June 2023

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This picture came from a NYC chocolate chip cookie recipe πŸͺ

I can't post an image because 

my device is hacked by cyber crime! 

Update 5/21/2024 2:23am - it is now fixed! 

I need to find out who the bastards are 

CIA, definitely 

And more 

I have to return because this device is compromised and won't open my files! 

Beginning 6/13/2023 ....

    Piers Morgan
Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/SpYkUqCNxwE?feature=share
My comment:  Paradise CA was burned to dust BY TRUMP - using tons of laser weapons he purchased through the Pentagon AFTER he nefariously fired James Mattie, Secretary Of Defense!

Did you expect Slavik to tap dance? 

More #BooksAreCooked 🌳 NIH got $400M from unk #BigPharma source; to push the vaccine agenda. #SenatorRandPaul faked a comment about restructuring NIH - yet had no regard over Justice and proven illegal activities by his secret society comrades!

More #BooksAreCooked 🌳 NIH got $400M from unk #BigPharma source; to push the vaccine agenda. #SenatorRandPaul faked a comment about restructuring NIH - yet had no regard over Justice and proven illegal activities by his secret society comrades!

$400M losses, $400M allocations - were frequently used in USGov by the Secret societies that manipulate it! REPETITION as weapon of fraud, crimes - is so common in the USGov!    This was very difficult to create due to CYBER CRIME by the Technocracy!  - posted 6/16/2023 Friday


@mjfuld54 @N8_Snyder - TikTok Notes will continue to grow. Play note especially, details about BRICS πŸ’šTikTok

@CTParent301 and @senatorduff
As long as politicians in #SunriseCT can get away with whining, they can get away with being qualified to do nothing! Stop the roleplay BS, do your jobs. BRICS is now the leader in world trade and we have a world reset! USA sb part of Commonwealth! @KingCharlesIII_ 

Peter Santenello 

I give the video a πŸ‘Ž The mafia are viscous organized crime! All the Secret narcissist Jesuit Satanist societies claim they have DIVINE JUSTICE 😀 WTF 
Video: https://youtu.be/IXl52TgGhRw
There comes a time to man-up and follow principles. This attorney is fraudulent, conspires with his clients! Doesn't follow the Rules Of Court! The pleading sets the case! Probable cause is reviewed! An attorney can't plug his ears and go "malala" in court! THEY ARE ADMINISTERS OF LAW! There are so many crooked attorneys in USA! They erode society with NAZI Socialism! Wealth is all they care about! They have ruined the economy! We have a reset going on right now! BRICS is the new economy!! USA is going bankrupt, as Trump did 13 times in Bridgeport CT ALONE! I saw the files! He's probably gone bankrupt hundreds of times in USA! 

Posted 6/17/2023

      SAVE OUR SHIPPING with Professor Sal Mercogliano (blog post)

Video: https://youtu.be/AX7nZplzHc0

My comment:
It is puzzling that any corner of the world, including ocean or sky, can be considered a Wild, Wild, West - since the waters are territories of countries. Additionally, several submersibles have been created and used before this, and certainly this Oceangate creator knew what he was doing. No prior expeditions had problems UNTIL this crew came up missing! So I consider it FRAUDULENT STORIES. Even real estate tycoons in Florida are FELONIOUSLY suing Oceangate for an incident they claim was 6 years ago, and easy to fraud due to statute of limitations. It was filed February 2023 - a reflection this was all planned by the Technocracy! And if the crew dies, they should be charged for murder, certainly not the only murders they have committed! WAKE UP, PEOPLE! Do not be puppets to ORGANIZED CRIME. I hope Professor Sal understands they are pulling him in their rabbit hole to mask their image! The CPT of the Coast Guard probably met Prof Sal Mercogliano recently because he was requested by Boston US Customs to provide a lecture on port control, etc. He knows his stuff. Yet they may have just enjoyed framing him as part of their most devious plan! #FollowTheMoney This is why Titanic was sunk by Bruce Ismay and JP Morgan. CPT Smith was working for them and in on it! He activated the locktight doors fully knowing a thousand people were locked in! An easy way to slaughter people, and indeed everyone was in such panic, it was the last thing they cared about! Their safes and cabins were stragically raided, I'm sure! Because John B Thayer IV just attained his university degree in Finance in Lindon, UK - he was well-equipped to fraud, along with his father, a finance expert who FAKED HIS DEATH! This is Why Empress Of Ireland was sank by CPT Kendall! There was a LOT of wealth on board, which nobody suspected because the ship was described for medium income people! It would not get the attention that Titanic did, which inevitably altered the whole global economy, putting it in the nefarious hands of JP Morgan and Bruce Ismay ORGANIZED CRIME!

So wake up, people! You give them an inch, they take a mile!

Second comment:

They did NOT perform a viable rescue! It was a RECOVERY! Using delay tactics to intercept locating the submersible vessel. Many have been made for the same purpose before this. Combing 900 square miles was HARMFUL to the missing team! The parameter they were in comprised of a square mile and they should have begun with GROUND ZERO, where the Titanic is located! If they die, their blood will be on the hands of the Technocracy who orchestrated this, along with the band of people who knew what they were doing was illegal, and worse yet, possibly intentional MURDER. This activity is nothing new to USA, run by Jesuit Satanist Illuminati FREEMASON Secret Societies! Wake up!

Posted 6/22/2023


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