June 2022
Pitstop Of Information
June 2022
This link:
Recreated - the other one vanished!
Other May 2022 Pitstops are in:
They are NOT for sale!
Thunderflower.com blogpost &
Publiusroots.com blogpost &
fallontalon.com blogpost - compromised today but I sent a tweet to @sundarPichai and based in n past experiences, I expect this will be solved. I think it is recovered now😁 6/26/2022 Thank you Google , especially Sundar Pichai, CEO
UPDATE, it is still not accessible! It may have been recovered and intercepted by the tech organized crime again! 6/27/2022
So far...there may be more! I can't share the specific links because the Technocrats are blocking me!
I also have ShallWeDance blogpost and StrawberriesForTheSoul blogpost - hopefully they aren't compromised!
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
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Fabian Salazar Wuauquikuna Brothers 🎵🙏💙🎶🎵 |
Table of Contents for all blogposts - I try to keep this current, but miss a few:
Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.
This list is not up to date - I began working on it and had personal interferences, especially Storquest Corruption
Storquest is probably owned by the Latter Day Saints Church, FLDS - their leader is in prison now!
Storquest is owned by William Warren Group - two names combined: The founder of Storquest + Leader of FLDS, who is in prison!
I began a blogpost but more detail will be added as I have opportunity! The New Haven Court is refusing to enter this small claim and have not returned all documents! They will steal from me if I go to their office again, so I have to demand them by FAX!
I do my best to alphabetize all blogposts and provide links in a list, but I am not up to date right now. You can find them chronologically in the blogs themselves.
Mexico was anti-slavery
Texas was pro-slavery
Was this just proof that
Media Controls The Masses?
@Reelblack So tell me, how is #Juneteenth a holiday? Slaves fought defending Texas which was pro-slavery and wanted independence from USA too - UNLIKE Mexico! #RememberTheAlamo https://www.britannica.com/video/167039/overview-siege-Alamo
Shares NTSB final report on Citation that caught fire. #NoCasualties but #AircraftDestroyed #FinancialLoss #PilotError
#raimysalazarshorts #music #dailymiracles
#NATIVity #LoveTheEarth #LoveLife #Wuauquikuna @wuauquikunaoff1
Tweet to Dutchsinse
@RealDutchsinse - I responded to Katherine Sigurdson on your YT post about "has anyone pulled their server plug"-YT must have taken down the post b4 I could finish. Twitter plays Devil's Chessboard too. Katherine S should never leave w/o a phone-she should set it on 2G.
- So Biden's rolling out the #MindControl #MassShootings #ShooterDies #WhoDidIt #FakeShooting like #SandyHook? Obama #AidsAndAbets
Victims in Tulsa med off shooting identified https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/nation-world/tulsa-shooter-targets/507-b2ebdaff-1fbb-47f4-8c86-6cc4062917eb via @ksdknews
All to rollout #PoliceState! ObamaLied #NobodyDied at #SandyHookShooting & #SandyHookPromise is more fraud! ALLEGED
Victims in Tulsa medical office shooting identified https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/nation-world/tulsa-shooter-targets/507-b2ebdaff-1fbb-47f4-8c86-6cc4062917eb via @ksdknews
Be Aware Of This Secret Programming!
Watch this video by @CorbettReport 6/1/2022
Electric cars are not up to par
Electric trucks are for Fum Ducks
Says @Scottymechanic
At the poetry slam with @theroots And Team @FallonTonight
How many marketing people will see this?
Whatever. I'm not an intellegence person. I'm just sick of this shit! Speaking of that, ColoGuard's CEO is an actor who ran Trump's attack on the White House, which has turned into a shithouse, my opinion. .Pardon my french😔 - but why do they want to sample poisons your body excretes to decide if you have cancer? ColoGuard was set up for the COVID Agenda, especially - to make money on fraud! The death rates are lower than birth rates!
The Bozzuto Management use this V symbol all over the place - including my forehead! That happened the night my keys were stolen and I had such a bad vaginal infection my temperature was 91°!
They must have drugged me with something to erase my memory, yet the next night I woke screamed ng "Get out!" - I was so Terrified from the dream I couldn't get out of bed, like I was frozen.
I'm seeing my doctor again on the 21st. They saw me quickly to treat the infection. I said in the phone it was a bladder infection, which was half right.
I really want to get this afghan done to mail to Ray's Heating and Plumbing in Salmon, Idaho - the family of Brittany Infanger. The 30-yr old pilot who crashed into the tower at the food processing plant. I think the main cause was WEAPONIZED WEATHER. And FAA - since they failed to validate the height of the tower. The criminal underworld want to take down the food processing plants. Some have been blown up - Both Truthstream and Really Graceful have shared this.
I guessed at some of these last emails. Fallon Taylor and Matt Mills are in Texas. Be careful, friends Fallon Taylor and Matt Mills, etc al! They're coming after all of us!
Mocking - echoing .... Using any psyop they can to excuse their ORGANIZED CRIME
They are not like the Robin Hood figure in folktails!
I thought Pride 2021 and Pride 2022 were good things! Let's mock the damn NAZI pride bastards!
What is in this symbol?The NAZI groups
and Common Saw
are in Texas.
Probably more; using deceptive names, I'm sure - but blend in the algorithms.
I don't like to use "Sincerely" anymore. Someone gave me an article about its hidden meaning.
ColoGuard is owned by EXACT SCIENCES in Wisconsin - DO NOT TRUST THEM! They are spear-headed by Secret Society!
The name of the piece of crap that molested and murdered Jon Benet Ramsey had the last name of Carr! Obama lied to the President of Taiwan assuring him he would've fully prosecuted in USA if they drop the paedophile charges there. Instead
Go Colo! - who let the Cologuard out?
(Wisconsin COVIDIOTS)
Colo-rado dropped the charges!
Posted 6/6/2022
Peaodophile Phil - sentenced to prison - instead becomes CEO of CIGNA and nobody notices!
Decide For YourselfThe pictures came from my phone- and they look much clearer on my blog post Thunderflower.
Look up images of CEO of Cigna; compare to images of Paedophile Philip Giordano. Just a touch of plastic surgery as if that would cover up the fact he's the one who should be in prison. HOW MANY OTHER SCUMS helped him? Including the scum.media, of course.
How many more SCUMS are right in plain sight?
BTW,..... CEO of CIGNA may actually be Philip Giordano, from Waterbury CT - prior mayor who is SUPPOSED to be in prison for several counts of molesting children! Wow! I kept thinking they were relatives! When one went to prison, the other became CEO - maybe after some plastic surgery!
Philip Giordano, convicted paedophile - molested several children in mayor's office, Waterbury, CT
Instead of going to prison, he got plastic surgery and became CEO of CIGNA - wtf ...Obama, Trump, and Biden needed him to promote COVID fraud and hey, they may even sneak in some innocent children for him to molest for doing such a good/crooked job!
Highest paid CEO of health/dental insurance? I think so! 🤑
How many more are right in plain sight? Mark Zuckerberg is Robert T. Morris, discussed in one of my blog posts. Did the scumbag hackers delete it?
Washington DC should be under real legal seige; instead the NAZIS formed SEIGE and COMMON SAW as mockery ..who knows how many more terrorist cells there are in USA!
SAME CRUDBALL PAEDOPHILE! And US Supreme Court has been proselytizing paedophilia! I submitted a petition to remove them all! The fact Trump and Biden have appointed some only will prove more of the same, I'm sure. Decide for yourself.
--- and I got home after making that discovery and they put plastic in my coffee! I usually re-nuke it and drink it. It would have killed me if I had done that. Fortunately I just decided to make a fresh cup.
Tweet house? No treehouse for retirement staycations #YoullLoveIt! Interview by #LivingBigInATinyHouse
This particular owner sells the prefabs too! #NewZealand $175K
Decide For Yourself...
The polluted #ForeignPolicy = #NoMansLand - they don't care about making money! They figure war will take care of the economy! Esp if they can kill a lot of ppl! Americans mass murdered on #September11-not Middle East! #DecideForYourself @Scottymechanic
#WhstIf they took this hypnosis to a large scale & society was unaware - sibling tries to kill sibling? Truck driver smashes into her car, &her brakes were disabled by who...no investigation, only an attorney that can't understand why she didn't die.
Movie: MacKenna's Gold
Starring Telly Savalis, Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif ....
@KellyClarkson - I have a hunch they used @RebaMcIntyre's voice and converted it to a man's voice! Brilliant. #OldTurkeyBuzzard @jimmyfallon
From Fabian Salazar
This 2 1/2 hr film is a good family film about daily life, right & wrong, humanity,& goodness.
Those who stay focused & committed will live by the truth, die by the truth. Greater is no gift. We all need to have a set of principles.
My comment:.
How about over 3,000 people are murdered Americans on September 11? Caused by Americans who never got to prison, let alone death row????? Erroneously blaming the Middle East to have war after war just to feed the military industrial complex?
I had to create a new blog post because scumbags technocrats deleted what I had! It may have been Twitter because now, they ask permission to access your photos, videos, - rather than just attaching like they used to do since the damn app is set up for it! No need to ask! I said no, the first time, and to extort me, it wouldn't attach my video to the tweet.
Posted 6/6/2022
Bilderberg Group met last quarter 2021
Claiming they couldn't for 2 years because of "COVID" yet The Wuhan-Covid crap started 2020...so it was about 18 months
Video: https://youtu.be/KdU99sotSdY
My comment
Socialism, NATO terrorism, UN propaganda, and weaponized weather - wouldn't you say this is what they really plot and plan? The world is coming apart at the seems, UI and welfare are at a Depression state. No doubt reducing population is at the top of their menu.
Video uploaded "2 days ago" but covering 7 mo ago comments. WTF.
Bilderberg Group Meeting
Held in Austria Last Quarter 2021
Petreus? A very disgusting man, cheated on his wife, cheated on USA, but who cares - after all, that's what Washington is made of!
James Mattis must have had to plug his nose a lot! He collaborated with USMC, they bombed CIA's opium factories and Mike Pompeo was facing criminal charges through Military Code of Justice. So what does Trump do? Erroneously fire Rex Tillerson for DEVIL'S Chessboard! Giving Pompeo emergency immunity!
No CIA should be there and Petreus broke laws and should be in prison. CIA are terrorists! Undermining the US Constitution.
General Overview of the Bilderberg Group
Guess Who's Hustling For Dinner? @AdamSandler
Adam Sandler and Andy Sandler are so funny and Clever!
@EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimping
1. Cause the disaster
2. Blame another country
3. Collect money using NATO, UN to put pressure 4. Later the truth comes out USA was at fault & enjoying wealth they produced! aka #Superimperialism
Posted 6/7/2022
This film is a 10!
Overboard with
Approx 2hrs
***Corrected Tweet***
#GroveRoots @GroveRoots
In Florida joining @brettfoster
Band - #HappyBirthday #DanCryder of #ProbableCauseChannel on YouTube
Posted 6/8/2022
It was so nice to hear Carlos SALAZAR livestreaming 🤗💛
Posted 6/9/2022
What rock were you born under?
BC BS A - how much is BS?
Film Documentary on #GeorgeHarrison of The Beatles 🎵🎶🎵🎶😁🤗💛
Movie: The Hero
This movie was artistically designed inside and out; and it makes you think about circumstances. What would I do if ...
Take charge of your lives; don't let anyone destroy you and hopefully you're not the destructive one.
Movie: Uncommon Grace
A nurse in the military decides not to re-up, because she found she was needed at home
This movie was well-produced, great acting. You'll be surprised.
Jimmy and @JeffGoldblumbot
Jam a little on the piano 🎵🎶🎵🎶 and talk about episodes on @FallonTonight - everyone got free tickets to see special filming from #JurasicPark
Jaclyn Corin on Fallon Tonight
She claims that gun violence is the problem
My comments
I know her heart's in the right place but the gun violence are false flag operations - get rid of the orchestrators! Many are fake - but shooters are under #MindControl
Nobody died at Sandy Hook Shooting! Adam Lanza didn't even exist. The FBI supervisor in charge reported that!
I can't imagine the grief he experienced because FBI Director suppressed his report!
Who was the Director then. Career criminal Comey, from Westport, CT - a Clinton Crime Syndicate attorney!
Harvard is rittled with crooked attorneys. Alan Dershowitz, for example! And I have personal experience to know how little he cares about the law, and considers life as a game - DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD.
Put a gun on the table. Does it kill anyone? - Wayne Lapierre.
Trump sabatoged him to get CIA crook Oliver North in as President of NRA! Wayne Lapierre was bringing NRA's reputation to the level it should be!
Police Officer Peter Lavery responded to a domestic call. The damn girlfriend told him to go in the basement! No warning that her boyfriend had a basement full of weapons! He used a huge rifle and shot through his vest! Police he worked with may have set him up! I went to their church and he and his wife Pam were so kind and caring! They told me to call them anytime. I just couldn't. As a dedicated officer and a family man, I wanted no harm to come to them because very evil people have polluted my life and I have no stability. The ones who push for gun control only want to weaken society like Hitler, because they they love killing people as long as they don't break a nail - they are deranged and far from being credible people! My brother , a paedophile priest and a Lockheed Martin couple murdered my father! My brother lied to me to get me out of the way. No gun was used - anymore than guns are used to kill people in the COVID fraud. Yet the death rates were LOWER than birth rates. I even got in chat and looked up several country's statistics asking them why they are pushing the propaganda when death rates are lower than birth rates in their countries. I realized they were only caring about following the money! Pathetic.
COVIDOCRACY https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/covidocracy.html?m=1
Posted 6/10/2022
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Join Rami Salazar livestreaming Saturdays and Sundays 12pm EST New England Time |
Remember, there are two wolves: one good, one bad
The one you feed is the one that grows. 🐺🖤🤍
Luis Salazar - his backdrop this week
All Wuauquikuna brothers are very talented. 🤗💛🤗💛🤗
Fabian Salazar 🤗💛🤗💛🤗🌹❤️
Happy Father's Day!
Carlos SALAZAR 👋🧡👋🧡👋 🧡My comment:
Referring to the USA politicians:
Practicing lying for The Big Ones, like Ukraine, which NAZI Zelensky is murdering his own people to blame Russians. USA funds terrorism and denies help to homeless people in a dying economy. Like Putin said, USA is imploding on itself. Washington is a cesspool of organized crime! They just gave another $48 BILLION to Ukraine!
Wuauquikuna Brothers
Rami Salazar is Livestreaming now 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎵🎵🎶 Saturday 12noon EST #JoinChat 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Tweeted about @Bonnie4prez ... BLOCK THE ACCOUNT!
@truthstreamnews WTF is this? #enlistedmafia and SELF PROCLAIMED #ChiefWarrantOfficer 06? Are you on psychotropes? I blocked the acct. Remove this as a pinned tweet please. Show us you're human still and not joining them bc you can't beat them.
This is more like you and why I appreciate you. But the Bonney4prez crap has got to go. Is someone duplicating your account? See pics attached. Your acct retweeted this nonsense. We don't need more nonsense in USGov.
I don't consider it useful to Tweet Biden. His admin is funding terrorism in Ukraine. The US Policy of Not Negotiating with terrorists should still be on the table - yet they box themselves in bc they fund terrorists.
Truthstream - Do you know about the Ludlow Massacre?
My rappy comment
This barbaric attitude still is brewing today! People have to call it for what it is! It starts with an obsessed desire to hate. Then to mutilate. Then to take lives as if they were divers drowning as part of life. No, it's not part of life, but of death - and every breath we breath if we just believe that living with gratitude should be our food for thought. And those who consider them above that thought ought not to ever lead, but feed off their own regurgitation since the majority desire to feed off the vegitation of humanity, avoiding calamity, forming cities of sweetness, and countries of prosperity. 🤗💛🌹
Happy Fathers Day from Carlos SALAZAR 👋🧡👋👋💐🌼🌺💯💙❤️🤍
They're on fire! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥@JLo and @MarkAnthonyWine
Jimmy cracks Eggs, And I don't care, my Mendez has gone away🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎼 @shaunmendes
Jimmy cracks Eggs, And I don't care, my Mendez has gone away🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎼 @ShawnMendes
#LuisSalazear and this
Sweet girl - plays her flute! 🎵🎶🎵🎶💙🙏
Happy Father's Day @Amtrak
@MetroNorth 🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙
#SunriseCT This is #FabianSalazar of @wuauquikunaoff1 Brothers
Raimy Salazar 🤗💛 Happy Father's Day 🎶🎵😆 Andean Music 🎵🎶🎵 To enjoy today🤗💛
Kareem Abdul Jabar visits Jimmy
Kareem is a great confection to fight this social virus infection of Divide And Conquer - it's not black vs white or him vs her - it's not about how things was or the way we were - it's about silencing sentencing with insulting words, it's about accountability mined through our minds and ability, it's about getting out of the shell of hell and climbing to the roof. It's about not feeding the bad one, but the feeding good wolf. 🐺
@TruthstreamNews tweeted a sketch that reflects what direction the UN is in.
My response tweet: @gpovanman and NATO is partner to UN. Atomic Bomb trigger happy General Norstad became leader of NATO after destroying much of Japan and letting Hitler be free! And don't forget Norad, a USAF secret agenda that isn't so secret anymore - lacking 'st' to be identical to Norstad.
President Putin described the political dynamic with US, terrorism, ISIS.
My opinion, Obama organized ISIS! Abu Baker al Baghdaddy graduated from.Harvard University like Obama!
What was Juneteenth Order of 1865?
(About the same time Mormonism started - POLYGAMY declared sacred, WTF - but Ben Franklin and President Johnson and others were polygamists, violating marriage law!)
The ppl of TX? @FallonTaylor3
#Juneteenth-2 yrs AFTER slavery was ended in USA? Which was AFTER slavery was banned & no longer would they be brought to USA for sale?
Consider NAZI Movement: #SEIGE #CommonSaw which cut #CommonLaw
But JFK was only killed by CIA in Texas as a matter of convenience! Distracting Public! (Jackie Kennedy actually shot him in the head)
Posted 6/24/2022
What's going on with people's heads, including logic?
Is it that important to overlook the US Constitution?
There was a military action by Russia, so stop being a f*I'd up piece of social crap! Traitors don't win!
This man is pushing a FALSE NARRATIVE, proving that a political system of liars makes it implode on itself. I'm sure he blames Middle East for #September11 The USA declared War using Ukraine as THEIR battleground!
Jimmy and Horatio share some good times on SNL! 😂😅😆🤣 @FallonTonight
@truthstreamnews @N8_Snyder @GeologyNick @bobforgovernor @BovierDon @gpovanman @mfa_russia @BlancolirioYT @mercoglianos @shainblum @mikednelsontwit @cpowellschool This happened in #SunriseCT 8:20am EST Sun #NewHaven-what did that jet poison us with? It was a huge dump! SunPicSat
Glimpse of the jet that dumped chemicalsSunrise Sunday 6/26/2022
Mind Controlling thru TV, Internet,Radio
🔥New video by @truthstreamnews
Posted 6/26/2022
#MusicIsLife video 6/25/2022
Visits @FallonTonight
And makes it memorable 🤗💛🤗💛
Hey @ReclaimedHeirloom #ReclaimedHeirloom - you just lost me as a viewer bc you have YT hitting me with
"Got it" BS
- Nobody should respond to that crap! It's a freaking trick! I really liked this channel - maybe it was FAKE! Feeding NAZI Socialism!
Tweeted thought 🤔
Bowman ...
Mock or Echo? By CIA
Bowe Burgdahl, Beau Biden, Boeing plane on #September11, there are more...and consider Titanic's bow that had a hole in it which they claim to be WHY it sank ..the bows have it, alright. #Wordplay #Satanism #spells
Superimperialism steals from the middle incomes and give to the rich. Which will do away with the middle incomes and we'll just have poor and rich! #Socialism #Oligarchy - not Freedom! Not Constitution!
@sundarpichai @Blogger @Google - I see this blog is still BLOCKED. WTF - why? Please fix it! This is one of the blogposts:
There is just a message the blog name "may not be spelled correctly" - yes it is. Is this to echo the spells that tech Elites make?
@sunderpicai and @welcomeus
Poland has about 3million Ukrainian refugees - How many does USA have? What's pathetic is Zelensky is killing it's citizens to blame Russia! The NAZIS have to be eliminated! This is a military action, not war - yet USA violates international law with"Yes We Can" attitude!
Posted June 26, 2022
NBC needs to Stop Feeding The Bad Wolf!
My hunch is this performer is a transvestite. I don't feel one microcosm of male hormones coming out of that performance. #NoMoreFake
@CCNY @CPowellSchool - tweeted they have their own LGBTQ now and it's not necessary to take part in The NYC org ...my response tweet:
Hopefully that will suppress identity crisis, bringing New Dimension to Pride. The NAZIS promoted a pride agenda and frankly this was built on a psyop.I appreciate taking the path of least resistance as necessary with #COVIDisFraud bc #WarIsHell #NoMoreWar
The NAZIS were, among other things, sex cultists - Epstein was obviously actively engaging AND promoting, demanding, and rewarding this depraved behavior
@ElizabethUKRPG - #KnowTheEnemy bc #WinstonChurchill was PLACED by the Devil's Chessboard! His mother, a Spencer-Rothschild was AMERICAN. Severe attempts to undermine the Monarchy & disrupt Government to create THEIR NAZI-Illuminati depraved NWO were &are in place! @mfa_russia
@ColinPowellSchool tweeted
Pride arose from protest,
which is the NAZI theme used in the 1930's - 1940's - which creates a #WhatAreWeFightingFor dynamic
Colin Powell stood up to Bush when he was trying to declare war after Bush, CIA and other career criminals CAUSED #September11 while Colin Powell was in Peru! Using CIA man Armitage to abuse power as Bush-appointed Deputy Secretary Of State! #KnowTheEnemy
My response tweet:
You need to clarify that! Hitler/NAZIS used fake Pride agenda, #SexCultists protesting German Gov! ie, The courts in CT care little about administering law, let alone Justice! #SeeWhereThisIsGoing-watch videos by @truthstreamnews & Corbettreport.com & @mediamonarchy
Posted 27June2022
Jimmy Webb from Jimmy's World?
Holy crap, he looks like the Division Artillery major I worked for, for 3 years as a civilian secretary that was treated with BS "You're a part of our family" even though I emphasized that my RICH retired USMC major - friends to Oliver North - uncle THEY pull into my job dynamic - is an obvious CIA man, who frauded the purchase of the Mercedes Benz he bought for his wife, using my social security number to evade thousands of dollars in taxes! My credit was flatlined! Explained why he aggressively would not let me seek even a temporary job there because he didn't want my SSN circulated! I told Major Jim C--- this. It went in one ear and out the other because what was important was STEPPING OVER ME LIKE A DOORMAT! Something my siblings learned how to do with precision as well! Maybe this dude changed his last name to Webb or just uses it for videos. Creeps me out. The highest casualty incident in the Gulf War by GHW Bush (basically hired Taliban for Saudi Arabia) was FRIENDLY FIRE on DIVARTY Barracks of noncommissioned soldiers! Over 100 soldiers I probably even knew died! My friend's husband, a CW4 physician's assistant, sent me a letter about it. I knew him first, then enjoyed befriending his wife.
The major endorsed Family Of The Year Award to a SSG who was part of a sex cult in the army! I was shocked when I found out - they tried to get me to join! I kept asking that office to help me transfer elsewhere and they enjoyed taking advantage of me. I created the SOP manual and more! I should have had a security clearance! All just "our little secret" so they could get a lot for low wages, not even made a permanent! After all, I didn't earn it sexually!
Posted 6/27/2022 8:38am
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