New World Order of Barbarians Typed Notes

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New World Order Of Barbarians

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I had to create this new blogpost due to CYBER CRIME - AND COSTING ME ALL DAY TO TRY TO FIX WHAT THEY ARE FRAUDING!  - posted 6/4/2024

She is Romanian ❤️🇷🇴 But the NAZIS seized them out of their home

and taken to one of the NAZI camps in Ukraine, 1941. This video is about a half hour.


Link for this TEMPORARY-interim TABLE OF CONTENTS blogpost:

Once the TOC is finalized, the blogposts will remain with a confirmed note and link on them that it is available "Table Of Round Tents" 

This is a concern I have.  I hope those who are specifically knowledgeable on these things may discuss #Bioweapons #AmericansMurderingAmericans #TechnocracyAreTerrorists #HoldThemAccountable  

 Link to this movie, #AndromedaStrain:

TAPE 1 OF 4 



New Order of Barbarians



via @YouTube 

@ThriftBooks sell the book

 I deleted this tweet (above)

Check Dutchsinse 's community section which has a media post specifically referencing validation that Geoengineering exists.


Here is a reliable source:


Also, find the AI Martin Channel - unfortunately CYBER CRIME prevents me from accessing the link. I am a private person who has been exploited my whole life by the criminal underworld.  They have destroyed my  own hopes and dreams and also got my brother to conspire with  a paedophile priest transferred from Albany NY to Deming NM (because the Catholic Church was being sued by his alter boy victims of 19 years!) DAVID BENTLEY, who couldn’t die enough times to satisfy me! And my brother who did not even know him except by phone, put more trust in that scumbag than his own father or me, to roll out the medical murder.  Saying exactly what this video said people would do, “Dad is no use to us anymore.  He needs to die.”  And I could not save my father from my brother.  I could not stop what he rolled out, having help obviously from my father’s obvious-CIA man brother, a millionaire,  who stole my SSN when he purchased a second luxury car, a Mercedes Benz, to evade taxes and tariffs!  


I guarantee it is reliable; since YouTube popped up a “comment removed” just as I was copying the link - to prevent me from sharing it.  


MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR A,B,C’s when making decisions!  ABC for medics is to check airway, breathing, circulation.  Come up with your own letters that work for you to make sound decisions.  


I had a younger brother who made up a poem to remind himself not to pee on the toilet and when we heard him say it - it turned into a humorous event rather than “he peed on the toilet again!”  

Who you love determines how you love…

He turned into a ruthless brother who cared nothing about his father like a throw-away to take advantage of and ALSO to me, since my store was quit claimed to him to build equity and get a higher business loan from the bank.  He promised to give my father the money from sale of the property and he did nothing but pocket it, get a new vehicle and have a third child.  I did not even know the names of his kids and for a few years, lived right down the street from him, about 1/2 mile. And he had nothing to do with me and was



 I didn’t die when they wanted to murder me after telling a stalking sex trafficker to leave me alone, he was a pig.  That brother had for his best man a guy who talked about him like he was an idiot behind his back.  I even told him that when he said who was his best man.  So what happens?  He apparently tells that guy and I get socially ganged up on; they get my mother to steal my winter job as housekeeper and   cook at the 14 room rectory in the small town. They get my father to feel responsible for my purchasing the store, when in fact, when I found out the lawyer lied to me about what I was getting, that it was not $33,000 (lawsuit was for $750,000 but they twisted it from not being my fault to a new NO FAULT LAW**; AND HE LIED LIKE HELL EVER SINCE! I was going through so much trauma; and no other attorney would take my case because he had organized crime power; so I settled out of court)  but I only got $21,000 and I told the real estate agent that I did not want to purchase it.  That agent said he would sue me if I did not!  And I thought, omg, I just cut loose of a crooked attorney. That is the last thing I cared about - more attorney crime.



Lift up the seat, shut the door, flush the toilet, and pee no more




Dr.  Richard Day ORDERED medical staff in 1969 - reflecting Illuminati/New World Order Agenda/NAZI PLAN/SATANISM - revised by Secret Societies.


The New Order of Barbarians; 4:14 hrs.  Reminiscence by Dr. Lawrence Dunnegan by Insider of “the order” - name given in Tape 3.  


Moderator:  Randy Engle, National Director of Coalition For Life (1989)


CONCLUSION: There is a conspiracy of sorts which influences/controls historical events in USA as well as the world.  Based on people making observations on the outside, gathering evidence, and coming to the conclusion that in the outside they see a conspiracy.  Evidence based on expertise.


1969 - speaker did not speak in retrospect, but rather predicting changes that would be brought about in the future.  He was part of the insiders, admitting that indeed there was an organized power - a group of men - who wielded enough influence to determine major events involving countries around the world.


He predicted, even expanded on changes that were planned for the remainder of this century.  


For 20 years, many of these plans have been accomplished.  


“Decade of the 60’s”, “Decade of the 70’s”, “Decade of the 80’s”….terminology comes from the SAME SOURCE. The consistency of terminology arose in the late 50’s, which one can draw a conclusion this is when these plans took shape.


Purpose of Dr. Richard Day/speaker from 1969: To inform changes to be rolled out in the next 30 years or so.  MOTIVE: entirely NEW WORLDWIDE SYSTEM to be implemented before the turn of the century (2000) “We plan to enter the turn of the century with a running start”


Some of you will think I’m talking about communism.  What I’m talking about is much bigger than communism….There is much more corroboration between East and West than most people realize.”


The Secret Society he belonged to allowed him to speak at that time, no earlier.  “Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.”  “Most people don’t understand how governments operate.”


“People in high positions in government don’t really understand how decisions are made.”


“The people who influence government decisions are well-known”  yet names not given on this recording.  These people were not in government office yet in private occupations.


 (Later coined as the SHADOW GOVERNMENT. We also have the DEEP STATE, which are the operatives placed in government}


The Speaker in 1969 was a doctor of medicine, at an Eastern University - speaking to a group of approximately 80 doctors.  Purpose was to make it easier for the doctors to adapt to these changes, which essentially would be difficult for people to accept.  We hope that we, as friends, would make that adaptation more easily.  He insisted nobody to have a tape recorder and nobody take notes.  It was presumed he could have negative repercussions if it was widely known about what he would be discussing.  Impressions:  he was on an ego trip.  (song:  Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…)


Time on video:  9:35 min

The speaker suggested personal danger to himself for sharing these outrageous ideas.  Subsequent weeks, months and years - Dr. Dunnegan has recalled this strange meeting.  


Concept of Change.  People have to get used to the idea of changes - so much that they will expect change.  Nothing will be permanent.  People will be brought up to not knowing anything else, that change is imminent.  

People are too trusting, too dumb…They don’t ask the right questions.  (Which in effect was a tool for the order to get away with all this!)  Yet those doctor expressing a sense of regret that he was a part of this operation, thought he was in too deep.


Everything has two purposes


Austensible. By making it acceptible to people


Real.  Further the goals of this establishment


Frequently he would emphasize:  There’s no other way.  There’s just no other way.  


10:45 min

This speaker, Dr. Day, was very active with population control groups.  Population control was the entry point into the specifics of this doctor’s introduction.  He said the population was growing too fast.  “We will run out of space to live.”


Could it be that all concepts of SPACE PROGRAMS is really a secret society to roll out genocidal agendas - and frequently kill medical patients AND MORE?


“We will outgrow our food supply.”


Yet they are decreasing our food supply.  There is a psychopathic “high” they get from controlling, deceiving, and killing people - all reflective of SATANISM.  Hitler was Jewish - yet consider his satanic methods and tactics!


“We will overpollute the world with our waste”


Recently a country actually sent balloons filled with waste to another country.  I think North Korea to South Korea…Search LIMITS TO THE GROVE - published by MIT in 1984.


People should not be allowed to have babies just because they want to.  Most families will be limited to 2.  Some will only be allowed to have 1.  The ones they consider to be outstanding will be allowed to have 3.  


10:57 min

It is calculated to achieve ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, they are averaging 2.1 children per family.  Every 10th family allowed a third baby.  




Sex must be separated from reproduction.  


Chemicals in the food and water supply systems to reduce the sex drive are not practical.  


Yet obviously considered!  


It is the intent of this order to increase sex activity in such a way that people won’t be having babies.  


Use of contraception strongly encouraged.  Universally available. Would be displayed prominently in drug stores - with cigarettes and chewing gum.  Heavily advertised.  Dispensed in schools.  Intent: to get kids interested in sex early on in age.  School-based clinics set up.


Marriage was diminished in importance.  Abortion will be accepted; paid by tax money.  


11:15 min

Parents who consider abortion is wrong on moral or religious grounds will change their mind when their own offspring get pregnant.  This will help overcome opposition to abortion.  


Homosexuality will be encouraged.  People will be given permission to be homosexuals.  They won’t have to hide it.  People will be encouraged to have active sex lives into their older age - as long as they can.  Everyone will be given permission to have sex.  Anything goes!  


Emphasis on the concept of permission was resented by Dr. Dunnegan.  


Clothing styles would be made more stimulating and provacative.  Mini skirts - more exposure to the skin.  Movement, cuts of clothing, kind of fabric, positioning of accessories

  Concept of “If a woman has an attractive body, why should she not show it?”



Blue jeans made more tight fitting.  Wrinkles made to certain anatominc areas.  Women go bra-less - then bras made more thin to reveal the nipple.  


Sex with no reproduction.  Babies made in laboratories.  


Families limited in size.  


Divorce is encouraged.


Permiscuity and living together is encouraged.  


More women will work outside the home.  Offered jobs requiring transfers - splitting up families - destabilizing families.  People become less willing to have babies.  Extended families smaller and more remote from roots.  Travel would be easier and less expensive.


Euthenasia.  People will only be given right to live so long.  When they are labled no longer useful, they become a burden and should be forced to accept death.  

That is just what one of my three brothers did, lying to me about the doctor ordering my father to go to hospice and take away all his meds (which I found out later was literally illegal to do, a medical murder; and the doctor did not order him to go hospice and his lungs were not bleeding as my brother lied about! Yet he was never imprisoned for conspiring with the paedophile priest and killing his own father!  I suspected what he was doing was criminal yet it was too late.  Nobody would talk to me because they had no legal obligation to.  I called police and tey laughed at me even though my father had even served as a volunteer with the sheriff department in that area!  And I called a former co-volunteer and told him my brother was trying to kill him and tht former volunteer just used a lot of hopium and told me not to worry as if it was just another day.  I found out later he formed a church and most likely got a lot of money from Bushes to keep him quiet!  I made the mistake of writing to the Bush Administration about this - even to Colin Powell yet he did not get the letter until after my father was killed.  No doubt GW Bush, who loved to kill people like his father did, kept Colin Powell from getting the letter.  The President appoints the Deputy Secretary of State and Deputies to other offices in the cabinet.  This is beyond Checks and Balances - it is a nefarious means to use the ones he appoints as puppets on a string - and Colin Powell was backed into a corner after September 11 because he knew GW Bush et al did this mass murder and he was sure to be murdered if he made the “wrong move”.  


Arbitrary age limit could be estabilished.  After all, you only have a right to so many steak dinners, so many orgasms, and so many good pleasures in life.  


25:59 min

After you’ve had “enough” of them and are no longer working, you should be ready to step aside for the next generation.


Use of pale printed ink on forms for people to fill out - causing difficulty to read and thus needing younger people to help them fill out.  


Auto traffic: more high speed traffic lanes.  Traffic patterns which older people could not deal with - losing some independence.  


Medical Care would be connected with one’s work.  Very, very high in cost.  Simply be unavailable to people and many would have to forego medical care.  Farewell parties would be taking place and parents would be killed by “medicine”.  


Medicine Practice would be more tightly controlled. 


National Health Insurance will always be a deliberate suppression by Congress using fake agendas.  


28:15 min

All heathcare would be tightly controlled.  If you don’t work or cannot work, you won’t have access to medical care.  Access ot affordable medical care would be non-existent.  Costs would also be forced up.  People won’t be able to afford to live without insurance.  You pay only if you are entitled to it.  You are gratefully

Accepting MEDICAID on bended-knee as they decide who to help and who not to help - no regard to regulations, of course!  


Everyone is made dependant on insurance.  If you don’t have insurance, then you pay directly for enormous costs.  Insurance costs all rigged, to the point of fraud.  


Security in and around hospitals would be tightened.  ID badges would be required.  Those in need for ID’s would expand to businesses.  


Hospitals would be used to confine people. “Psycho-prison”  those accused of crimes -- are basically kidnapped.  


Doctors would no longer be perceived as service providers but highly skilled  technicians.  Jobs would include medical murder, aka “executions”


22:39 min

Doctors and lawyers would be entirely redesigned as mediocre and being obedient to the system.  Solo practitioners will become a thing of the past.  Employment will be by institutions, group practicies.  Their influence will be diminished.  


Health & Disease.  New diseases added to the codes, some not treatable.  


AIDS was a manufactured disease.  


Cancer:  “We can kill almost every cancer right now”.  Info is on file with the Rockefeller Institute.  Problem:  If people stopped dying of cancer, we would become overpopulated.  Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort for dying.  Rockefeller Institute suppresses the information.

Note, they also kill patients by telling them they have cancer and they do not.  The treatment is so poisonous that if one does not have cancer and are treated, they will get cancer!  


Heart Attacks.  “There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack.  Can be used as a means of assassination, aka murder.  Only a very skilled pathologist could distinguish it from the real thing in an autopsy.  


36:49 min

Dr. Richard Day was out of character when talking about these two things.  He was Someone who was known for saving cancer patients’ lives.  

People who now live right, exercise right, have no better chance o live longer than others now.  Yet emphasis on stupid people having no right to live.  They would ignore advice.  


Hazardous Nutrition Agenda mentioned.  


Running/Sports equipment mentioned.  


Eating at home becomes less important. Convenient foods perferred.  These are considered people too lazy and deserve to die soon.  


Onset of Puberty pushed.  Pushing Evolution faster.  Religion is not necessarily bad.  Humans need rituals.  The church orqanizations must be changed.  Once the Catholic Church is brought down, the rest will follow easily.  New Religion for the World.  It will incorporate the old ones and make it more easy for people to accept it.  Most people won’t be too concerned with religion anyway.  They will realize they don’t need it.  The Bible will be re-written.  


43 min


Key words will be replaced with other words and give it new meaning.  As time goes on, other shades of those words will be use and as time goes on - that word will be replaced with another word.


They do this with the Law.  Barack Obama is and was notorious for corrupting the law, and regulations of agencies.  See “Quit Trashing Obama” in my Table Of Contents of my blogs.  


Most people won’t notice difference and the few who do, won’t matter.  They will have no voice.  Churches will actually help roll this out!  Contradicting “Thou are Peter, the Rock.  Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”


Some people in churches have helped with these diabolical changes.  Emphasis - stand against it.  The gates of hell will not prevail against it.  


Education.  Classics and Literature will be changed.  Ie, Mark Twain’s writings.  Suttle and unnoticeable by the majority - in order to get them more acceptable to the new system.  Deception:  Your kids will learn more.  Learning will be accellerated.  Evolution teaching will soon be accepted as norm.  


46:38 min





 46:38 min


School will be prolonged.  Extend in the summer.  Completing education will take much longer.  Good schools will become more competitive.  Harder to change to another field of study without approval.  People/computers mentioned. School authorities will have more power to socially engineer. Accellerated programs:  Students will burn out.  The unfit will not make it.  Psyche services will take over



 Adults will attend school and many can’t keep up.  Have to step aside.  Some books will disappear from libraries.  Not everyone will be allowed to own books.  


Blue Laws will be repealed.  Gambling Laws will be “relaxed”.  Increase in gambling.  Governments will get into gambling.  Ie, State Lotteries.  


Bankruptcy laws would be changed.  Antitrust laws would be changed.  Competition would be increased.  But this would be controlled circumstances.  Nobody “outside the club” can compete.  Not a free competition.  Drugs and alcohol will be increased.  Provide fake War On Drugs.  (Law Of The Jungle: Only the Fit Survive)


Abuse of drugs will weed out the unfit.  Drugs kept in public consciousness.  Unwarranted concept of America’s a safe place and a nice place.  Alcohol abuse would be promoted and demoted at the the same time.  (Cause the problem; be the hero!)  Another means to weed out the vulnerable and weak, as this doctor claimed.  Increase in drunk driving.  Strict rules about driving will be established.  More people will lost privilege to drive.  Overall restrictions on travel.  Travel pegged as a privilege to get people to believe those who travel are worthy of respect.


Psyche counseling provided - again, to be the problem/hero.  




Tape 2


@ThriftBooks sell the book also.

 I deleted this tweet


Here is a reliable source:


Tape 2 of New World Order of Barbarians 

Dr Dunnegan Speaking.  Moderator Randy Engle

Note!  Dr. Dunnegan was only 70 when he died.  Dr. Day died this same year that this video was made, 1989.

57:37 min

Streets would be re-routed, to change surroundings.  Buildings would be vacant.

My father got a real estate offer that was a great deal - for his retirement home and sold the house in the country and moved to a village.  A sex stalker was bothering me in that location.  I told him to leave me alone, he was a pig when he called me on the phone at my parent's home in the village.  My father said, "Good for you".  I was later almost murdered by that town's sander truck on a sunny day, yet he filled the truck with sand and worked overtime to slam into me.  He also had a spotter.  That spotter had to have been there to tell him when I was coming over the hill on the highway, so he could get in my lane, going opposite direction to kill me.  That occurred in less than 2 months after we moved there.  Also, our home in the country was burned to the ground - numerous social changes took place also.  One guy I knew at college, who had a fiance, would visit me and kiss me as he left the hospital, which was weird but I was in no shapte to question anything.  I was in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks and in an isolated room for a month due to my head injury, healing from broken ribs, crushed leg on one side and the other had severe inuries including pieces of the car in that leg which were taken out - which should have been saved for evidence, yet my mother just kept saying she didn't want to remember anything, expecting me to die.  My father held a different opinion.  

I consider this experience as aligned with their NWO and you should record your own events for your own selves to sort out.  

Streets will be allowed to deteriorate with the Law of the Jungle ideology - the unfit will have a depressed atmosphere. 

Apparently these corrupted morons still consider me unfit - because they vandalized my bed so I've had to sleep on the floor since January 2023 - for over a year so far - and remotely turned off my clothes washing machine that same month!  They have done more harm as well, including causing my windows to rot in this young apartment building, built a few years before I moved here, January 2013.  I actually applied for the Section 8 Housing Voucher in 2008 while they were still building it and they were required to publically notify that they were taking applications.  My application was set aside so they could try to kill me, illegally evict me as well.  I was in a coma for three days in an out of state hospital.   The assistant manager was Ukrainian and she's back now like a bad nickel, as co-owner of SOM Living, so they say.  She signs their letters.  This company, South Oxford Management Living alludes to being funded by wealthy British.  There is an Oxford, CT.  That is all I know because this state claims registries of businesses are none of the public's business!  Of course, most likely if they get a bribe they would provide info.  

Buildings and Bridges would be made to collapse.  Sort of like Planned obsolesence by technocrats on phones, computers, machinery - even cars (as explained by Scotty Kilmer)

Accidents will be deliberately incited.  Airplanes, autos, all traffic - to contribute to the feeling of insecurity.  They want the public to believe that NOTHING IS SAFE.  

58:51 min

Dr. Dunnegan mentions bridges broke, shopping malls collapsed recently.  Construction foremen are trained to defend vibrating buildings - as stronger, not weaker.  

The building I live in now has vibrations - another reason why sleeping on the concrete floor is so horrible.  Everything here is made here:  electricity, water purification, and others.  

Well maintained areas will exist for privileged.  No related sympathy for slums created by these psychopaths.  Control over crime-ridden areas. They incited it!  

John Burks Society:  Support Your Local Police - helps the NWO

Incite Crime - then be crime fighters.  Cause the problem - be the hero!  

Independence and self-sufficiency will be curtailed.  Destroy old system.  Create a new one.  


Japanese products will be superior to USA.  This strategy was deliberate.  Window handles, plastic parts, will be used in USA.  Germany and Japan had superior quality.  

Medical devices will be defective in USA.  Surgeon tools will frequently fail during surgery.  

Info, communication, high tech, Agriculture.  Heavy industry imported out which polluted foreign environments.  There will be population shifts.  

Feel free to view - they provide very useful data which covers at least 50 years from today.  

The US Gov just relays false information as often as they can get away with it!  

Movement to the Sunbelt.  Transplanted people - breaking up families.  

Controlled Medical Care.

We take control first of port cities:  NY, San Francisco, Detroit....

The Heartland will maintain conservatism. 

Some heavy industry would remain.  Sort of a contingency plan.  

Global interdependence.  We will all become citizens of the world.  

Sports.  Soccer will be pushed in USA, as example of change.  

1:11:48 min 

Tradition of baseball may be eliminated, because it is "too American" 

I wonder what force may have caused my brother to throw the bat and hit me in the mouth/face.  We were playing baseball.  It may have been a fluke but i was harmed a lot by siblings.  One brother was obviously setting those things up - placing a pitch fork in tall grass so I would step on it and it not only punctured my foot but also hit me in the head - putting needles in the rug so I would step on them in my bare feet, and so on.  My foot had to be operated on to get a needle out.  

Maybe nutrition had something to do with it.  Social engineering, also - coaxing by others secretly...One brother was like putty to his handler, who he made hsi best friend and who talked shit about my brother behind his back and as long as my brother remained obedient, he considered him useful and maintained a useful relationship.  I had no place in his life because I am a believer in a person thinking for theirself.  His wife did not like that.  She had control.  She considered me unfit and only wanted me to fail, promoting that.  Yet siblings did as well.  I'd forgive and forget, yet they drew the line by abandoning their own father who was only guilty of making family his life.  


As salaries in sports got ridiculously high, the sports system would break down.  Fans would support soccer, baseball fields used.  

Football was harder to tear down.  "People have innate need for violence"  Therefore, football and hockey remained.  

Gun ownership was to be controlled.  

Athletics activities will be p1ushed for girls, to replace dolls.  Girls get into more masculine pursuits (yet bare in mind, they encourage sexual activity) 

Movies are geared to sex, language with normally-unpermitted terms, etc.  Violence.  Anything goes.  "To bring sex out in the open."

People are to be desentized to death, severely injured.  People are to be trained with "I don't want that to happen to me." 

Plan:  numerous casualties events = FALSE FLAG EVENTS.  ie, Movie of the Lone Ranger.  Even then, the violent rollout was being implemented.  

1969 - rock music would mesh with depravity.  

1:21:08 min

This music identified young generation and divided kids from their parents.  They would get addicted to the "junk" - subliminal messages - mind control.  

Younger generation would be made the stars in society. 

Privileges to elderly:  free transportation, discounts, and more.  They would tell the elderly they deserve it because they survived WW2, etc.  

Ages 80's - 90's - this group was expected to be gone.  Time to rollout restricted travel.  Need for ID's.  Implanted devices will be used to identify people.  Silicone was considered a useful product for this.  Information would be retrievable by bionic means.  

Food.  Food supply would be controlled - excuse would be OVERPOPULATION.  Growing one's own food intended to be outlawed - making up "unsafe" reasons.  They planned to label food growers as criminals.  (austensible purpose)

Weather.  Controlling the weather 100% was the goal. It is considered a useful weapon of war.  Use of excess to destroy crops, and more.  

Politics.  Role-play, manipulation.  Feeding the greed.  Use of contradictions so they can deceive the public.  Control of data would make them successful with this.  In other words, they would freely fraud records at will.  


People will do what you want them to do.  "Sheeple" concept.  People don't ask the right questions and are too trusting.  This med doctor excuses need to falsify records! 

Use of the United Nations to roll out this NWO plan.  They will use other ways as well.  

Ann Dunham went to the UN to get pregnant by MALCOLM X.  She was late enrolling at the Hawaii University.  Her father was a CIA agent.  She was Barack Obama's mother.  

I am 100% convinced that Malcolm X is Obama's real father and he lies like hell to us because his loyalty to organized crime takes precendence!  Malcolm X was probably murdered by a CIA operation.  CIA are terrorists, traitors to USA and only fulfill the desires of the global organized crime, which began developing aggressively after JP Morgan and Bruce Ismay sank the Titanic.  High profits resulted from other sinkings too, such as the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence River USA/Canada.  Over 1,000 passengers lost their lives and the captain (Kendall) caused that one and he probably became a millionaire from enriching himself!  


The underworld wanted the public to get used to relinquishing national sovreignty.  War is obsolete.  No longer useful.  Nuclear bombs could result in unintended nuke disaster.  

Note:  This ideology is reflecting on the extreme narcissism of USA wanting to controll all countries.  Now, the USA has to face its own music of years ot terrorizing other countries as well as citizens in USA.  Firstly, the CIA needs to be dismantled and people involved with CIA should be arrested.  They knew they were committing crimes.  Christine Ford is a CIA operative and the lies about Kavanaugh were just to deceive the public as REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY - to get the public to defend Kavanaugh on false information - as a distraction of the fact he is a career criminal and rewarded with more power because he is a career criminal.  

Preservation of History will be packaged by politicians to further control the public.  

Nuke weapons will be tightly controlled.  


The USA gave nuke weapons to the Soviets.  (create problem - be hero? ) 

National sovreignty vs Nuclear War.  People give up privileges to avoid war.  

Need to use nuke weapons - to convince people they mean business.  The whole thing would be rehearsed.  Fake negotiation with hostile country to get people to believe peace was better than war.  

Sort of a NAZI spillover.  Constant deception!  And even this speaker had double meanings since he was part of that system!  

Flip-flopping on war.  Display great courage. Die as heroes.  Decrease population/population control.  

"War is obsolete due to nuke weapons" 

Terrorism will be used widely.  USA included.  If the US fails to accept their system by 2000, they will devise a violent means of "scolding" (SEPTEMBER 11!) 

Money and Banking - frauding records.  


Excchange of money encouraged electronically.  Purchases to be made electronically.  Single banking system.  

Computer Records to be kept up/as means of spying too!  

Look up story of Robert T. Morris. The History Guy channel relayed the particulars pretty well yet left out names - obviously because the wicked rule USA and his channel would suffer consequences.  Morris was never even indicted even though he distributed the Morris Worm through the MIT computer lab Dec 1988 - destroying tens of thousands of computers yet protecting Apples!  Morris is really Mark Zuckerberg!  A guy with bright red hair - claiming to be Jew - because we are all stupid and trusting!  He graduated as a phD in computer science at Cornell University.  I sent Cornell emails askem them why they allow him to remain at large!  (Answer:  Money, I'm sure!)  People won't be able to save money!  


Pattern of saving may result in pay cuts if that person is frugal.  

Borrowing is encouraged.  Destroying credit is encouraged. 

Use of credit cards rollout.  Single card --> skin implant "mark of the beast" / predicted programming from Revelations in the Bible 

Implants with radio signals - used in dental fillings which makes patients transmittable.  TV's would have a device to monitor people as a spy device.  

I had no idea that they did this!  Can you just imagine?  This dynamic develops a very psychopathic-ruled society!  

Cable TV had a stronger ability to monitor people.  

1:47:28 min 

Dependancy on TV and rolling out internet

Telephone wire would also be used to spy on people. 

Privately owned housing will be greatly diminished.  Vacant unsold houses will exist.  Yet the real estate market would manipulate this.  

People would be assigned where they live.  Housing Authority will claim no room for people who do not go along with the system (manipulative changes) and they will be "disposed of  humanely" aka death - murdered - soft kills! People will just disappear!  

ie:  Paradise, CA.  Donald Trump had live people burned to ashes!  He purchased the laser weapons 5 months before he torched Paradis!  Jake Morphonios reported it, showed the purchase and receiving documents on his Blackstone Intelligence channel, yet when I asked him why it was not mentioned when Paradise, cA was torched by lasers - he clammed up and took that video down!  He should have turned it over to authorities!  He's a mormon!  Mormon Church supports polygamy, which leads to child trafficking children with no social security numbers - and the US Gov/Supreme Court excuses this child molestation as acceptable behavior because it feeds the economy! 

Friday evening - Monday .  That is how quickly this NWO rollout would take place.  

Autos will be made the same.  Auto companies will be diminished to essentially one company.  

one-one-one!  How many times do you hear and see that emphasized?  The Big O!  

Be sure you keep your faith, keep your center, stand up to wrong things.  

#End 1:56:14    TAPE 3 IS NEXT....

NWO Notes Tape 3


NWO Notes Tape 3

New World Order of Barbarians

1 hr 56:25min 


Population Control discussed 

1959-1964 - Dr. Day left Univ of Pitts and went to ____

He was one of Dr. Dunnegan's professors

Dr. Day had much knowledge on what the Secret Societies  had planned. 

Mentioned a Restaurant, called the LaMont.  Not sure why.  

Emphasis on Pediatricians 

Cancer Tumors - Dr. Day mentioned this

Sitting at the Rockefeller Institute

Falsification of scientific data  which literally killed patients 

Dr. Dunnegan emphasizes urgency as he discusses these issues


He mentioned how Dr. Day's audience of 80 doctors were essentially speechless.  Yet he had admitted Dr. Day was one of his teachers.  

Prominence emphasized.  "Good guy" image of Dr. Day. 

Use of repetition by Dr. Day?  Not sure because this woman on Liberty Radio did not listen to Dr. Day.  Could it be that someone taped it and she listened to it?  Education was discussed.  Concept of sodomy, other depravity in sexual activity.  

I had a relative who was molested over a period of time.  As an adult, she began counseling and the counseler told her that it made her grow up faster!  The trauma was not an issue!  That relative even stayed at her offender's home when he was married.  That relative got pregnant.  And because "he owed her"  she sued him for an auto accident which was described as not his fault.  She did that only after her son was born premature.  When she had her second child, that child was premature also, yet not as much.  Her son was hospitalized 6 months or more.  

This is actually heart-wrenching to even wrap my head around or discuss.  But I emphasize, I was forced an abortion without my permission after being a victim of date rape.  So what they did was play far right - far left ....and they both are meeting in the circle because they bend the circle the same way.  And I only got $21,000 from almost being murdered.  Jackpot.  Understand the opportunity for word-play....I share this so you may identify the evil that lurks in your own lives.  The community I live in is particularly depraved.  Follow their yellow brick road and they leave you alone.  But stand up for justice and you are squished.  

CHILDREN.  K-12 shaping - sexual orientation which Dr. Day says superfluously as EXPECTED.  Instill values that are depraved.  And the undercurrent of just killing people who are not useful to them is emphasized throughout.  "People are stupid"  Diseases are created to mass murder.   An easy way to get rid of stupid people.  

2:10:10 min 

"If you are dumb enough to fool" they are considered unfit.  ANYTHING GOES, as emphasis.  Adoptation of homosexual lifestyles encouraged.  Homophobes are labled if they are against homosexuality.  Emphasis on CHANGE agenda.  She went to a church mass ceremony which had dancing girls on the alter.  Traditional mass has been compromised.  Many people feel anxious when they attend church, which fails to represent their belief systems, customs, rituals.  

"We take the place of God" says this underworld.  

Usurpation of this underworld.  "God resides in the brain"  Potential NEW AGE agenda thrown out there.  A couple of entitities were resistant:  family units in general; 



    Diminish the family unit; support system; enhancing the power of the government

Religion - will have a little bit of all traditional religions.  Everyone will be expected to take part.  Group of Controllers is in part the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.  

The church is their obstacle; yet can be made their conspirator with their manipulating in society.  

Control People - control the language.  Give words different meanings, for instance.  

The priest is the presider, yet has a much weaker roll in the church.  

The GAY movement - using GAY to represent homosexuality.  To get people to accept their behavior.  

Sadophobia, Paedophobia, Homophobia - all words created to infiltrate society to condition people to accept depraved sexual behavior.  


2;26:08 min 

Wow, I have to sit here for two hours and type notes to get this finished....ugh...A half hour to go on this tape, I presume.  Then I will take a break and finish the Tape 4.  

TV and Radio are tools for social engineering.  People do not  recognize their right to turn off unpleasant programming.  They seem to think they have to watch it, oftentimes.

This interview takes place in 1991; I presume when Operation Desert Shield turned Desert Storm.  The military INVADED Kuwait - Persian Gulf.  

One of the books on Dr. Day:  Birth Control without Death Control.  Killing of the Aged.  Abortion is thought to be the inevitable way to reduce population.  Aging populations.  Children cannot be expected to have sensitivity.   Death camps will be just a day at the park as images introduced to children.  "the demise pill" will be accepted.  

Done with dignity and humanely, as the LAME EXCUSE!  It is murder!  

Dr Dunnegan shares a pornographic movie experience.  "If you have porn with dignity, it is okay"  concept.  

Heavy industry mentioned.  How could one individual have that much input on society?, this moderator expresses.  How could this individual can talk with such authority on what the future holds?  

Dr. Dunnegan refers to the "ripple effect" as influencing society.  

2:35:53 min 

"Position makes him privy to certain knowledge." 

Aspect of privacy discussed.  Sharing apartments.  Border states.  This recording is interfered with.  Probably cyber crime.  Young people vs Adults concept.  Older generation vs New Generation....I have to stop a second.  I smell burning.  It is coming from outside though.  These fires are 100% ARSEN!  Why is no one talking about this? 

CONFLICTS IN FAMILY ARE INCITED.  What happens if the family is strenghtened to withstand this social engineering?  

Reference to "everything coming together" for this NWO rollout.  You wake up and the changes are there.  A sort of GROUNDHOG DAY MOVIE, which starred Bill Murray.  This movie actually snubs the NWO changing if you think about how the movie affects you.  Touche, Bill Murray, et al!  

People who do not go along with this "new order"  - need to publically acknowledge that you accept this....Allegiance....such as what the "born againer" movement indoctrinates....


2:44:40 min  

Control over what you spend at the food market, etc.  Comparison to the Chinese way of life, which is really not applicable today at all.  

POPULATION CONTROL PROGRAMS.  Compulsory Chinese Program for population control.  People who did not go along would not get educated, be ostracized from society.  Mention their babies taken from their home.   

Children have been taken from homes as COMMON ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE by the MORMON CHURCH, SUPPORTING WARREN JEFFS!  AND Mitt Romney supported polygamy - no doubt to feed the economy with child sex trafficking!  

Discussion on CHINESE COMMUNISM.  Again, this discussion is not applicable today and frankly I did not consider it right to discuss ever since China is the largest country in the world, with 2billion+ people and their need for a government is much more complex than what USA needs.  And USA is so into themselves as a norm.  Narcissism is a preferred behavior.  


Respect of the older people is suppressed.  Instead, they are relayed by "society" as close to death.  

REPRODUCTION WITHOUT SEX is discussed.  Again, this is another example of the deliberate chaos and demoralization of society.  They do not care about not making sense - any more than Obama sabatoged Iran with the Iran Deal and never stood up to his longtime buddy Donald Trump, who only switched from being democrat to republican to run for President.  He is a freaking liar, cheat, and so much more!  

BRAVE NEW WORLD  book is mentioned.  The brain is actually deprived of oxygen to further control people.  Note, cerebral palsy patients are ones who were deprived of oxygen when they were born.  

It may be that Dr. Day wrote that book.  

"I will write my law on men's hearts"  - Bible verse mentioned.  Emphasis of morality should not be compromised.  

Discussion that people should ask more questions.  Yet it was not discussed to any depth, such as consequences in asking questions.  People's careers can even be ruined; they have to take a different path.  Some adjust quite well from this reality and do not regret questioning.

CASHLESS SOCIETY brought up.  Control over trade.    

Use of implants in people.  

They now discuss THE GULF WAR.  3:05:00 min....use of technology...against so-called enemy...she is spot on referring to them as so-called enemy.  Colin Powell and General Schwarzkopf were against this "war" which was really like a Taliban - hired muscle - dynamic!  

Concept of SAVAGES.  People will have perfect teeth, she says.  Consequence of people who want to get away is discussed.  


PROGNOSIS:  The technology is already here.  It is inevitable.  Total control over people is considered.  Need for internal dissention to arise. DESTRUCTION is what we face.  Is HUMAN NATURE too strong to be taken over?  

In my own personal struggles, without support of siblings; another way of attacking me was for my sister, who I was maid of honor in her wedding, to constantly tell me I am demon possessed, refused to spend any time with me when I had a pretty decent apartment, and even refuse to be a witness at a dept of labor hearing claiming her reason to be "I wasn't there" so I did not get my unemployment!  I was penniless and this made more more anxious to get a job because I had no apartment, I still had bills and she was living in her own la-la land considering that it was all God telling me that I had to repent.  From what?  From the abuse she constantly used?  The "I love you but I hate you" routine was awful!  20 years later, I became part of a class action lawsuit against the US Customs Brokerage Company owned by the famous publishing company, Barnes and Noble.  I was reimbursed as little as possible, using fraudulent records which Barack Obama rigged!  They did the same thing with social security.  Here I have been partially disabled my whole life and this dirtbag attorney refused to apply for social security disability for me when my father suggested it to him.  My father's discussing anything with that criminal attorney only resulted in consequences for my father and I told him to not worry about it.  None of this was his fault and they are very evil people.  At one point I did write a letter to that attorney regretting I settled so soon.  I think it was out of desperateness, to have some sort of peace with that damn attorney, et al/, who enjoyed after that to even more aggressively disrupt my life even using my siblings when they could - AND pulling the ultimate medical malpractice - claiming I had epilepsy!  I said, "I never had a seizure" and they neruologist said, "You don't know when you have a seizure"  with an 'ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS' concept.  I had my drivers license pulled buy the sheriff when after 3 years of torture being on 120 mg of phenobarbital a day - I went off it.  I saw a doctor in Kingston, Ont to get a second opinion without telling him I want off it cold turkey three weeks before that.  He said I had no seizures and I was under control.  I then told him what I did.  He then changed his tune and inferred that I should not have done that even though I emphasized I felt so much better and my green eyes were no longer gray and creepy looking, which my sister claimed was reflecting my demon possession - she is 9 years older than I am and had a child-like behavior she never wanted to grown out of because that is what her church wanted her to be like!  She was a good sister until she got married and ostracized her whole family and refused to live in the trailer which my father bought for her and spent thousands of dollars to install on his property to keep her safe!  Instead she wanted to live on a stinky farm in a house that was dilapidated which gave the farmers opportunity to have it renovated for $0 since my father would not going to just stop caring for her.  All to hear her constantly criticize him for anything - as if it was a high for her to get out her hate of her first husband  who left her, abandoned her and her 2 yr old son.  Whatever.  She wanted to make her second husband her god and nobody could hold a candle to him.  I was told I could not visit her.  Just completely cut off beceause we could no longer have fun as sisters.  She should have stood up to him but wouldn't.  And her son, who had allergy problems would get so sick from living in that manure trap.  And my mother was not ever asked to babysit when my mother took care of him  while she was at work as a bookkeeper.  Thousands of dollars my father spent on her - and she would not even do anything when he was in a life and death situation, defending a paedophile priest she did not even know because she never wanted me to even achieve in helping our father.  

Yes, this depravity goes deep people and unless you see it for what it is then you become part of their system - spoonfed rewards for being shitheads that go along with it rather than doing what is right!  

TAPE 4 is next but I am taking a break.  I am not sure if I will finish that one today.  It is 12:08 pm. EST and  it is very difficult to sit and type this in this very small apartment which  never gets any maintenance work because these filfthy rich bastards are too busy enjoying their $89 BILLION mortgage money on a $2.2 billion assessed building - and probably that includes paying for the weaponized geoengineering and fires and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and more!  

 POSTED 6/5/2024   12:11 PM EST  

The US Space Force is Fake! Created by Donald Trump AND Barack Obama as a SHADOW to the US Government! You don't see Biden taking it down yet Biden is way better than Trump,! 

NASA was founded by NAZI scientists! 100% DECEPTION! 

The USA has more agencies which fake what their real duties are! All rigged to help rich get richer, poor get poorer! 

These rigged agencies are involved with using weaponized Weather warfare 

They are messing with this Android right now, so I need to go on to something else.  It was very difficult just to get to the end of this blog post, to add more. They froze my screen so I couldn't scroll more. I just had to let them know I will continue to share and they frame themselves by being disruptive. 

6:06pm 6/12/2024 

I could not access the end of this blog post but whatever was disruptive, must have been caught! 



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