July 2022
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Truthstream Media channel |
Coronavirus Notes
COVIDOCRACY https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/covidocracy.html?m=1
Pandemic Shmandemic
COMBINED TABLE OF CONTENTS, but missing a fewπ₯΄
Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links
Blog posts are ad-free, not monitized. Copy what you want. Share what you want.
Enjoy Native American Songs with #RaimySalazar of @wuauquikunaoff1 Brothers πΆπ΅π¦ππ
They had a ticket to ride
But the the ride was illegal
And they died π₯
Not a good movie!
The Eagle Has Landed
Link: https://youtu.be/FgiLkbhK4fE
My comment: WTF - Churchill was buddies with the NAZIS - his mother was AMERICAN. Americans funded the NAZIS and granted amnesty to thousands of those mass murdering scums after WW2, which saved them from being executed! 10% of Germany - took over Germany! 6million Jews were slaughtered! 5million non Jews were slaughtered! Churchill was disliked by the Irish! He invited a coal miner's strike to help JP Morgan get more on the Titanic so more would be killed when they sank it! And they made even trillions of dollars back then from these deaths and destruction! They used some of it to experiment on people, weaponized weather, build bombs, make nukes, and fund the Federal Reserve Bank! And don't forget transgenderism. Madonna was a tranny. Jackie Kennedy was a tranny. And there were many others transgendered. Most or all forced, mind controlled, reprogrammed.
This is just so funny π€£π€£π....
Catfish are jumping - one with a sex toy it swallowed π
Tariq's rat tail, The Curly Shuffle, and more on @FallonTonight
Spirit Mountain film - I can't find it when I search , WTF. Great film about an Indian Spirit that helps kids being hunted by criminals.
Row, row, row your boat π’⛵
Movie: Life's A Breeze
Produced by IFB, Ireland
This is actually about a grandmother who had hid almost $1million in her mattress and her son surprises her by remaking that room and throwing it out! (Happy Ending)
"We were warned about computer driven self-fulfilling prophecies" 1hr video ❤️ππ§‘πππ€
Lectures on
Standing Bear stands up to Senator Crook
Including requesting a speech
Transcendentalists spoke on who an Indian is
(Is Transgenderism supposed to be a spinoff?)
The Court defines Indians as trespassing - WTF
The court further refers to Indians as low-clsss people -when THEY are the Natives to this land.
So the dynamics are very similar today. Ignorance is bliss. Saying racism is a horrible thing yet they themselves are racists and more!
Posted 7/3/2022
Watch this video! It's packed with resources and well-produced! #MindsOfMen
Response to Benny Johnson
Elon Musk is part of a microchip beehive, obviously! He listens to what he's told to say. That's delay that occurs in his "speeches" - #DumbingDownSociety
Livestreaming Nowπ€ππ€ππ€
#FabianSalazar of #Wuauquikuna Brothers #NativeMusic @wuauquikunaoff1 #Share #Subscribe
Fabian Salazar of
#Wuauquikuna Brothers
Will Livestream tomorrow also at 11am EST - USA time @wuauquikunaoff1
I don't know why I don't get Jorge's notifications. This is him performing with his twin brothers: Carlos and Raimy ❤️ Just wonderful!
Video: https://youtu.be/mfsqm39Gab8
#LuisSalazar #NativeMusic #MusicSunday 10July2022
Love to Poland π΅π±❤️ Helping Ukraine refugees get away from NAZI Zelensky and his evil terrorists. Russia has been trying to eradicate weapons. USA just gave them $48billion more-keep funding NAZIS.
26min video on ABC's growing parsley
And more - excellent video!
"Psychiatry is not helping society as they practice it today"
My comment:
Regarding SDPD - They defeat their purpose by singling out WOMEN who have been abused for a number of reasons. It's all about the concept of causes and effects - in the medical industry the twain cannot meet! They create a danger zone of self-fulfilling prophesy and other similar conditions.
When an accountant lays out a large roll of paper, which includes all financial statements including the Balance sheet - yet plugs in numbers sporadically with a belief system that this value in the balance sheet equals a certain something from income statement and then a certain something from another financial statement - he or she then destroy the very need of doing them one at a time as a sequence.
Another thing that comes to mind is the alteration of the meaning of words to get what they want. It is a BACKWARDS way to alter the meaning of regulations, diagnoses, etc.This is the following unprofessional, depraved concept: The Ends Justify the means.
At 48min this lecturer emphasizes "arbitrarily adds diagnoses" - I believe this is the professional outlook of what I describe above.
Hello, π€ #CristoferCordova began livestreaming a few minutes ago 2:30 EST in USA time. #NativeMusic #Flute #Violin #Singing and more!
This documentary on the Amish is very interesting, thorough. Well produced. Amish are not a cult. They came from Germany. They seclude their way of life. They are loving, and very peaceful, with great skills in crafts of all kinds.
Truthstream is so spot on!
I need my acid reflux medicine π₯΅ This internet shit is so out of whack! @truthstreamnews is so spot on! Sometimes the Truth hurts!
So my first thought while watching this is, F-U TECHNOCRACY, aka COVIDOCRACY. Here's Combined Table Of Contents, Alphabetized with links #SunriseCT
Posted 7/14/2022
Video by Truthstream - her findings on King George are not complete. She needs to dig further.
My comment:
Remember, MTW Princess Diana was nothing more than a Rothschild weapon. No doubt the Monarchy waited for the right moment, when a donor that matched Diana would be available, and then got a gender reversal and became David Furnish.
The point is that Diana was spreading all over that Queen Elizabeth was evil and treated her like a piece of furniture because she was programmed to. The extortion began their wedding night when Charles realized the virgin was a MTW. Obviously transgendered as a young teen, maybe younger to have a long history of being a synthetic girl, programmed.
King Charles was a target to overthrow. They figured the New World Order would kick in. And since, they continued to obsess about this Cult plan, enjoying killing people, depraved sex, including molesting - which is why they helped Molester sentenced to life without parole - Phil Giordano - to become Dan Corderi. I realize you can't say these things. If you did, you may even lose your channel.
King George was a beloved king. Ben Franklin was probably the main schemer in poisoning him, accessing personal visitations. After all, he was a leader in the New World and getting filthy rich by being a parasite and propagandist.
High Risk states - #WaterShortage
I didn't see any of those but notice the titles were recycled to ideology: Iris was a cult goddess of fertility, having BOTH sexes, and many claim that was what the Statue Of Liberty represents/Eye Of Phoenix = CIA = ISIS (organized by CIA-man, Obama - married to MTW tranny Michelle Obama)
The Mask - starring James Carey, LOL
And Batman, Spiderman, etc wearing masks as action heroes
Vs COVID-19 FRAUD ....I hope everyone has seen through the lies by now. Enough have so these dirtbag elites are trying to destroy the food supply to starve us to death.
These are ad-free, unmonitored. A hobby. Copy what you want. Decide for yourself.
Coronavirus Notes
COVIDOCRACY https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/covidocracy.html?m=1
Also search PANDEMIC SHMANDEMIC in the Table Of Contents Link - I forgot to add it here and it's past my bedtime. 3:16am π€π₯΄π΄
Today is brought to you by: GOBSTOMPERS!
July 28 is the big day you can purchase them so check your calendar - TODAY COULD be
O-My-Gob day!
Has a really big shoe! #Gobstompers @gobstomped @Gobstomper1
Posted 7/19/2022
Coronavirus Notes
COVIDOCRACY https://thunderflower2021.blogspot.com/2021/10/covidocracy.html?m=1
Pandemic Shmandemic
For Profit projects; or just #LiveWithinYourMeans
@truthstreamnews @reallygraceful
@mediamonarchy @mfa_russia @ElizabethUKRPG @EbrahimRaisi2 @XiJimping - Welcome to #WeaponizedWeather #Geoengineering where they #Destroy and act like heroes when they are suspected!
Posted 7/19/2022
Cures the COVID-19 and heat problem at the same time! #MaskOnPantsOff
#BrothersOfDecay visits homes like this and now - this shows renovation of a beautiful old home
A Scottish Castle Makeover!
David Hoffman - interviews WW2 survivor
His father sold unauthorized π
My comment:
At 14min - He was 5years old when WW2 started ELSEWHERE. Britain and France declared war on Germany.
No doubt, Winston Churchill was involved with inciting the war. He was a political criminal. The Irish didn't even like him during the Titanic, Olympic, and Brittanic constructions. The dirtiest thing he pulled was inciting a coal miner's strike to help Bruce Ismay to get more passengers. Still, Titanic lacked 1,000 passengers to be fully loaded.
USA wasn't involved with WW2 until 1941.
@camp_lejeune @Jamesmattis18 @jeffsessions @RexxTillerson @bobforgovernor
I bet #CampLeJeune was a CIA playground to secretly use for psyops and chemical experiments! So now they want to blame it on the water, sue USGov #WTF #TakeDownCIA!
@RussianEmbassy @mfa_russia
A funny thing happened on my way... NATO blew up the MOSKOV to abide by the rogue NAZI Constitution. #DecideForYourself
https://youtu.be/YTsdaQBJONg #Stoltenberg Stoltenbergers π always on main menu #BergerBully #AllInvasionsMatter
It's all forgotten! @denzelcurry
Brings good fire and fury π§‘π§‘π§‘π§‘π₯π₯π₯π₯to the audience on @FallonTonight #GiftWrapped
Posted 7/20/2022
Jimmy promotesπ the #EmuToo movement π¦ But Peacock is jealous! π€£ππ @FallonTonight
I rewatched Dan Gryder's video on Brittany Infanger from a few months ago. https://youtu.be/aRN3RJaW618
My comment was altered! It wasn't even in my notes like that for the video!
So I added more as an "append" - not changing what was altered:
Thing is, all FAA had to to do was use a drone and verify the height of that TOWER - the TECHNOCRATS wanted to change algorithm to protect the bastards who mass murdered on September 11! Washington DC is filled with co-conspirators!
7/22/2022 this comment was altered! I wouldn't have begun it "Thing is" ....I only use that phrase when I'm kidding. This is no laughing matter! In fact, I cried when I learned about first on the Blancolirio Channel. I made an afghan and a shawl for her parents and mailed them to them. It's all I could afford.
My device is probably hacked by CIA, who are nothing but foreign and domestic terrorists!
I've been posting (what I tweet) on YouTube for months!
Brittany was a 30-yr old pilot whose life was ended by
#ContractorFraud - the storage tower of the FOOD PROCESSING PLANT was built too high! Who were overseeing the contract? The contractor probably just declared he met specifications, I bet. @reallygraceful and @TruthstreamMedia both have been emphasizing the strategic destruction of FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS - expecting us to all die off in their mass murdering but their plans fail and they try something else.
Russia has no problem. -
this above statement about Russia was fraudulently placed in my device, probably on Twitter, also! I haven't checked it!
I Stand With Russia! USA traitors are giving billions of dollars to the NAZIS in Ukraine!
This device was stolen by a dentist who was probably a CIA operative, harming me during treatment for just a crown on a well-structured tooth. I reported him to CIGNA and it's been a nightmare ever since.
Though FBI took down the FBI agent's phone number, I left messages on, I told a number of people I communicate with and they somehow got the device back to me. Someone turned it in to the bus station a week later. I got on the bus that day of my dental appointment, right after the 2-hour treatment. No waiting, and got home in ten minutes. Realized he or someone else stole my device, so I called the office and they refused to check anything including contacting security. I don't rent there! They do! So I filed a complaint with CIGNA right after that. It was still before 5pm. And I had to call CIGNA about pain because what he did caused me pain after the novacaine wore off. I was charged for his inserting pins in my jaw yet the pins are not even visible! Nor were they necessary! I already prepaid for the crown - in full, even more than required for in-network service.
Also, I found out that microchips are NOT visible in x-rays!
I even asked him why it was taking so long and he wouldn't answer. The dentist name was fake! He even spelled it two different ways! And CIGNA said they weren't going to do anything with my complaint because the dentist didn't have a tax ID! To cover THAT up, the nefarious "alliance" they joined like a cult, told them to change THEIR office name to cover up for what CIGNA said weeks BEFORE! More Devils Chessboard tactics!
He shaved down half my tooth! I couldn't see anything!
The CIGNA CEO, Dan Corderi, is obviously Phil Giordano, who had plastic surgery on his eyes! Giordano is former mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut. He was sentenced to life in prison for molesting several children, even in the mayor's office! The dirtbag judges reduced it to 37 years, fully aware that CIA was getting him a new identity, and making him CEO of CIGNA - the highest paid insurance CEO in the country! Compare images! The ears and face outlines are idinticle! Eyes are same size! Nose was white at the end, reflecting scar tissue - obviously plastic surgery, also! Same age, from same city! WTF! These dirtbag elites (politicians, judges) are why they get away with crimes over and over! Nobody died at Sandy Hook Shooting! It was FAKE! Obama stole over $1TRILLION from the economy!
People like Dan Gryder should be greatly appreciated for bringing honor to the country, which is run by many who are traitors!
Food Processing Plants Are At Risk!
The organized crime that runs USGov have blown up plants, even. Yet now, they are Underhandedly rigging things to cover up their attempts. Using weaponized weather is one of them. Just like when NAZIS strangled Germany's Govt, a small group is doing the same in USA!
@BlancolirioYT With quick announcement:
US Navy T45 Jet Air Truck Show
On the lawn again πΆπ΅πΆπ΅πΆπΌπ
The Boring Channel π€π
Posted. 7/22/2022
I'm blocking Sal Mercogliano above - he's contributing to the crimes by Washington by his dishonest spin! He's not saving shipping! He's helping himself!
No, Ukraine attacks!!! Just like when they f*king murdered their own people! It follows the NAZI Satanist ideology! People like you are emphasizing CRIME PAYS when you say this shit, to give it NAZI spin! @gpovanman
I'm blocking this channel, etc! Being a real kiss-ass, to excuse their murderous plots!
BLOCK THIS ACCOUNT! She's an actor for Trump, who fired best ppl he had in cabinet& admin, to roll out #OrganizedCrime agenda! Trump=Democrat in Republican clothing! He was impeached! Senate has no legal right to overturn the charge! WashDC=cesspool of corruption! #TheJuiceMedia
I took a screenshot of her and the depraved Technocrats removed it from my device!
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