Block The Trolls Collection

 It's obvious the trolls/fakes/psyops are coming out of the woodwork now, so I'm taking pictures and post what tweets I have on that topic. Beginning 3/23/2023 

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He's a troll! A psyop! Emphasizing BRITISH IS SOFT! 

LOL, Princess Diana was a transgender and received a gender reversal - still very much alive and able to be himself - not a Rothschild weapon on the Monarchy! @jomilleweb

Why are you calling Yourself Princess? A mockery to @RoyalFamily ? @KingCharlesIII_ ? Queen Consort Camilla? WTF you're probably a CIA psyop! @Princess022564

I don't have time to comment on anymore. I'm posting screenshots; decide for yourself. 

I STAND WITH RUSSIA - Ukrainians are led by NAZIS! That's why they leave the country! They aren't being taken care of; they aren't protected; 



Wake up! 

Americans mass murdered Americans

 on September 11

Oklahoma City Murray Building Bombing 1996

Queen Elizabeth was visiting Poland -

Bill Clinton took advantage! 

He got Janet Reno to transfer criminal investigation files there and bombed the building when he knew a lot of people would be there - kill children, too - as a distraction! See Robert Snogres in my 

Table Of Contents!

I am posting screenshots now..

Posted 3/23/2023

Sure wait till his last year in office, waste USGov money, you TROLL. Trump was impeached and not a damn thing was done by the unconstitutional Senate! @its_the_Dr

I BLOCKED him and Twitter asks ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO VIEW - WTF!! You have to get on the account to BLOCK them!


More Abuse by YouTube - I'll have to use another account. 
Frankly, I'm sick of all the corruption on Internet! 

It's obvious that Google Trolls to see who they can target, increase data, to make them pay, or delete all data backup! 

What is agreed upon my owning this device SHOULD NOT CHANGE AT THEIR WHIMS!!! This is MY device! #NoTrespassing! I copied Sundar Pichai because I believe he will understand my point. The dirtbags who conjur up this should be fired at Google! Most likely "marketing" 

Frankly, Google, I consider it pretty damn dishonest to now include MMS messages, and extort me with an "It's all or nothing" backup. Most MMS messages are SPAM, abuse. Deleting them doesn't fix the problem! Investigators need opportunity to do their job. 3/26/2023 @sundarpichai 

Posted 3/26/2023 


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