April 2023


  • ALL FRAUDS MATTER - they should be held accountable! 
  • It's not about "Liberals" - both parties are corrupted! 
  • GHW Bush had paedophile parties, kidnapping children and taking them to the White House! One example, Search "The Franklin Cover-up" 
  • Real patriots who tolerated alot, 
  •         **but staved off war and complete collapse of US Gov, which                  was planned on 9/11/2001! 
  •  have been murdered --- like Colin Powell! 
It's NOT Shania Twain - who many called 'her' out as a transgender, probably forced when a child like Hollywood's crime ring did, giving parents a lot of money#WhitneyHouston was coming out about it and she was silenced ๐Ÿ˜ฅ#HumanTrafficking

I complained about the above ad, telling Youtube they are depraved and have no morals, something like that! 
The above looks like "4PatriotsLLC" are the culprits - or they want to allude they were to deceive me.  Because I just said this, they removed the
 4Patriots picture in the background! 

They tell me to update youtube, yet have 
blocked updating! 
Anyone else sick of their corruption? 

So now it's April 22 - my notes were deleted by the spineless scumbag Technocrats that TRESPASS my device! 

They have no legal right to invade your device and change agreements! It's your device, not theirs! They pull so much crap! Including popups like this which will not get off! I sure as hell am not allowing their crap! 

Notes reposted: 

Quick but useful video on how to stay away from avalanche country.

Is cryptocurrency stable enough to even make transactions? Look what happened to DESERVING FTX - and Humpty Dumpty isn't the only one falling. https://YouTu.be/I0VUdbS4a0I - Coin Bureau Channel

@sundarpichai - I'm blocked on Twitter AND YouTube - Here's @FallonTonight @BlancolirioYT and - @N8_Snyder on Twitter #NoTrespassing #ThisLandIsMyLand #THATLandIsYourLand
#GetOffMyProperty - you provide a service only - stop the #GotitBullshit @china @XiJimping #PardonMyFrench

@ItchyBootsTrav  - was it you who missed the kite flyers? Or maybe it was @jawtooth_co - Well,  here's something to make up for it. 

Happy Thursday! @Scottymechanic is livestreaming in a minute so I gotta run. #SunriseCT  @Kurimeo_Ahau @PeterSantenello 

Catch #TodayOnly
Sale that @Scottymechanic
has on his store! 70% off๐Ÿ˜
3/30/2023 - #DailyDeals
I wish I could comment but the #Gotit
BS interferes with everything - #NoTrespassing!

Blumenthal? Add that name to the list! Bitchard #Blumenthal w/h mass murders if he could decide! I've been told he's a paedophile. Makes sense,since #PhilGiordano was so hard to convict. BTW, CIA obviously gave him a new identity- he's CEO of CIGNA! They shaved his voicebox too  .

Well said! The Gender identity has been socially blown out of proportion! Kids say things because it's trendy, they are still learning how to socialize, etc - all this trans-this, trans-that rhetoric is so unfair to them!

@jimmyfallon @theroots @GeologyNick
@N8_Snyder @GlenAndFriends @piersmorgan @RoyalFamily
-๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒณ I identify as a Canadian maple ๐Ÿ

This Russian - Ugrinsky developed a turbine run on water. Good thing he didn't move to USA like Nikola Tesla did! @GeologyNick

Methanol heater #DIY
(I thought Methanol WAS Rubbing alcohol, oops)
Works great! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Costs less than @TencentGlobal

I lost interest in watching. Plaintiff's attorney certainly is like an SNL character & would want a piece of the pie if a skit was made of it. Gwenyth s/h countersued.  I've had so many bad experiences w attorneys. What a $hitshow

Tweet response to atty @MattBlumenthal
And you're obviously one of them. Who's your father? Richard Blumenthal? The corruption never stops! Does it matter this state conspired with Tyrant Barack Obama to Fraud the world with the  #SandyHookShootingHoax? Adam Lanza wasn't even a real person! They all lied like hell!

Tweet response to @CraigLNU
I agree &could say more! You left out bribe-taking - no doubt he saw how good it worked for Richard Blumenthal! A husband in CT can get away with torching their family members to death, marrying a niece like Hitler, & go into politics! AND get the conspirators off by escaping!

      In defense of transgendering people - when most are even FORCED.....
          You're all caught up in this rhetoric rather than care about being real politicians who SERVE! Who paid for the transgender clinics? OBAMA, Cult Leader, w the money he frauded the "I hate US Gov & World"  with after making $1Trillion from #SandyHookShootingHoax! @bobforgovernor

RETWEET @CraigLNU = ignorance is bliss!
ie,  ENRON, Clinton Crime Syndicate, many FAKE BUSINESSES, not even registered, only frauds are guaranteed to make lots of money. This is where JP Morgan was born - he and Bruce Ismay sank the Titanic!

Response Tweet
@CTParent301 There are a lot of apathetic republicans in this state too. It's been a horrible place to live. The law doesn't matter. They are socialists. CEO of CIGNA is obviously former republican mayor of Waterbury: #PhilGiordano #FugitiveFromJustice #PaedophileRapist

There wasn't even a crisis, let alone pandemic! Birth rates always higher than death rates. This state uses #StupidAsAWeapon - how about holding the medical industry accountable for murdering patients? Seems like role-playing is all that's important! 

It's pathetic I had to stop using MY device for a few weeks because it's been so invaded, manipulated, TRESPASSED. 

@AreOhEssEyeEe #RiggedElections is why Trudeau became PM. USA has same problem. Now that internet is our only form of communication, you don't know who's a psyop 4CIA, aka QAnon, who's trolling in the river, who's an outright crook. The less stability, the more they manipulate!

But - Not all woman can - due to contaminated shots, chemtrails. water, and more. And doctors give "surprise D&C's" and tell them they aren't pregnant. Bottom line: #NoAccountability #DecideForYourself

   She doesn't want drag queens shaping children...
Response Tweet
@ViviBubbleTeaNY has great plastic straws. I reuse them too. I understand your intended point though. Obama got this going and he's working in the background of Biden. Both Biden and Trump are crooks. Consider mass murders like #ParadiseCA -ppl burned to ashes w laser weapons.

I wonder if England gets fierce tornadoes like USA - and I mean fierce. Two places had twin tornadoes - two at the same time - he showed us. Reported @N8_Snyder #Ohio #Iowa 

Response Tweet to @kateinthemix
I agree but I'm blocked on your account. Don't know why; but this state is so unable to correct itself. I'd leave today if I had the money. 

The US Senate Sucks! They rigged committees - clumping unlike topics together to further confuse and have no solutions, just confusion! @KingCharlesIII_ 

Response Tweet
It's all roleplay! FAKE! Ask that judge why he didn't give a damn about the paedophilia parties in the White House by GHW Bush. Kidnapping children, taking them there! Just look it up. YT probably took down most videos, though. 

Response Tweet to Tucker Carlson
Why don't you just admit this social engineering which Mainstream Media takes part In is #DivideAndConquer

Response Tweet to@ct_turnip
What about #ObscundingFunds - getting Medicare money because they illegally converted federally funded programs to Medicaid! They also have a Part C Medicare which is MEDICAID, and yet they siphon money from the federal government!
Also, HUD money is greatly mismanaged! 

Are they operating with the same budgets? I stink ๐Ÿฆจ Therefore I am. @skunk 

@EbrahimRaisi2 @HassanRouhani ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงก And may USA be held accountable for many times they cheated iran. Thank you @JimmyCarter for siding with Iran's #ShariaLaw to get rid of corruption instituted by USA. May our Creator help us heal by holding evil ones accountable. 

Response Tweet to "I Loathe liberals.. "
Make sure you add NATO to that list - especially after they nuked a beautiful ship that was docked in @Russia and Obama has corrupted both NATO and UN all the more. We don't even know who the hell his real father is! Probably MalcolmX - Obama's SSN is from Connecticut! #CIAJob 

What is "it" -consider crooked politicians destroyed all of Colin Powell's work! Hillary destroyed the #PowellDoctrine Deputy Secry of State Armitage is/was a CIA man! Ron Paul is CIA agent! Kicked out of @Russia bc of it. Rand Paul is CIA. They farm their operatives like Mafia. 

#shorts #Trump #Indicted
PS, any chance you can include the itty-bitty mass murders in #ParadiseCA - or was that done as a trump to #GWBush's mass murders on #September11
-Blaming the Middle East- & now they get Ukraine to accuse @Russia

      Tweeted 4/22/2023 
@piersmorgan #GotIT is BS -
This is what happens when Technocracy targets people who they're unsuccessful murdering - there was no hate speech. There was opinion. No threats. They describe their psychopathic behavior as #DivineJustice - it's  #OrganizedCrime @KingCharlesIII_

Posted 22April2023 

So I say this: 

So psychopathic YouTube has blocked my access to my own ANDROID Acct on MY ANDROID, but I can see this short. WTF I have a right to be angry. #GotIT is BS sounding like Gotti, mafia murderer; and mocks #TikTok /koTkiT

And also emphasize 

1.  share my opinion 

2. I resent their lies and social engineering

3. I don't threaten 

4. I expect accountability

And this is what YouTube does: 

Stop Trespassing on my device! I own it! You provide a SERVICE to Androids - yet have created #OrganizedCrime as your platform! 

Because CIA are in the background with MONEY - they collected from sex trafficking, abducting children, and other organized crime! 

Posted 4/22/2023 

Now all my screenshots are missing but are supposed to be in storage! 


Video: his daughter was murdered by boyfriend..

My comment: 

If I made any of those comments made on this show, as credible as they are, YouTube would block me and claim it was "hate speech" 

"Divine Justice" 

Is organized crime and why this dad doesn't get Justice for his daughter. And why I don't get Justice for my father. My brother lied about helping me get Dad in a nursing home, came down to new Mexico, and killed Dad, telling me  - 

when I couldn't get one person to help Dad, who was a police chaplain in that area - 

"I came down to help Dad die" 

He said it was a religious experience, conspiring with the paedophile priest, David Bentley from Albany, NY - transferred to NM by the Catholic Church because a huge class action lawsuit was brought up by his many victims of 19 years. 


Posted 23April2023

     2hr+ video - Dr. Grover Proctor  

  Keeping the media spin going: Lee Harvey Oswald 

I can't post a comment because YouTube blocks me to keep THEIR lies spinning! 



I bet Grover Proctor and Jim Mars are FREEMASON Illuminati Jesuits ๐Ÿ˜ค This emoji is here for a reason and if YouTube claims it's hate speech, fight it out with Emoji - which of course they probably own and don't give a ๐Ÿ’ฉ 




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