Sandy Hook Shooting HOAX


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More notes On Sandy Hook - for researchers to consider.....

        Was This a False Flag involving MURDER? Precursor to Sandy Hook Shooting HOAX? Did the pilot die or was it all faked, and the pilot actually flew the plane to landing? 

Journalist Morgan - probably decendant of JP Morgan, Satanist who sank Titanic with Bruce Ismay. 

Wow, story of Doug White. Pilot had heart attack and died. A
TC said, "I was just doing my job" 

        After watching this and looking up some things, I added this important comment: 
         What's really creepy is that the name Adam Sorensen, journalist for Time Magazine reported on The SANDY HOOK Elementary School Shooting HOAX as if it was real. Another propagandist, Jen Sorensen, also took part. I have no idea how they're related. Obama stole trillions from the economy and just like that pilot who died of a heart attack, 
PEOPLE DIED FROM HEART ATTACKS THAT DAY! THINKING THAT IT REALLY HAPPENED!   Adam Lanza was not even a real person, and just like Mr. Sorensen mentions here, the element of humanity was greatly lacking on 12/12/2012 - only the element of the Satanic Underground. The Masons have a cult within them called the Illuminati. Could this plane mishap have been deliberately occurred by the criminal underworld, to build Mr. Sorensen's publicity and popularity, to make the fake Sandy Hook Shooting even more believable? 

Need I remind you, Americans mass murdered Americans on September 11! Had it not been for Colin Powell and his close associates (NOT Cheney, Bush, Bush's half brother Bill Clinton, etc) we would have had a world war under FALSE PRETENSES. The underworld has continued to do all they can to still incite war. 
Former Gov Dannell Malloy tried to file bankruptcy on Connecticut because HE and his scumbag leaches would have profited and to hell with everyone else. Worse comes to worse, they'll just have mass shootings, create disasters so they can be heroes, etc. 

It would behoove anyone who can, to ask Mr. Sorensen his take on Sandy Hook AND WHY. Nobody is holding the criminal underworld accountable. Like CIA man FAKE OBAMA, they organize the false flag events, hire actors, and reap a great amount of money - or launder their crime money through criminal cites like GOFUNDME. 
Does anyone really care - or are many of you paid off? 
CIA operative, Christine Ford, lied about Kavanaugh Sex Assault as a DISTRACTION. The Secret Societies have been beehiving with microchips - the next step in transhumanism. She was paid $1million by CIA thru GoFundMe - supposed "founder" was Rod Solomon, who obviously just listens to the microchip in him. He's not an accomplished person. Major was history at Stanford and he didn't get a degree. Of course, they probably frauded records because people like myself CHECK, VERIFY. Christine Ford attended SCSU, just a tad away from Yale University - how handy. Kavanaugh married George Bush's private secretary. ...This is all I have time to add now. 


My life has been ruined by such corruption. At least I survived the attempted murders thus far. Why, I don't know. Yet my father brought me up right and I sure as hell resented the corruption sticking it to him. Funding out people I thought I could trust were nothing more than self-serving criminals who got away with crimes because they were either bureaucrats tied to crooked politicians and/or secret society members who FAKE their way through life and consider it humorous. They are depraved to say the the least. Extreme narcissism is a deliberate behavior of choice. While they destroy our economy and create false flags to make themselves look like heroes, others could care less about ACCOUNTABILITY, TRUTH. 
Nobody died at Sandy Hook! Adam Lanza didn't even exist! And that was reported by the supervisory agent in charge! Instead of him getting support, he undoubtedly had to get defense to fend off the depraved psychopaths in and outside USGov who abuse power and commit crimes like a day at the park! CIA bombed the Oklahoma City Murrah building! DOMESTIC TERRORISM IS THIS COUNTRY'S MAIN PROBLEM! 

     I went back to this video, and my comments were deleted just a couple minutes later! 
     Gee, My comment seems to have been removed just seconds after I posted it. No doubt the footprint of obsessed CIA covering up their false flags and regular crimes. The CIA are terrorists, and reward people for following THEIR nefarious narratives using crime money, oftentimes laundered through fronts like GOFUNDME and many others that have same names with different versions and more. They are the ENEMY WITHIN and if people don't stand up to it, they will continue to terrorize this country and world, and like a tornado, swipe anything they can in their path, becoming even more dangerous. 
     Hurricane Sandy was man-made 
     A month later, the FAKE Sandy Hook Shooting occurs. Adam Lanza didn't even exist. The NAZIS had an Adam Landa, who was a well known mass murderer - probably one of the literally THOUSANDS of NAZIS that USA gave amnesty to during WW2, rather than make them face justice! 750 were scientists who mass-murdered.  

Posted 5/15/2022 

     BTW - 

See this film, consider what I have said in this link: 💚❤️🤍💛♥️💚❤️🤍💛♥️ Hepburn's wealth was also probably obscunded! #FollowTheMoney 


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