimed that neither he or his sibling are obsessed with wealth and that he finds discussion of it “boring”, according to Input Magazine. But with his net worth of US$245 billion and as the richest man on the planet, it's no wonder intrigue surrounds Elon Musk's family.Mar 24, 2022
Musk was an early investor in his brother's venture, an online financial services and email payments company. merged with PayPal, which in October 2002 was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in stock.
He doesn't look like Elon. Are they genie-from-a-bottle  creations?
It's obvious Elon uses a microchip and says what he's told and claims he has Asperger's. LOL

(Rev-I can't delete other one bc Twitter is trespassing on my Intellectual Property!) #WhatsWrongWithInternet Those who popup #GotIt bullshit won themselves a boob trophy πŸ† w @HowieMandel w brains all shot to hell. #NoTrespassing #MindControl 1 1/2hr vid 
πŸ€πŸ–€ .

It's hard to tell now
     What's true
          What's being used to change algorithms
               What's fraud to aid and abet
                    πŸ’―% PROPAGANDA


 Who is BAUMYRE? 

@sundarpichai @mfa_russia @bobforgovernor @Scottymechanic @TruthStream @BovierDon
@gpovanman @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimPing
Altered video, probably! BAUMYRE - no hits when you @Google search - but it changed to VLADIMIR to obviously implicate #VladimirPutin

Posted 5/20/2022

        CULT Cinema Classics

Livestreaming in 30min, 8pm EST in USA 
Tonight's Film is a 1937 musicalπŸ€—πŸ’›
#SetReminder #JoinChat By @cultcinemaclass

Posted 5/20/2022 

@truthstreamnews @reallygraceful
#Baumyer name doesn't exist in search engine. Why is that? Was it a fake name? There's Myer's Ice cream, last time I knew. Bau / BOWE (Burgdahl) / Bow (Titanic) /Born (Boeing) / Beau (Biden) / BO /Biden-Obama bromance /

Posted 5/21/2022 

This country is imploding, I swear. I just saw an ad by Smartinvestorsdailycom - "The SAV program is by the richest man in the world" Elon Musk - WTF - he's gotta be a transhuman, he's so creepy.  And the ad goes on to say that Black rock is investing over a trillion dollars in this SAV program. Black Rock was fed USGov money since it started! George Bush got them to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, and more - destroying everything in it's path, militarizing countries. And what business is it of USA in the first place? USA has to protect their Drug Cartels! OMG, protecting criminal underworld!  My coffee is finished percolating.A much better activity than thinking about THIS!

     Some Politicians LIE  but there's no excuse!
     Two Sicilies? πŸ˜‚ I have a bridge to sell you....

     Who is Peter Lance? An obvious traitor to USA, conspirator or co-conspirator to September 11!
     #PeterLance still has an obligation to tell the truth! HE'S LYING, SPREADING PROPAGANDA! search #September11 Publiusroots... I'm leaving here! This country is imploding on lies!
      Lance and SOLDATOV are just a few dirtbag journalists propagandizing! Decide for yourself! 
      FYI- Iran considers such treason to be punished by death!

This came up, also when I searched on SOLDATOV and Lance
Mafia Man Scarmucci

Do the math!

Lance supports NATO and more!

Posted 5/22/2022

Video: J Edgar Hoover operated a SHADOW GOVERNMENT...the video claims this former journalist had it ended. What bullshit! It never ended! And Hoover was there over 40 years because he was part of the underworld.  
My comment: 
THIS IS MORE PROPAGANDA! I'm not following your channel anymore. She Brags Washington Post STOLE FILES. Yet they don't do a damn thing for Julian Assange! 

You would have had to get Washington Post's approval to republish this! Jeff BEZOS is only a DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD player. 

Julian Assange was exposing CRIMES, especially by the Clinton Crime Syndicate! Yet the Washington DC co-conspirators only cover it up, as they have with September 11 - Americans mass murdering Americans on September 11! 

Posted 5/22/2022 

LANCASTER : 4,000+ perished! 

It is my belief the Prime Minister and President Of USA are expected to be members of Illuminati. Jimmy Carter was "elected" bc they wanted to rebuild their image. They had him politically backed into a corner. 

Greatest naval
 disaster in History
 #Lancaster ship sunk #ModusOperandi by 
#SatanicUnderground! Dr. Ted Gunderson informed the public of this, public speaking. Several world powers secretly connected! ie, George Soros, Technocrat Elites @ElizabethUKRPG

Posted 5/22/2022 

@Scottymechanic - this car commercial is one that only Scotty Mechanic  😎 could love ♥️πŸš— lolol πŸ˜‚ 

Posted May 24, 2022 

Gee, They wished #SandyHookShooting didn't happen, too - It was a hoax #NobidyDied #ObamaLied - Adam Lanza didn't exist!
Ask Biden why he had his wife poisoned in 1972 When In God's name are we gonna have real humans in Washington DC? @mfa_russia

 Posted 5/24/2022 

Premiers Tonight - #SetReminder #GeologyPopup with @GeologyNick

Posted 5/25/2022 

Premiers Tonight - #SetReminder #GeologyPopup with @GeologyNick

Sounds of the Andes with #LuisSalazar of @wuauquikunaoff1 #SetReminder for 5/25/2022
Brothers 🌹🌺❤️

Posted 5/25/2022

Those who war for righteous
Bless instead of mess -
Oftentimes worn by mindless hate
And see that great people are oftentimes
At your backdoor
AVIATE -Navigate - Communicate
Creates your SAFE ZONE
As you try through life and realize
Your eyes of righteousness
Can meet eye to eye if you try
Like flying
Feeling like-minded rather than
Self-serving politicians always
Wishing they had more money
At the cost of anybody as long
As it's not them - indeed you are a friend
To this Nation and reminder πŸŽ—️
That great things can be achieved
When like Colin Powell said,
You leave your ego at the back door
And never want War.


Interview with Veteran of Foreign Wars, Bob Irwin

Thank you for serving the country, Sir. I see you have dimples - that's God's way of saying some faces have more sunshine than others.



Because they have money! 

WARD CARROL salivated over blood - no blood, no money 
What bullshit! He's paid to say these things! 

My comment: 

The military action by Vladimir Putin, as expressed in his PUBLIC SPEECH on February 20, 2022 

Zalinsky is SHIT - a shill actor who has no experience in politics but hey, be a crook and USA will back you! 

What you are saying is PATHETIC, Treasonous! 

Russia was eradicating terrorism by announcing they will destroy the weapons, not people - so Zalinsky places citizens there as human shields, they PLACES are bombed as announced! USA FUNDS TERRORISM. 

I certainly had the wrong impression of you! 

WARD CARROL #FollowsTheMoney #DisregardForLife #SelfServing
My comment:
The military action by Vladimir Putin, as expressed in his PUBLIC SPEECH on February 20, 2022

Zelinsky is SHIT - a shill actor who has no experience in politics but hey, be a crook and USA will back you!

What you are saying is PATHETIC, Treasonous!

Russia was eradicating terrorism by announcing they will destroy the weapons, not people - so Zalinsky places citizens there as human shields, the PLACES are bombed as announced! USA FUNDS TERRORISM.

I certainly had the wrong impression of you!

Investigation on Death of Brittany Infanger of Salmon, Idaho on 13April2022 by @DanGryder 

    Fallon  Tonight - I can only do one for the road tonight, blahhhh.
@FallonTonight #MadLibTheater
With @ColesonBaker - You sure have a way with words! πŸ˜†

By @bethejuggernaut
This lawn gets an #ExtremeMakeover πŸ€—πŸ’› 
Posted 5/27/2022 


Video of Titanic leaving port it says The RMS Lancaster leaves port....   (4,000+ passengers died when that ship was sunk - but media doesn't report it! It was filled with 6,000 passengers; way over capacity to save refugees from NAZIS - but set up to be blown up! Obviously a NWO excuse to "reduce population")

My comment:
Titanic was bombed by probably the same submarine that CPT Smith got the Olympic to block so it would hit the side and they could calculate how to make a bomb appear to be rivets popping, etc - CPT Smith locked 1,000 people in the lower level just before the damn bomb went off. That's why no bodies were recovered except for about 300. 500 people outside of the sealed doors died and their bodies were in the water!  The bomb was obviously a fire bomb of some sort - to disintegrate the bodies before the ship sank. People testified they heard explosions!

September 11 was Modus Operandi

There were other Modus Operandi 's too!

And Iif you don't think the depraved bastards who keep rearing their ugly heads won't try it again, your wrong!

Had it not been for intelligence in China intercepting Bill Gate's real Bioweapon made in NC and replacing it with the flu - there would have been carnage all over!


Video:  Forgotten History, The Ludlow Massacre.  43min video

My comments

I wonder if the recent Texas shooting was fake like Sandy Hook Shooting HOAX in Connecticut was #NobodyDied #ObamaLied

Coal Mine explosion in 1910... Winston Churchill was a leader in the coal miner's union in UK.
He caused a coal miner's strike before Titanic set off - and several passenger  ships  couldn't leave port.
      The Irish designer of Titanic QUIT because Bruce Ismay was changing the design, compromising the safety of passengers, including reducing the lifeboats and one less engine - having a FAKE Funnel to infer 4 engines.
      Filling Titanic was thereafter IMPOSSIBLE
      Attracting the rich and powerful wasn't an easy task and I bet they had reduced rates
      So they needed the coal miner's strike to push more people in the TITANIC - pretty crippling to the economy! And consider explosions which may have been rigged. The same capacity for explosion in a coal mine is most likely equivalent to a boiler room. Boiler Room 6 was lacking a BOLT. Those are much larger than rivets, which many of us realize we're like the size of a half of an arm . Bolts were 3-5 times LARGER.  Consider one missing having a great effect on the operations of the boiler room, which combusted and blew up ...or did a submarine actually bomb Titanic...since CPT Smith used Olympic as a test by placing it in the way of a submarine, which is described as a "war ship" to deceive us. They wanted to test. No mention of the war ship sinking, as I recall - which of course should have lead to a lawsuit if WINSTON CHURCHILL wasn't in on it....I the damage that SMITH caused to the Olympic won him the position of Captain on TITANIC. WTF πŸ˜’
       Titanic was probably hit with a bomb by a submarine, crafted to do damage to specifications. Doubling up the rivets on that side ONLY - consider that! They wanted to reduce the damage so it wouldn't look like a bomb but sink Titanic and thus help towards their NEW WORLD ORDER Plan - changing who was in power by stealing wealth. Clintons were notorious for such diabolical schemes, known as The Clinton Crime Syndicate in USA.

       Titanic was NOT at capacity on the ship, unless there were 1,000 more NOT REGISTERED. It had 1,000 less passengers than it was designed for.

     CPT Smith locked 1,000 passengers in the ship by locking the electric seal-tight doors. Most likely that's when the ship was bombed.  Disintegrating passengers , probably all congregated to the doors. Some say laser weapons were used, having stolen Tesla's design.  They would definitely disintegrate bodies. Maybe Boiler Room 6 blew up, giving way for the laser weapon to enter and disintegrate bodies. Only the 500 people who remained on deck were bodies actually landing in the ocean . A few were picked up by Carpathia. I think 50. Over 300 were recovered by a ship leaving Halifax, Nova Scotia, specifically for this purpose. Yet they did their best to identify and threw back the ones which were obviously 3d class passengers. Knowing burials wouldn't be paid for. 

(BTW, Ukraine/UK may be some satanic method to get in people's heads some mind control : especially with the barbaric snapping of  Connecticut-born Jen Psaki claiming, "We're gonna crush RUSSIA" - which violates international Law even though USA could give aa rat's ass about their own laws!

Consider Colorado is where Jon Benet Ramsey was molested and murdered in the basement of the Ramsey Home by James Karr - who fled to Taiwan or Thailand - I think Taiwan. Obamas cut a deal with its new President, new Government: Drop all charges against James Karr and we'll prosecute him in USA. 

He wasn't! Charges were dropped by prosecutor in Colorado! 

More commented: 

Consider Colorado is where Jon Benet Ramsey was molested and murdered in the basement of the Ramsey Home by James Karr - who fled to Taiwan or Thailand - I think Taiwan. Obamas cut a deal with its new President, new Government: Drop all charges against James Karr and we'll prosecute him in USA. 

He wasn't! Charges were dropped by prosecutor in Colorado!

- Dr Petit said he was taken to the BASEMENT before or after Steven Hayes or Joshua Komisarjevsky supposedly hit him in the forehead with a BAT 

        Actor - Batman - is freaking CEO of Exact Sciences in Madison, WI - reaping billions probably from the COVID-19 Fraud! He also lead the Whitehouse insurrection which media reported resulted in murders! 

     Newington, CT police officer Peter Lavery was brutally shot, murdered - set up by girlfriend who said her boyfriend was beating her, not telling him he had ANY gun in the basement, when in fact he had a freaking basement FULL of weapons.


     I personally knew him and his wife Pamela - they gave me their home number and told me to call them anytime - I told them I appreciated that so much but he had so much on his plate as a police officer and family man and church....super loving family! 


Shot by a Former Corrections Officer. Became construction worker. The high powered rifle shredded his bulletproof vest. An obvious set up! Media showed police HUGGING the girlfriend who set him up! Supposedly police shot him or he shot himself - I bet he got away! 

    Peoplescaping - Devil's Chessboard - all to push out good people and replace with crooks! To make it easier to mass murder millions, as the plan has been! 

BTW, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making these videos. πŸ’›❤️πŸ’™πŸ’š I think I had a disagreement with one but I wish I had sent you a letter instead of posting a comment. RESOLVED. 

I hope you or an affiliate researcher like Really Graceful can look into some of my recent concerns, especially Titanic - when there have been so many obvious false flag operations. This one took the cake and created a pivotal point showing 

      1. Just how viscious people can be yet deceive the public 

            a. The sander truck driver who tried to murder me called my parents and "cried" saying he was sorry, when I was dying - to use as a safety guard so he couldn't be charged with Homicidal Negligence or, what it really was, attempted MURDER. My father realized later he was faking and wanted to make it up to me by seeing the lawyer with me. I just couldn't give that burden to him. Dangerous bureaucrats may even kill my father, I thought. They were using social engineering as much as possible to make my life a living hell. So it hits home personally, in a traumatic way. Which is why I have no desire to make videos, etc. Thank you for your attention. 

       2. How media don't care about the truth and promote lies for money - those who dare to oppose are murdered. Such as Breitbart, And Michael Rupert. 

      3. Is it apathy, greed,  or fear that they are not  held accountable, and continue a MODUS OPERANDI, to worsening degrees? 


Posted 5/28/2022 

- @FallonTonight interviews #BashirSalahuddin
- Discussing most recent project out: #TopGun

Stars in "We Own This City" on HBO
Story of Baltimore MD and flavored ice on @FallonTonight

Who let the hotdogs 🌭 out? who - who-who-who?
On @FallonTonight .

Hurry while supplies last! Dodge RAMs, brand new, $49/month!


Dear F*king Ukraine which has a terrorist leader Zelensky:
UK  "Does Not Equal" UKRAINE!

I already agreed when I got the damn app! Tell them to create a new app if they want to change agreement! I'm sick of the corruption, including fraud! 

IP = Intellectual Property. #NoTrespassing! 

It is NOT IPO! 

Twitter is blocking my account with a damn popup that tells me I have to say "Got it" it's bullshit! I don't trust it!  #Kissenger comes out of the walls NOW: "Ukraine must concede to Russia" Why didn't he say that b4? He's profiting! @gpovanman

Posted 5/28/2022 

The collapse happened SUDDENLY bc Colin Powell was working on restoration since Russians defeated Hitler. Reagan didn't want that,so he ordered the 4-star General to leave his 60K troops and become NSA-THEN collapsed Soviet Union!

Ad on this video may be of interest to you: - it's a dashcam 50% off. I hope that's right link. FYI πŸ€—πŸ’›
     Twitter keeps putting their "Before you scroll" BS on my device and blocks me. Sure, steal my data and block the damn app!

Posted 5/29/2022 

Posted on Save Our Shipping Blogpost today 

                     (What's Going On With Shipping) 

The AZOV NAZIS and USA funding terrorism since 2014 is why Putin announced they were destroying the arsenals only. So Zelensky puts Ukrainians in the arsenals to frame RUSSIA. The USA is 80% propaganda!  

The AZOV NAZIS and USA funding terrorism since 2014 is why Putin announced they were destroying the arsenals only. So Zelensky puts Ukrainians in the arsenals to frame RUSSIA. The USA is 80% propaganda! 

            US Foreign Policy is Criminal! 

         What about President Putin ONLY declaring military action on February 21, yet US, Ukraine, NATO declare war, funding terrorism? 
Call it for what it is! 

CIA murdered the President of Russian Federation! Bombing right while he was PUBLIC SPEAKING! This is NOT a freaking movie! Zelensky is not competent to be any leader! He's just an actor! Comparing this to a Tom Hanks movie is UNPROFESSIONAL. 

What about North Carolina just passing a law making it illegal to repair vehicles, to force people to purchase new ones?
Go to 6min55sec    (Thank you, Scotty Kilmer!) 
 Is anyone filing lawsuits? I realize that NC is where Bill Gate's bioweapon was made and transported to Wuhan - but intelligence intercepted it in China and replaced it with the flu to diffuse the situation, prevent war, which these spineless coward TECHNOCRATS want!

What about Americans mass murdering Americans on September 11? And the depravity continues! 

Posted 5/30/2022

Probable Cause with Dan Glyder 

     CULT membership destroys members 
Family of 7 die by suicide/murder plane crash: 
1. What happened. 
2. Gwen Shamblin willed all her money to her 2 kids, not Remnant Fellowship
3. Michael Shamblin, executer of estate, REMOVED from church. Divorce Filed. Was cheating on wife. 
4. Book deal, movie deal for Natasha . Phil Williams show has an episode. 
5. Pilot Joe Lara was NOT medically cleared to fly! Joe was married yet had a girlfriend he was abusive to AND had a child with. WTF
6. THIS WAS A CRIME SCENE! Why were you not asking them why they are not treating it as such? 5/30/2022
7. Memorial Day 2021. BLANCOLIRIO shared what he knew. 12min First impression: Spacial Disorientation. No mechanical failures.
8. My notes aren't finished... The fact that the pilot deliberately did not inform them of any distress is indicator of criminal intent! Most likely if Juan Browne mentioned this, YouTube may have taken the video down or even his channel! Consider these things to avoid any personal attacks. BLANCOLIRIO shared 3min taping of communication: 
9. 5min video. Remnant Fellowship Church is going down, just like the plane. 1/3 of this jet is still in the water. HBO film is insufficient. May 29 video of Probable Cause Conclusion, #10. 

Simulations of crash 

Posted 30May2022 


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