My prior blogpost was deleted by the ba$tards that back my devices as much as they can. I had a terrible time yesterday, for instance. 2/18/2023 

Link for this blogpost, to share, copy:

A full grocery bag and huge pile - all STORQUEST Self Storage Association Lawsuit documents. About 80% of the file! Illegal intruders steal documents as well as Vandalize. 
The maintenance supervisor relieved himself in my trash can in my bathroom  last month! I was actually working on my CLAIM FOR RELIEF - he's probably microchipped, transhuman. Posted 3/9/2023 
(See Disputes blogpost, for more details..but I didn't pic the 💩) 

Other blogposts are on 

    UPDATE, 3/9/2023: I have to post it yet on but look for 

"Get A Load Of This".... something "Sexy Rexy" used to spread in the fields - oftentimes still fresh because it was easier to scoop, but my father nicely explained the aroma was unhealthy. So he made more effort to get the dried stuff piled back farther from the barn.  - posted 3/9/2023 MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT

I will share the links as I try to recover what I can! 

Here's one for starters: 

Storquest Fraud   

More found:

STORQUEST Application for Federal Injunction - note! It's the same thing as WRIT OF MANDAMUS - The court FRAUDS to appease the money-grabbers! Even if one is Convicted to Life in prison for raping and molesting kids! CIA probably gave him new identity and he's out! Probably"Clark Porter" but I'm making a conclusion, opinion. 

Federal Injunctions cover a wide array of purposes. The Federal District Court narrowed it down to a non-applicable circumstance, applying *The Anti-Injunction Act" - to fraud the case away! = Malpractice of Law! -

MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT:  this link may not work now, due to CYBERCRIME by TECHNOCRATS...see below.

STORQUEST Lawsuit Continued

MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT                                                     December 2022 

Which Blogger created a difficult link to aid and abet CIA and the Second Circuit Court to make it difficult to access! - This is what I'm updating on! 3/9/2023

STORQUEST Petition of Writ Of Certeriorari 

REJECTED BY US SUPREME COURT - too costly to send AGAIN, particularly since it was legitimate to begin with! 

I decided to drop those efforts, guaranteed to be cheated by US Supreme Court - and focus on my appeal to Second Circuit Court 


There's probably more, I'm just trying to get my damn Second Circuit documents typed to submit - I'm just so interfered with. The Second Circuit number doesn't work. My phone may have rigged it like that because it has done a lot of nefarious things. I need to update it because they are obviously conjuring up more FRAUDULENT RECORDS to create reason to dismiss the case. 

They FRAUDULENTLY CREATED TWO APPEAL Numbers - obviously with intent to fraud because they refused to remove the FRAUDULENT one. My case manager Markus was doing a great job but someone with a Hispanic accent began calling me, lying, and FRAUDING - and I knew he wasn't Markus. He was impersonating Markus! 

I will upload documents on and note here when I do. 


The defendant didn't even appear! 

I motioned for Default! 

It was denied, WHICH IS ILLEGAL! 

The state law indicates 

Motion For Default has to be GRANTED

 if defendant fails to appear! 

I will see if I can locate backup notes on this blogpost and will paste them, since my other blogpost was deleted by a hacker! 

    There are no notes! 


The Superior Court of New Haven has no appearance! 



Secret NAZIS - traitors to USA! 

Even my own bank ganged up on me -- then I found out why. The Ceo is 


This is most likely his Secret Society name, 

not real name 

Leo - meaning Lion 

Sol - meaning Sun 

Referring to high status 

I created a blogpost titled "DISPUTES" and it was DELETED by a hacker. I decided to leave it published, although had said  on the blogpost I had intent to remove it from being published. I would have saved it as a draft. 

The former Gov of the Bank Of England sits on the board of my Bank. He was born at a military base in Canada, and most likely his parents were/are US citizens because he has no Canadian accent and has accent of the US Citizen. His last name is CARNEY - that name was like butter on bread in the GW Administration! 

Hijacking is the main Plan by the politicians who belong to the secret societies/cults that strangle this country. 

To be US President, you're expected to be a traitor. Jimmy Carter was the only one outside that venue - the secret insiders used him to bring a good image to THEM, as crooks - and it's in both parties! Bill Clinton is half brother to GW Bush! Hillary Clinton is cousin to GW Bush! Her father was a mafia man! Their names were designed to be jokes and homes at the same time! 

This device WHICH BELONGS TO ME does NOT have a full memory but is now blocking me from taking pictures with the camera app!



Reflection of part of my desk shows. I have very little space and do the best I can with what I have 

Posted 2/20/2023 


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