US Foreign Policy Sucks

 US Foreign Policy Sucks!

#USATerrorists are #Foreign #Domestic - We need to join the Commonwealth for Accountability!

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 When all they mean is, WE WANT WAR - to feed our WEALTH 

AMERICANS Mass Murdered AMERICANS on September11!


The God Of War: 360• Symbol! Keep it going for profit! 💰

And you were saying, USA? 
Your lies disguise! 
Your eyes are glass! 
Foreign Policy my ass! 
Destroy economy!
To divert money to you Elites! 

September11 was Americans mass murdering Americans - blaming Middle East! - STOP THIS TERRORISM! They fund NAZI - Ukraine government to mass murder Ukrainians, blaming Russia, when Russia 🇷🇺 ❤️🌹 declared they will take down their weapons which traitor tyrannical USA politicians are funding AGAINST THE US CONSTITUTION! 
Tyrany has always been the norm with the USA politicians!

And Occupied Syria!
WOMD made by CIA Asset
Saddam Hussein 
Were finally confiscated
In 2014; thanks to Hon Colin Powell and his team of intelligence!
Placed in a multi-ton sealed container, sunk on a retired Navy Ship! They obviously murdered Colin Powell this past year! 

The God of war keeps the violence going - WAR IS PROFIT FOR ELITES 

"It's not you, President Putin; 
it's me that's the liar" 

What did the fake Christian friends of MLK do when the rigged sniper in police uniform shot him? 

Instead of tending to him or ducking for their own safety! It was rigged, that's why! 

Trump was impeached! Washington DC are also the liars! He should have been removed from office - but no , mass murdering people at ParadiseCA was so profitable! People were burned alive to ashes using the laser Weapons that Trump purchased 5 months before that's YouTube takes down those who are against the AMERICANS murdering AMERICANS! Even though YouTube is supposed to be a service, not government! 

The depraved ELITES consider War as the 
Gift that keeps giving - 
Feeding Wall Street
Feeding their pockets
Increasing homelessness
Ruining economy 

Welcome to #Superimperialism 

Explains global economists
 Pepe Escobar
Michael Hudson 

Anyone who doesn't recognize the fact that Russians outsmarted the NAZIS during WW2 has STUPID in their future!

Posted 31May2024 


backup   of Tape 2, New World Order of Barbarians: 

Tape 2 of New World Order of Barbarians 

Dr Dunnegan Speaking.  Moderator Randy Engle

Note!  Dr. Dunnegan was only 70 when he died.  Dr. Day died this same year that this video was made, 1989.


Streets would be re-routed, to change surroundings.  Buildings would be vacant.

My father got a real estate offer that was a great deal - for his retirement home and sold the house in the country and moved to a village.  A sex stalker was bothering me in that location.  I told him to leave me alone, he was a pig when he called me on the phone at my parent's home in the village.  My father said, "Good for you".  I was later almost murdered by that town's sander truck on a sunny day, yet he filled the truck with sand and worked overtime to slam into me.  He also had a spotter.  That spotter had to have been there to tell him when I was coming over the hill on the highway, so he could get in my lane, going opposite direction to kill me.  That occurred in less than 2 months after we moved there.  Also, our home in the country was burned to the ground - numerous social changes took place also.  One guy I knew at college, who had a fiance, would visit me and kiss me as he left the hospital, which was weird but I was in no shapte to question anything.  I was in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks and in an isolated room for a month due to my head injury, healing from broken ribs, crushed leg on one side and the other had severe inuries including pieces of the car in that leg which were taken out - which should have been saved for evidence, yet my mother just kept saying she didn't want to remember anything, expecting me to die.  My father held a different opinion.  

I consider this experience as aligned with their NWO and you should record your own events for your own selves to sort out.  

Streets will be allowed to deteriorate with the Law of the Jungle ideology - the unfit will have a depressed atmosphere. 

Apparently these corrupted morons still consider me unfit - because they vandalized my bed so I've had to sleep on the floor since January 2023 - for over a year so far - and remotely turned off my clothes washing machine that same month!  They have done more harm as well, including causing my windows to rot in this young apartment building, built a few years before I moved here, January 2013.  I actually applied for the Section 8 Housing Voucher in 2008 while they were still building it and they were required to publically notify that they were taking applications.  My application was set aside so they could try to kill me, illegally evict me as well.  I was in a coma for three days in an out of state hospital.   The assistant manager was Ukrainian and she's back now like a bad nickel, as co-owner of SOM Living, so they say.  She signs their letters.  This company, South Oxford Management Living alludes to being funded by wealthy British.  There is an Oxford, CT.  That is all I know because this state claims registries of businesses are none of the public's business!  Of course, most likely if they get a bribe they would provide info.  

Buildings and Bridges would be made to collapse.  Sort of like Planned obsolesence by technocrats on phones, computers, machinery - even cars (as explained by Scotty Kilmer)

Accidents will be deliberately incited.  Airplanes, autos, all traffic - to contribute to the feeling of insecurity.  They want the public to believe that NOTHING IS SAFE.  

58:51 min

Dr. Dunnegan mentions bridges broke, shopping malls collapsed recently.  Construction foremen are trained to defend vibrating buildings - as stronger, not weaker.  

The building I live in now has vibrations - another reason why sleeping on the concrete floor is so horrible.  Everything here is made here:  electricity, water purification, and others.  

Well maintained areas will exist for privileged.  No related sympathy for slums created by these psychopaths.  Control over crime-ridden areas. They incited it!  

John Burks Society:  Support Your Local Police - helps the NWO

Incite Crime - then be crime fighters.  Cause the problem - be the hero!  

Independence and self-sufficiency will be curtailed.  Destroy old system.  Create a new one.  


Japanese products will be superior to USA.  This strategy was deliberate.  Window handles, plastic parts, will be used in USA.  Germany and Japan had superior quality.  

Medical devices will be defective in USA.  Surgeon tools will frequently fail during surgery.  

Info, communication, high tech, Agriculture.  Heavy industry imported out which polluted foreign environments.  There will be population shifts.  

Feel free to view - they provide very useful data which covers at least 50 years from today.  

The US Gov just relays false information as often as they can get away with it!  

Movement to the Sunbelt.  Transplanted people - breaking up families.  

Controlled Medical Care.

We take control first of port cities:  NY, San Francisco, Detroit....

The Heartland will maintain conservatism. 

Some heavy industry would remain.  Sort of a contingency plan.  

Global interdependence.  We will all become citizens of the world.  

Sports.  Soccer will be pushed in USA, as example of change.  

1:11:48 min 

Tradition of baseball may be eliminated, because it is "too American" 

I wonder what force may have caused my brother to throw the bat and hit me in the mouth/face.  We were playing baseball.  It may have been a fluke but i was harmed a lot by siblings.  One brother was obviously setting those things up - placing a pitch fork in tall grass so I would step on it and it not only punctured my foot but also hit me in the head - putting needles in the rug so I would step on them in my bare feet, and so on.  My foot had to be operated on to get a needle out.  

Maybe nutrition had something to do with it.  Social engineering, also - coaxing by others secretly...One brother was like putty to his handler, who he made hsi best friend and who talked shit about my brother behind his back and as long as my brother remained obedient, he considered him useful and maintained a useful relationship.  I had no place in his life because I am a believer in a person thinking for theirself.  His wife did not like that.  She had control.  She considered me unfit and only wanted me to fail, promoting that.  Yet siblings did as well.  I'd forgive and forget, yet they drew the line by abandoning their own father who was only guilty of making family his life.  


As salaries in sports got ridiculously high, the sports system would break down.  Fans would support soccer, baseball fields used.  

Football was harder to tear down.  "People have innate need for violence"  Therefore, football and hockey remained.  

Gun ownership was to be controlled.  

Athletics activities will be p1ushed for girls, to replace dolls.  Girls get into more masculine pursuits (yet bare in mind, they encourage sexual activity) 

Movies are geared to sex, language with normally-unpermitted terms, etc.  Violence.  Anything goes.  "To bring sex out in the open."

People are to be desentized to death, severely injured.  People are to be trained with "I don't want that to happen to me." 

Plan:  numerous casualties events = FALSE FLAG EVENTS.  ie, Movie of the Lone Ranger.  Even then, the violent rollout was being implemented.  

1969 - rock music would mesh with depravity.  

1:21:08 min

This music identified young generation and divided kids from their parents.  They would get addicted to the "junk" - subliminal messages - mind control.  

Younger generation would be made the stars in society. 

Privileges to elderly:  free transportation, discounts, and more.  They would tell the elderly they deserve it because they survived WW2, etc.  

Ages 80's - 90's - this group was expected to be gone.  Time to rollout restricted travel.  Need for ID's.  Implanted devices will be used to identify people.  Silicone was considered a useful product for this.  Information would be retrievable by bionic means.  

Food.  Food supply would be controlled - excuse would be OVERPOPULATION.  Growing one's own food intended to be outlawed - making up "unsafe" reasons.  They planned to label food growers as criminals.  (austensible purpose)

Weather.  Controlling the weather 100% was the goal. It is considered a useful weapon of war.  Use of excess to destroy crops, and more.  

Politics.  Role-play, manipulation.  Feeding the greed.  Use of contradictions so they can deceive the public.  Control of data would make them successful with this.  In other words, they would freely fraud records at will.  


People will do what you want them to do.  "Sheeple" concept.  People don't ask the right questions and are too trusting.  This med doctor excuses need to falsify records! 

Use of the United Nations to roll out this NWO plan.  They will use other ways as well.  

Ann Dunham went to the UN to get pregnant by MALCOLM X.  She was late enrolling at the Hawaii University.  Her father was a CIA agent.  She was Barack Obama's mother.  

I am 100% convinced that Malcolm X is Obama's real father and he lies like hell to us because his loyalty to organized crime takes precendence!  Malcolm X was probably murdered by a CIA operation.  CIA are terrorists, traitors to USA and only fulfill the desires of the global organized crime, which began developing aggressively after JP Morgan and Bruce Ismay sank the Titanic.  High profits resulted from other sinkings too, such as the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence River USA/Canada.  Over 1,000 passengers lost their lives and the captain (Kendall) caused that one and he probably became a millionaire from enriching himself!  


The underworld wanted the public to get used to relinquishing national sovreignty.  War is obsolete.  No longer useful.  Nuclear bombs could result in unintended nuke disaster.  

Note:  This ideology is reflecting on the extreme narcissism of USA wanting to controll all countries.  Now, the USA has to face its own music of years ot terrorizing other countries as well as citizens in USA.  Firstly, the CIA needs to be dismantled and people involved with CIA should be arrested.  They knew they were committing crimes.  Christine Ford is a CIA operative and the lies about Kavanaugh were just to deceive the public as REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY - to get the public to defend Kavanaugh on false information - as a distraction of the fact he is a career criminal and rewarded with more power because he is a career criminal.  

Preservation of History will be packaged by politicians to further control the public.  

Nuke weapons will be tightly controlled.  


The USA gave nuke weapons to the Soviets.  (create problem - be hero? ) 

National sovreignty vs Nuclear War.  People give up privileges to avoid war.  

Need to use nuke weapons - to convince people they mean business.  The whole thing would be rehearsed.  Fake negotiation with hostile country to get people to believe peace was better than war.  

Sort of a NAZI spillover.  Constant deception!  And even this speaker had double meanings since he was part of that system!  

Flip-flopping on war.  Display great courage. Die as heroes.  Decrease population/population control.  

"War is obsolete due to nuke weapons" 

Terrorism will be used widely.  USA included.  If the US fails to accept their system by 2000, they will devise a violent means of "scolding" (SEPTEMBER 11!) 

Money and Banking - frauding records.  


Excchange of money encouraged electronically.  Purchases to be made electronically.  Single banking system.  

Computer Records to be kept up/as means of spying too!  

Look up story of Robert T. Morris. The History Guy channel relayed the particulars pretty well yet left out names - obviously because the wicked rule USA and his channel would suffer consequences.  Morris was never even indicted even though he distributed the Morris Worm through the MIT computer lab Dec 1988 - destroying tens of thousands of computers yet protecting Apples!  Morris is really Mark Zuckerberg!  A guy with bright red hair - claiming to be Jew - because we are all stupid and trusting!  He graduated as a phD in computer science at Cornell University.  I sent Cornell emails askem them why they allow him to remain at large!  (Answer:  Money, I'm sure!)  People won't be able to save money!  


Pattern of saving may result in pay cuts if that person is frugal.  

Borrowing is encouraged.  Destroying credit is encouraged. 

Use of credit cards rollout.  Single card --> skin implant "mark of the beast" / predicted programming from Revelations in the Bible 

Implants with radio signals - used in dental fillings which makes patients transmittable.  TV's would have a device to monitor people as a spy device.  

I had no idea that they did this!  Can you just imagine?  This dynamic develops a very psychopathic-ruled society!  

Cable TV had a stronger ability to monitor people.  

1:47:28 min 

Dependancy on TV and rolling out internet

Telephone wire would also be used to spy on people. 

Privately owned housing will be greatly diminished.  Vacant unsold houses will exist.  Yet the real estate market would manipulate this.  

People would be assigned where they live.  Housing Authority will claim no room for people who do not go along with the system (manipulative changes) and they will be "disposed of  humanely" aka death - murdered - soft kills! People will just disappear!  

ie:  Paradise, CA.  Donald Trump had live people burned to ashes!  He purchased the laser weapons 5 months before he torched Paradis!  Jake Morphonios reported it, showed the purchase and receiving documents on his Blackstone Intelligence channel, yet when I asked him why it was not mentioned when Paradise, cA was torched by lasers - he clammed up and took that video down!  He should have turned it over to authorities!  He's a mormon!  Mormon Church supports polygamy, which leads to child trafficking children with no social security numbers - and the US Gov/Supreme Court excuses this child molestation as acceptable behavior because it feeds the economy! 

Friday evening - Monday .  That is how quickly this NWO rollout would take place.  

Autos will be made the same.  Auto companies will be diminished to essentially one company.  

one-one-one!  How many times do you hear and see that emphasized?  The Big O!  

Be sure you keep your faith, keep your center, stand up to wrong things.  

#End 1:56:14    TAPE 3 IS NEXT....


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